View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
6 Dec 2017 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
As the 1st of the winter gales hits home it is catch up time and a look back at the last couple of weeks, the whiting fishing was superb with lots of fish coming on board every trip, the best went to Dave Addison at 4lb 2ozs. The Cod have remained very hard to find and we have yet to see one the winter but have made up for it with other fine fish Spurdogs to 16lb, Smoothhounds to 12lb, plenty of Rays Congers and a bonus Gurnard weighing 4lb 7 ozs but the best fish fell to Gannets AC anglers whilst fishing for Whiting as the wind increased forcing a move to shelter to fish for Rays we landed 2 Turbot weighing 11lb 4 ozs and 10lb 2 ozs both coming to anglers who had never caught them before. We have started our winter Flounder league and thanks again to bad weather we have only ventured into the shallows once on probably one of the finest winters day you could be afloat it was mirror calm with a hard frost offering stunning views and photographs and after a while we managed to find a few small Flounders, plenty of small Bass but none of us really cared about the fishing as the Harbour looked so beautiful and the wildlife was very active.
Over the Christmas period I have plenty of singles trips running so if you fancy a day fishing please call
Wishing all my friends and friends I have yet to meet A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Philip HigginsView Boats Page