View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
Jun 2015 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
The latest comp out of Poole showed a wide range of species that can be caught and how much fun can be had from a day afloat. Bream have been prolific with many good fish being landed but all females being released, Smoothhounds have given a good account and provide great sport on light gear. Rays, Tope, Bullhuss are being caught in good numbers and once the illusive mackeral arrive in numbers these will further improve the catches. Cod and Pollack offshore have been very good and with the back end of this tide the fishing will get better than has been seen for a while.
I would like to thank all the anglers that have been aboard since my return to full time chartering as you have given me so much support I did not know until now what I was missing. THANK YOU. The enjoyment of meeting new people and sharing life experiences is enlightening and I hope to see you onboard soon. Back to the fishing Poole offers a variety of species in protected waters and some wonderful scenery on the odd day the fish go on holiday!!.View Boats Page