View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by TERRY BATT
on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)
25 Aug 2015 by TERRY BATT
Report on-board Vanishing Point-2
Well we have been so busy over the last few weeks guys, I have had very little time to catch up with fishing reports.
But I will give you an overall summery of how the Thames Estuary has been fishing..!!
There has been plenty of good Smoothound action, with fish into the high end doubles, most of the professional boats from both the river Blackwater, and our friends in the river Crouch, have been hitting them with huge susses, and all are encouraged to put the vast majority back alive to fight another day, and this has been the case I am glad to report..!!
It the right places further off-shore you can still have big hits of Thornback Rays, and there are lots of big double figure females amongst them, and again we go there on the understanding that most of the fish are returned alive, and only take enough for a feed at the table, as we do not endorse the old ways of years gone by, of wholesale slaughter...!! them days I am glad to say are long gone, and I am pleased to report, that most anglers now all read from the same hymn book...! now we have a sustainable fishery, and we didn't need some erk in Brussels to tell us how to do it, we have managed it, with the co-operation of our sensible anglers by our-self's, and we have great fishing nearly all year round.
There are huge amounts of juvenile fish in the shallows, right on top of the sands, in 3 foot, we fish up there for Bass on the incoming big spring tides, but we get to see all the small Tope, Thornbacks, LSD, Smoothhounds
and whiting.... just about every species you could imagine, even a little Place, was caught the other day.. so all in the garden is coming up roses so to speak, and that my friends is largely due to the fact, love em or hate them ... the wind turbines affords these little fish huge amounts of protection, and stops them being swept out to sea on the big tides, they just hide up behind the wind turbines, out of the tide nice and safe..!!!
Well this wind is relentless, and with the rain pouring down, not a great summer, but it is heart warming as I am sitting here writing this report, on TV the "big Blue UK live", Huge, one of the presenters, has just said what I have have been banging on about!!!, years ago he said he is ashamed to say, that he is sad to say years ago he was responsible 40 years ago to have killed a Blue Shark, and now wants to help conserve our marine life, so once again education, and understanding has been victorious and this is a good thing, and with most things, with the exposure of television it gets out to the masses..!!
Ok guys we will see what the weather does tomorrow, and see weather the ropes come off and head out to sea, or weather the wind is going to blow again, driving the rain and washing yet another trip out..!!
until next time........ Tight lines..View Boats Page