View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
2 Sep 2015 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Inshore Fishing
The fishing along the beaches this last few days has been extraordinary in the amount of quality fish being caught, Trigger fish are the target species and they have shown in good numbers along with these we have landed Cod and Bass to 6lb, Rays to 13lb and plenty of Plaice, Bream, Gurnards all to good size along with the usual mini species. Many drops have seen good quality doubles but the highlight of these was Sam Burrows with a Cod on the top hook and a Sole of 2lb on the bottom hook caught in bright sunshine. All have been caught on very light gear which has tested the angler and gear and proved great fun.View Boats Page