View Fishing Report

  • 05/04/2015 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    5 Apr 2015 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Spring is finally upon us despite the cold easterly wind persisting. Herring shoals are arriving along with Skate and Bass. The Codling are starting to thin out as they move offshore. Once the weather settles the fishing should improve with the shore crab peel.
    The fishing to date has been hit and miss, one day plenty to catch the next being quiet. This weekend we have found plenty of fish with Lee's group from Essex landing Skate to just under 9lb along with a mixed bag of doggies and Whiting.
    The recently introduced protection for Bass and Skate will hopefully improve fish stocks giving us good fishing throughout the summer so dust off the rod's and let's go fishing!
    Pic shows Lee's group from Essex with todays Skate

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