View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
21 May 2017 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Bream continue to dominate the inshore fishing with lots of good catches being reported. Today’s angler is far more conservation minded and return many more than they take for the table which ensures future stocks and the sport of this wonderful fishery. Unfortunately a large pod of Dolphins arrived which is wonderful to witness when they swim with the boat and jump out of the water but devastating to the fishing. During a club match with coincidentally Poole Dolphins SAC on board we were enjoying very good fishing until a large pod of Dolphins swam by and put the fish down, after a quiet spell the fish came back on the feed.
Chris Bowden landed a cracking Smoothhound weighing in at 14lb 4ozs whilst bream fishing using very light tackle, the fish had the upper hand for the 1st 5 minutes making several good runs and taking Chris all around the boat eventually Chris gained control and landed the fish, his bait was a tiny squid strip presented on a size 6 circle hook and 12lb line.
The Plaice fishing has not been as consistent as last month with catches varying from 46 one day to 3 the next, severe weed in the Swash has hampered the fishing. Along the shores and between the Piers has seen some of the better quality fish coming in along with a few Turbot and Gurnards, Melanie Burgess landed her 1st Plaice during a short afternoon family trip which saw lots more come aboard and her beating her brother (the fishermen) who was not amused.
Wreck fishing has taken a slight dip in catch rates but still is producing Pollack and a few Cod, we are now coming into the prime time for wreck Cod so catches and quality will improve.
The next few months see the best of the inshore fishing where lots of species will be caught and hopefully a few surprize ones will also hit the headlines. Last weekend we fished off the St Albans area and found some nice Bull Huss and a few Tope before returning to Poole Bay to catch more BreamView Boats Page