View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Dec 2015 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
The Winter gales have been making there presence felt but it has to stop blowing sometime and give us a chance of some fishing for Whiting Cod,Rays,Congers,Bull Huss etc on the Reefs and Banks.There are places available through December and including during the Christmas/New year holiday period.
COMPETITIONS - My F.I.S.H. species competition has had to be cancelled twice due to the windy weather and is now scheduled on the weekend of December 12th and 13th - there are places available on the 12th.
Also on December 30th there is a Winter Species Competition - " Win a prize or get stuffed" seems quite apt for that time of year. Don't Miss Out.
2016 - there are lots of interesting trips planned for individuals and boat charters alike So if you have not already! Please Book your Places/Trips for 2016. Check out my web site
Pictured is yours truly with a 20Ib Cod a fine example of one of the sort of Winter Species you are likely to catch.View Boats Page