View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Sam Cumming
on Silver Spray II (Poole, Dorset)
Oct 2016 by Sam Cumming
Report on-board Silver Spray II
Although I haven't quite got round to doing the first trip to the Isle of White for the cod and whiting it is certainly feeling a bit more wintery this month. For the last couple of weeks wind from the east or northeast has kept us on our toes. Despite similar forecasts for high northeast winds and rain, we managed to get 3 out of 4 days in on our last trip to Alderney and Cherbourg this season. Fishing was good with 18 species coming to the boat over the 3 days. Highlight of the trip had to be a session at anchor on a wreck on the last day as we came back across the channel in an easterly 4. I've always heard lots of mythical stories of anglers catching big turbot when fishing for congers in front of a wreck but never seen one myself until now. Simon Ringrose, using a whole mackerel flapper on a heavy trace, landed a superb 16lb 4oz turbot to start the session off. The guys then got stuck into plenty of ling and congers followed by some decent bream as the tide cut away. Further inshore anglers have been getting stuck into plenty of tope and rays on the banks as well as the late run of bream on some of the reef marks. Last trip down for flats this weekend along with the first up to the Needles for the cod.
Sam Cumming
Silver Spray IIView Boats Page
Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 3 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 23/02/2025 4 Spaces £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 4 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Tue 25/02/2025 1 Space 11 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for pollock with turbot fishing over the slack £160 7 anglers max. 1 space Pollock / Turbot / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 07/03/2025 2 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 2 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 09/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Mon 10/03/2025 3 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 3 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 21/03/2025 5 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 5 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 23/03/2025 4 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 4 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Mon 24/03/2025 4 Spaces 9 Hours £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs blondes hounds tope huss congers £120 4 spaces 7 anglers max. Bull Huss / Conger Eel / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Wed 26/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details