View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Lyle Stantiford
on Supanova II (Weymouth, Dorset)
Jul 2016 by Lyle Stantiford
Report on-board Supanova II
Well I must admit I have been a bit rubbish with keeping the reports up to date this year. The weather was patchy in April with no decent runs of days at sea. When we did get out the Pollack fishing was steady with some nice fish coming to a variety of lures. Towards the end of April saw a really good run of Turbot on the shambles. Some of the best numbers I have ever seen. 20 fish in a day was not uncommon. Most fish were small and were returned but a couple of decent fish each day combined with loads of bites was enough to keep the customers interested.
As soon as May came the onslaught of days began, this year the majority of the time the weather was kind meaning we managed to complete all of our Channel Islands trips which displayed some of the best flatty fishing I have ever seen along with other trips over showing the worst. Thats just fishing I Suppose. Inshore in Weymouth the Shambles continued to fish well and as you would have guessed as we weren't allowed to retain them a glut of Bass turned up on the scene, everywhere we went Bass, Bass, Bass!! we had a couple of lovely days returning all the Bass we hooked, but this isn't for everyone. Last May and June saw the best Cod fishing the south coast has ever seen. This year it hasn't been quite so good but with some much better quality fish around keeping the anglers on their toes when they hook that decent fish close to the wreck. The fewer numbers of Cod have meant the Pollack have had a chance this summer. Some beautiful summer specimens have come up in the high doubles. If these fish had been landed in the winter then they would be well over 20lb. This bodes well for a good winter season on the Pollack Hopefully.
At the time of writing we have had 5 windy days which has been the longest break since mid April. Inshore in the last week the Mackerel have finally arrived in good numbers long may they stay!!! Tope and Bream are coming in higher numbers and we are now allowed to keep a Bass for tea!!!!
Thanks to all for their continued support to Weymouth, long may you keep coming and enjoying some great days out from the best port in the country.
Pictured is Mervyn Bishop from Cheltenham with an 18lb Turbot that was returned alive. This is one of 6 double figure Turbot that have been boated and released alive on channel islands trips this year. Hats off to you Merv and the other lads.
Tight Lines,
LyleView Boats Page