View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Sam Cumming
on Silver Spray II (Poole, Dorset)
20 Aug 2015 by Sam Cumming
Report on-board Silver Spray II
The first time since the new rules were set in place earlier this year we have finally hit the 3 bass per angler limit, I was pleased to see all the guys keen to return any extra that hit the deck. Due to the amount of small scad we have been getting for bait bass catches have finally risen to a sensible level after a tricky start to the season. Also in strong numbers this month have been the tope. 2 hours sessions have been more than enough with upwards of 40 fish not uncommon. On a recent trip to Alderney Silver Spray’s new top angler Finley Palmer tackled a tope of 25lb caught on a live mackerel, a brilliant method to get the best fight possible as the tope really nail the livebait and take off on a 20 yard run to kick things off. And last but not least the wrecks are still keeping us entertained with plenty of cod and pollock on the lures and ling on the dead baits. Last week saw the arrival of the autumn bream mid channel, bringing some good fun over slack for those who don’t want to fish for the big stuff. Harvey Collier did just this but unfortunately it backfired when a 24lb cod took a fancy to his tiny bream rig in 260 feet of water. A bit of a surprise but a welcome one!
Sam Cumming
Silver Spray IIView Boats Page
Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 3 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 23/02/2025 4 Spaces £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 4 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Tue 25/02/2025 1 Space 11 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for pollock with turbot fishing over the slack £160 7 anglers max. 1 space Pollock / Turbot / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 07/03/2025 2 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 2 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 09/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Mon 10/03/2025 3 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 3 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 21/03/2025 5 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 5 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 23/03/2025 4 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 4 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Mon 24/03/2025 4 Spaces 9 Hours £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs blondes hounds tope huss congers £120 4 spaces 7 anglers max. Bull Huss / Conger Eel / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Wed 26/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details