View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
14 Aug 2016 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
With the weekends forecast coinciding with very small tides offshore fishing seemed to good an opportunity to miss. Taking advantage of this we headed out to sea with several stops for mackeral which we had trouble finding close to shore so heho we just went with what bait we had. At our chosen anchor point with the anchor deployed several lads decided to try for bait and fortunately mackeral came in thick and fast, as soon as the big baits hit the bottom the fishing kicked off with large congers, big Tope and outstanding size bream coming in so fast I never got back in the wheelhouse for the duration fo the Saturday trip much to the amusement of the lads, several good fish were lost due to bite offs. Sunday was much the same but the tide seemed to be much more vicious but as soon as it cut a little the action kicked in with eels, Tope and more big bream coming onboard. It was a pleasure to watch both groups returning most of the bream only the deeply hooked ones were kept, over the 2 days the bream fishing was exceptional with the best being 4lb 12ozs (returned alive). A tiring weekend for me but fantastic fishing for the boys. Once moored up we were inspected by the SIFCA officers and with nothing to worry about and their good professional approach we had a few laughs and went our separate ways, as a skipper I welcome these inspections.
Check out the website for spaces on forthcoming trips.
Tight lines
Philip HigginsView Boats Page