View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
19 Nov 2016 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
The F.I.S.H. Flamer IV Individuals Species Hunt Competition had to be fished in two sessions on one day in order to get it completed during a lull between a Gale and Storm Angus. Species caught included Turbot, Ling,Thornback and Spotted Ray, Bull Huss, Conger, Scad, Mackerel, Pollack, Bull Huss , Whiting, Wrasse, Poor Cod,Dogfish etc,
Results - First session Winner - Andy Collings, Runner up - Peter Collings, 3rd place Denise Youngs,
Second session - Winner - Kevin Clark, Runner Up - Andy Collings, 3rd Place - Peter Collings,
The over all 2016 F.I.S.H. Champion was Andy Collings 194 points, Runner Up - Peter Collings 178 points,
Most Species was a tie between Robin Amor and Peter Collings,
Best lady Angler - Denise Youngs, Biggest Fish Prize - Ian Youngs 11Ib Starry Smooth Hound,
A Big thank you to Sakuma for sponsoring the Main Prize and the goody bags.
Pictured are the group who fished the 2016 F.I.S.H Competition.
The 2017 dates for the F.I.S.H Singles Species/Hunt Competition are November 18th and 19th,
The F.I.S.H. Pairs Species/Hunt Competition is on November 20th.View Boats Page