View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
7 May 2016 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Bill Walton and friends from Devon enjoyed two sessions fishing at anchor to the East of Weymouth along the Jurassic coast using light tackle. They caught Black Bream, Smooth Hounds and Thornback and Spotted Rays along with the usual Dogfish and Pouting. Pictured is Steve Matthews with a 7Ib Thornback Ray which was his first ever and he also caught his first ever Spotted Ray. Steve was using 6Ib class tackle with strips of mackerel and squid being the successful bait which was mounted on a Sakuma size 2/0 stinger hook on a flowing trace with colored beads on. We must not forget Bill Walton who caught the first Black Bream and species number 27 caught on Flamer IV this year and Bill also did a sterling job of catching plenty of Dogfish so the other guys could catch the Rays etc.
The next Reef/Bank Trips on Flamer IV with places available are on June 4th, 6th,20th,21st,Don't Miss Out.
Book Your Place/s/Trips Now.
For dates and places available look at my web site:
2016 - NOTE: I am Now Taking Bookings for 2016. LOOK - I have put up an Itinerary of trips for 2016 on all my web sites, take a LOOK, the itinerary is not set in stone so I may be able to change it to suit your needs subject to the tides.View Boats Page