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  • 12/07/2015 Fishing Report by Nigel Lihou on Optimist (Brixham, Devon)

    12 Jul 2015 by Nigel Lihou

    Report on-board Optimist

    Sorry folks that I am a bit sporadic with updates on what Optimist has been up to this year but things have been a bit hectic on the home front. Anyhow here's a resume of what's been fishing: - several trips to the Skerries this year have produced some very nice fish with Plaice up to 3lb and the usual mix of Gurnards, Whiting and mackerel even the appearance of the odd Cod over the dips, there has been some very good fishing on the bank this year so far depending on what is being targeted. Half days have mainly been on the inshore wrecks with a large amount of Pouting and a handful of Pollack up to about 6lb and some very good sized Whiting but on the whole not as productive as the Skerries but certainly some good sport. Mackerel as yet have been few and although catches have been reported from the shore we have been struggling from the boat.
    Having already apologised for lack of reports I thought as we spent 3 days in Alderney last week I had better write an update. A good trip across to Alderney via the SW Casquets Bank where we had some good sized Turbot and Brill with some Tope reaching the surface only to snap the anglers trace as it was not strong enough the biggest Turbot of the day was sadly lost due to crossed lines and braid severing the trace. Day 2 filled up with bait fish just outside Braye harbour even a small Bass put in an appearance on feathers it was then of to the Banc de la Schole with some good Turbot and Brill and even managing to boat a small Tope there was also a mix of Gurnards and Mackerel, returning to a mark outside the harbour there was some very large Scad and Mackerel. Day 3 brought NW winds of force 4 - 5 some fishing was not good but tucked up in the SSE Casquets bank proved very unproductive with just a handful of Gurnards the sounder showed why as the bottom was very stirred up and the next day we found out a pair of French trawlers had been down the bank the night before cleaning it of Fish. Homeward bound was a bit of a rollercoaster but all safe and sound
    Trips are planned and spaces available for Skerries and Wrecks just call for details and as always we are available for charter for what you want to fish for at competitive rates.

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