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Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
25 Oct 2015 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
After a spell of unsettled weather a window of opportunity arose on Sunday 25th saw bright sunshine and calm seas along with the 1st frost of this winter, the idea was to head of to sea after the last of the big bream on the wrecks but for some reason we choose to head east and enjoy a day fishing of the Needles, as we approached I counted 35 boats already at anchor and my chosen mark already taken so as we headed towards another bank we marked some fish and anchored into these, almost immediately we had bites and Mark Turner produced a 6lb Cod on his 1st drop bites continued and fish came aboard regularly all day, Conn Bratcher changed his tactics to catch whiting and within minutes hooked into something a bit more challenging after a few minutes a superb Turbot of 17lb 12ozs was safely netted, the tackle used was not traditional Turbot gear but a size 4 Aberdeen wire hook and a small slither of mackeral. As the tide eased Gary Taylor landed another 10lb Cod along with a few nice whiting.
Cod and whiting are now the main targets for the next 2 months with numbers and size set to improve, if you fancy a trip as an individual or as part of a group please give me a call.
All the best
Philip HigginsView Boats Page