View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Ian Dale
on Kelley's Hero Charters (Gosport, Hampshire)
9 Sep 2016 by Ian Dale
Report on-board Kelley's Hero Charters
We haven’t had much to report on over the last few weeks. A lot of our trips had to be cancelled due to the heavy weather that was coming in. We had to cancel a few of our plaice trips, our last wrecking trip of the season and an evening sole fishing.
Thankfully we have managed to get them all to book again. Lets hope the weather agrees.
Our first trip we headed on was a Plaice trip, we had a boat full of eager fisherman waiting to see a few spots. Once we got there it was slack water so it took a while for the bites to start. As the tide picked up so did the amount of fish that was caught. We saw plenty place up to the 3lb mark, a brill of 2lb 5oz, and a few mackerel. Everybody caught and had plenty, and we returned a load to fight another day.
On the 26th Kelley’s Hero had an appearance from Total Sea Fishing Magazine, we took them out on another trip looking for Plaice mainly, with the aim to go hunting for a bass as the tide picked up. Yet again as we got there the tide was just about slack and we had to wait for it to pick up to get some bites. The plaice were hard work and after a flurry, it went dead again. So after a lot of thought, we decided to head out and see if we could catch some bass whilst the tide was right. In an hours fishing we had around 20 bass, all bar two were sizable. This made the day. On the way in from this trip we had the rescue helicopter come along and practice putting a man on the deck. That was the perfect way to end a days fishing.
We had a couple more trips over the next few weeks. Again the plaice were slow on the ebb and whilst the tide was slack, but we had to hit it hard whilst the tide was flooding to get the most out of our day. The biggest plaice was 3lb and we also saw a nice red mullet of 11oz.
Things are looking up and we have the winter cod fishing to look forward to. Bookings are coming in and the diary is filling up nicely. If you would like to book a last minute plaice trip or a winter cod trip please get in contact via email: or call: 07795538933View Boats Page