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Fishing Report by Nigel Lihou
on Optimist (Brixham, Devon)
8 Oct 2016 by Nigel Lihou
Report on-board Optimist
First of all an apology as I haven't let you know what Optimist has been up to for the last few months but things have been a bit hectic.
Fish has been steady on the Skerries with a good species count on most trips, the Plaice are still around and getting plumper with the usual appearance of a Ray or two aboard on most trips mainly Blondes although we have had spotted, small eyed and thornback aboard (not all at once). The Gurnards appear with good regularity and mackerel seem more prolific on the banks than where they normally are around the headlands we have only seen one Garfish so far this year and quite a small one at that. Turbot and Brill have both been boated over the last couple of months with the biggest about 5lb and on the last trip out we managed a first for Optimist with a small starry smooth hound also on the same trip it was great to bring a Bass aboard a rare occurrence this year although we nearly lost it as it spat the hook in the net.
We continue to monitor the wreck situation which has been dire all year with very few decent fish, mainly pouting and small Pollack, but the sounder has been showing large balls of bait fish very close to the wrecks not good if you are trying to attract a fish with a plastic lure.
We will continue to be afloat for the majority of the winter and hope that the weather is a little kinder than last winter
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