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  • 08/09/2010 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    8 Sep 2010 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Autumn has most certainly arrived with wind & rain along with reports of the first Cod and quality Whiting!
    The water has been coloured by the wind so brought an abrupt end to the Mackerel fishing which is a pity as fresh, it is the best bait for the large Bass and Thornbacks that frequent our area!
    Hermit crabs remain scarce which has been a problem all summer regards the Smoothound fishing that has not been good as would be expected!
    The Cod should have arrived in numbers by late September, add them to the Bass that will stay around until November we should be in for some good fishing over the next couple of months! Lugworm & Squid cocktail will probably be the best bait for the Cod & Whiting while given some clear water Hokkies & pirks for the shoal Bass!
    The coloured water will bring the Herrings inshore which will replace mackerel as the top Thornback bait!
    The odd Tope should be caught with Spurdogs a possibility on the deepwater marks.
    A Bass weighing 23lb 15oz was landed by a net boat from a local mark so shows that we do have some fantastic fish in our waters, what a catch that would have been on rod & line!
    Some weekend dates available on Duke IV throughout the winter so feel free to enquire!

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