View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
30 Sep 2010 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
FLAMER III - SEPTEMBER REPORT - The quality of the plaice fishing was just superb with lots of fish weighing 4 to 5Ib plus also two at 6Ib and one of 6Ib 4oz and a plaice weighing in at 7Ib.The Shambles bank was good for turbot,brill and some bass.The reefs fished well for black bream,congers,bull huss,rays,cod etc.The Kidney Bank produced some evcellent blonde ray fishing.Marks to the east of the port saw various rays caught along with tope and a 14Ib bass caught by Mike Baker.Several species comps/hunts were done with a great deal of success and enjoyment.53 different species have been caught on Flamer III so far in 2010.Flamer Fish of the Month for Septermber was awarded to Dave Metcalf from Sussex for his 7Ib plaice (pictured).
NEWS - The fitting out of Flamer IV is coming on well and it is hoped to launch her in the early part of 2011.
BOOKINGS - Don't forget to book your trips/places for the autumn and winter trips in 2010 and make your bookings for 2011.View Boats Page