View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
20 Mar 2017 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
During a local angling club competition T Callaway who up to last month had never caught a Conger landed another big eel of 60lb on a 15lb class rod fishing for Rays, lots more eels were bought to the boat along with Blondes to 25lb B Honeybun and a bonus inshore Pollack of 10lb for A Johanson. Storm Doris bought chaos to any fishing for a few days with strong winds and very big seas but nowhere near as powerful as last winter’s storms which by this time had passed the letter I in the alphabet. The 1st weekend of March produced yet more strong winds but a brief weather window allowed a few hours fishing which for the time of year proved very successful with several Rays to 10lb lots of small Hounds and Dogs and 2 small Turbot. It is good to see the arrival of the Plaice, although on the thin side they are feeding and will soon be in good condition, each trip is seeing better numbers. On the outer marks Bull Huss Congers, Rays and Spurs to 23lb are being caught on regular basis and further off to sea the wrecks are producing some nice catches of Pollack up to 17lb. S Bullas and his group had a good day on the Pollack with some good double figure fish being landed and plenty of banter. As winter lets go and spring temperatures rise we will see the arrival of Bream , Gurnards, Turbot Brill and Mackeral followed by the predatory fish Bass Tope and Sharks.
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