View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Aaron Smith
on Bad Boyz VI (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Aug 2016 by Aaron Smith
Report on-board Bad Boyz VI
Another good general and deeps day, started the morning off drifting close to north stacks in search of the stunning Cuckoo Wrasse and found them we did, 17 to be exact along with countless Ballans, Pollack and a few Mackeral thrown in..... A few more drifts around the fangs to try for some larger ballans then a quick one for a few more mackeral before heading out past Holyhead deeps to our chosen anchor mark for the day.
Anchors down we didn't have to wait long for the first bit of action, a steady stream of Bull huss around the 10-12lb mark, once the tide eased the Tope came out to play... A few snap off's before we managed to get one on the boat all be it only a small one around 8lb but it was the start of a mad hour, 10 tope, countless Bull huss later and a few more snap off's and was times to call lines in.
Anchors up, hotpot dished out and steamed back in from a good days fishing - PICTURES TO FOLLOWView Boats Page