View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Sep 2016 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
A Brill time was had by all with some lovely flatty fishing in calm seas. Richard Timothy on his first trip aboard Flamer IV did a Grand Slam with a Plaice,Brill and Turbot. Richard's first fish was a 5Ib 13oz Plaice which is the biggest caught on Flamer IV this year and is pictured. On the same trip Martin Smith also did a Grand Slam with a Plaice, Brill and Turbot.
FLATTY TRIPS - the next flatty trips with places available are on September 27th, October 5th, 13th, 14th,
BREAM/FLATTY TRIPS - the next bream/flatty trips with places available are on September 29th, October 12th, 22nd, 23rd,
For dates and places available and lots of information look at my web site:
NOTE: LOOK - *** NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR 2017 *** I have put up an Itinerary of trips for 2017 on all my web sites, take a LOOK, the itinerary is not set in stone so I may be able to change it to suit your needs subject to the tides.
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