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Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
31 Jul 2016 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
The fishing during July was extremely good with plenty of quality rays being caught, now the Mackeral are in the Tope have arrived in quantity although we have not landed any 'big' fish the best seems to be in the mid 20s but great fun on light gear. The harbour often throws up something special and true to form on 1 drift we landed Plaice, Turbot, Brill, Bream, Wrasse and a sizeable Bass. The Swash channel is producing Plaice along with Red Mullet.
Anchoring the wrecks proves hectic with lots of Congers, Ling, Pollack and a few Cod along with plenty of Tope .View Boats Page