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Fishing Report by Simon Fisher
on Just Fishing (Brixham, Devon)
May 2016 by Simon Fisher
Report on-board Just Fishing
Apologies for a gap in my fishing reports but they will now be updated often........
Its been a really mixed bag onboard " Just Fishing ". Us along with many others have been hampered by the winds which has meant we have lost a fair few days out.
Fishing the Skerries banks have produced quite a few different species. The Plaice are not yet in great numbers but the ones that have been caught are a nice size. On the deep Gullies we have had plenty of Blonde Ray, one of which was easily pushing late twenties to thirty pound, but unfortunately due to another line being tangled round the hook it snapped off on the surface just before being netted, it gave a great fight though for boat regular Pete Flavell who struggled to get it off the bottom even with his 50lb rod outfit... Shame we didnt boat it but then thats fishing!
On the roughs we've seen some great action targeting Smoothounds and Huss and have also had some Thornback Ray taking the baits......
Out on the wrecks i have said we have lost plenty of days so far this year due to strong winds, the days we have managed to get out have still seen some nice sized Pollock and some very nice Whiting of 3lb plus also now the Cod are starting to show which im hoping will be on par with last years Cod run.
We're looking forward to be targeting the Ling again on the smaller tides, something which we have missed out on so far this year due to weather and charters targeting other species so be sure to check out our website for dates ect...
Also now the water is warming up we will soon be targeting Black Bream which im looking forward to.
Also we are now running our Reef and Roughs trips regularly which will target Pollock,Cod,Ling,Bass and even John Dory, at £50pp for 9hrs its a great price for a day out.
Look forward to seeing you onboard "Just Fishing" out from Brixham soon.
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