View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Aaron Smith
on Bad Boyz VI (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
30 Mar 2011 by Aaron Smith
Report on-board Bad Boyz VI
MARCH - with 11 trips including 6 offshore trips in march between our 2 boats we have seen some good fishing and not so good fishing ( when people bring chub for bait ! ).
Over the last couple of years the number of rays coming to the boat has been an improvement on recent years and with 2011 well on its way it is looking to be yet again a spectacular year, with anglers coming out with us and working for CEFAS targeting fish to tag we have seen 41 rays in our 11 trips all returned to fight another day with 1 blonde ray at 13lb from Holyhead Deeps and the rest being thornbacks with a spectacular PB for me with a 21.6lb thorny thrown in from one of our most northern marks we fish.
March 25th-29th we had one of our boats working for CEFAS tagging Spurdog to try and find out what they get up to and source any new information to help protect this fantastic fish. We covered nearly 150miles and succesfully tagged around 20 spurdog, with all being returned alive, hopefully one day these will feed information back to CEFAS.
Summer is almost upon us now with the mackeral expected in the next 2-3 weeks and the inshore reefs are producing better fishing everytime they are visited.
There are still a few dates available to fish the almost famous Holyhead Deeps, and still a few tides left for us to get further down the coast then any other boat off Holyhead, to try and beat the boat record of 48 rays and 5 turbot in one session.
There are two tides left for the fun 10hr boat match out with Aaron on Bad ladz to try catch as many species as possible in one day.
Get booking and tight lines for all you anglers our there !!!!!View Boats Page