View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
23 Jul 2017 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Poole July 2017 Report
The weather has seen some unseasonal highs and lows ranging from record high temperatures to excess rainfall and lightning storms which has affected the fishing dramatically. Mackeral were being caught in reasonable numbers have become very hard to find and we are having to rely on frozen baits as back up, at this time of year we should be catching enough to put some by for the winter months not draw down on our stocks. The wreck fishing has been very poor this month with a few Pollack being caught and hardly any Cod. Now the Bass ban has been lifted allowing an angler to retain 1 fish per day some very good Bass have been caught, Carl Hurren landed a PB Bass of 10lb 2ozs in the Swash Channel on very light spinning tackle whilst Plaice fishing. Ray fishing has continued to be excellent and working in conjunction with the Undulate Ray Project we are now seeing repeat landings of the same fish in the same areas. Further inshore and within the Harbour some very good Plaice fishing has been experienced with up to 50 in one session most are on the small side but for one angler from Romsey fishing on board Mistress Linda using a tiny bit of worm as small Bream were devastating the baits landed a Plaice of 4lb. Along the beaches there are lots of small Bream and Gurnards and as a bonus the 1st Trigger fish has been caught by Martin Bailey near Durley Chine weighing 3lb. One species for the boat this year was a fine Cuckoo Ray caught during a Lymington Club comp the fishing was very hard.
Philip Higgins
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