View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Lyle Stantiford
on Supanova II (Weymouth, Dorset)
Sep 2015 by Lyle Stantiford
Report on-board Supanova II
Well what a windy August/September it has proved to be!!
Plenty of cancelled trips unfortunately but you can't fight mother nature.
When we have been out the inshore fishing at times has proved somewhat tricky, some very nice specimens just hard to find decent numbers of the bream that should be plentiful now. Some sessions are non stop with the bream and the very next day can prove very difficult.
Bass has been a little patchy but some lovely fish falling to live mackerel and large lures. The Turbot and Brill fishing has been steady when the tides are right with up to 15 fish a session which is a massive improvement on last year.
The reef and bank fishing at anchor has been fantastic with plenty of decent undulates, blondes, tope, conger, huss all proving great sport. A few competitions lately that saw some cracking fish boated with the WIBAC conger record being broken with a cracking fish of 86lb. The species hunt days threw up to 20+ different species per boat and the rays and flatfish day saw boats boating and returning up to 50 blonde rays.
The wrecking surprisingly for this time of year has continued to produce a decent run of Cod with the odd Bass thrown in for good measure.
The next month or so will see continued decent fishing for all inshore species with main focus on Bass, Bream and the imminent arrival of the Squid!!!!
Pictured is Keith Blanchard from Salisbury with a new PB Bream a cracker of 4lb 2oz.
Once again a massive thank you to you all who continue to support Weymouth, keeping us the number 1 port in the UK
Tight lines,
LyleView Boats Page