View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
21 Mar 2018 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
A lovely Spring days fishing started with a session at anchor on a bank to the East of the port which produced Spurdogs,Small Eyed Ray, Thornback Ray, Spotted Ray, Conger, Whiting and the usual Dogfish. Denise Youngs catching a good size Spotted Ray weighing 4Ib 10oz, not to be out done husband Ian landed his Personal Best Spurdog weighing 19Ib,Simon Oakland landed his first ever Spurdog weighing 12Ib 13oz.
Next we drifted a Bank for Turbot, so I decided to have a go, I proceeded to land a 3Ib Tub Gurnard a PB for me, followed by a Turbot and then a Brill which were returned alive,I was then called a spawny, lucky *astard by some of the anglers who had only manged to catch one Turbot. A lovely end to the day ha ha with a bit of abuse and banter.
My Next Bank Trips with places available with Rays,Turbot,Brill,Spurdogs the target species are on March 31st, April 7th Don't Miss Out.
DON'T MISS OUT - Book your Places Now. There are also other dates available in March and April for whole boat charter and individuals. This is the time for BIG TURBOT.
I have put up an Itinerary of trips for 2018 on all my web sites, take a LOOK, the itinerary is not set in stone so I may be able to change it to suit your needs subject to the tides.
As well as our single day trips we cater for groups and individuals wanting to take a multi - day angling holiday.
DON'T MISS OUT - Contact me a.s.a.p on 07968 972736
LOOK - at my Website for places/trips available, latest catches and lots of information.
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