View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Aaron Smith
on Bad Boyz VI (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
Feb 2011 by Aaron Smith
Report on-board Bad Boyz VI
I do not know whether you have seen in the news that the Goverment is
>> trying to close down and get rid of over half of the Coastguard
>> stations and staff around the country.
>> Basically at night time there will be two stations open, 1 in Aberdeen
>> and 1 in Southampton and of course Dover who will primarily be working
>> on the Channel Navigation Information System.
>> They are also plans to get rid of over 200 full time operations room
>> staff and
>> all the local knowledge that they possess.
>> There are also to be day stations
>> working nine to five in Swansea, Humber, Falmouth, Liverpool or
>> Belfast,
>> Shetland or Stornoway. All the others at Milford Haven, Brixham,
>> Holyhead,
>> Clyde,Forth, Solent, Yarmouth and Thames are to close.
>> We as Coastguards are extremely worried about this for a number of
>> reasons:
>> 1. How is somebody in Aberdeen going to know where the person on the
>> beach in Wales is, especially if the person cannot spell the name of
>> the beach. This analogy also covers loads of places around the country
>> where the place name is the same as somewhere else. I heard the other
>> day (in a Parlimentary debate, where the MP's across all parties are
> up
>> in
>> arms), a place name in Scotland that occurs in five different areas of
>> Scotland.
>> 2. The MCA state that they are going to get busier, yet they think
> they
>> can cope
>> with half of the staff.
>> 3. One of my main concerns (as fishing is close to my heart) is for
> the
>> anglers using our shores, boats etc. If God forbid somebody fell into
>> the sea off a rock or boat, the 999 call would go through to
>> Southampton. They would then have to work out where the call
>> came from, then start looking through databases to find the right
>> lifeboat and the right rescue teams to send, by this time I fear it
>> would be to late.
>> Currently, the call is directed to the closest station and the
>> operations staff's local knowledge kicks in and the boat and team are
>> dispatched immediately. They would know that rescue team A (that is
>> nearer) is no good because it is market day, so it would be quicker to
>> send team B. This is the knowledge that is going to be lost.
>> The MCA have written a consultation document that implies a radical
>> change to the way the service is delivered is the only possible way in
>> which to bring the Coastguard into the present. They then go on to
>> offer the opportunity to comment on the proposals - but insist upon
>> adequate evidence being presented to support the claims of the
>> respondent.
>> However, the document provided by the MCA itself appears to be lacking
>> in supplying the salient details to back up the assertions made. For
>> example, it suggests that having two large Coastguard stations
> covering
>> the UK at night would be more resilient than the current number. This
>> would seem to ignore the fact that one station failure would cause a
>> 50% decrease in capacity to deal with incidents. Things may be
> quieter
>> at night, but that statistic ignores the fact that a major incident
> (or
>> two) could happen at any time. It is a simplistic and flawed way to
>> measure workload.can respond to.
>> Our union the PCS has developed a letter for people to send
>> electronically to their MP. All people have to do is fill in their
>> name, email, and address, then press submit and it is automatically
>> sent to their MP, so no letter writing or posting is necessary and
> they
>> will get a reply from their MP.
>> The link to the page is
>> There is also a Facebook page (that is really to save Holyhead
>> Coastguard, but the link to the PCS is on the info page)View Boats Page