View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Aaron Smith
on Bad Boyz VI (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Jul 2016 by Aaron Smith
Report on-board Bad Boyz VI
So species picked up over the last two weeks -
Tope, Spurdogs, Bull huss, Starry Smooth-hound, Common smooth-hound, Thornback ray, Spotted ray, Dog fish, Whitting, Pouting, Poorcod, Dab, Plaice, Turbot, Mackeral, Pollack, Cod, Coalie, Ballen wrasse, Cuckoo wrasse, Tub gurnard, Red gurnard, Grey gurnard, L/S sea scorpion, Dragonet, Goby - not bad for minimal scratching!
Fishing as a whole is doing very well at the moment with the wrecks producing huge numbers of big pollack and caernarfon bay showing loads of Skate and a good few tope....thankfully due to the weather being fairly kind we've only had to spend 2 days around the bay over the last 20 days which showed a few nice smoothies and a good few Pollack to 3.5lb along with some beautiful cuckoo wrasse drifting close to north stacks.
Our dairy is now open for 2017 as ever we already have a few club bookings for wrecking trips so please to avoid disappointment get your dates sorted ASAP!!!
Caernarfon banks tomorrow and then back out to the wrecks to finish the neaps off until Monday........lets pray for the weatherView Boats Page