View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Apr 2016 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Peter Collings was the star of the show catching a double shot of Plaice which included a Plaice weighing 5Ib 3oz. The Plaice caught during this session were of various sizes and came on combinations of Ragworm,Squid strip,Prawn and Lugworm baits.
Spring Flatty Fishing dates with place(s) available -
April 19th,21st,May 3rd,5th,10th,19th,20th,26th,29th,
Flatty Competitions - Places are available at present for good Flatty anglers to join the Flamer Team, fish one or as many dates as you can on April 27th,28th,29th, Plaice Competition - July 25th.
Don't Miss Out, Book Your Place/s/Trips Now.
For dates and places available look at my web site:
2016 - NOTE: I am Now Taking Bookings for 2016. LOOK - I have put up an Itinerary of trips for 2016 on all my web sites, take a LOOK, the itinerary is not set in stone so I may be able to change it to suit your needs subject to the tides.View Boats Page