View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by TERRY BATT
on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)
9 May 2018 by TERRY BATT
Report on-board Vanishing Point-2
Well the weather was perfect last Wednesday 9th May and along with myself, Nicola (my wife) good pal John Rawle Les Wake, and my dear friend Nigel Farage we set of from Bradwell marina early doors.. departing at 0530 to head out offshore to grounds that John knew well..!
After an Hour and a half of steaming at 22 knts we arrived on the selected fishing ground which John had carefully steered Vanishing Point-2, and after a few minutes of going back and fourth gave Nicola the thumbs up to shoot the anchor away, ...
(" I must say the after doing this job for 30 odd years and watching the man who taught me all those years ago to become a successful charter boat skipper, watching him once again working his magic...!! it was a rare treat for me to learn another lesson..... Thanks John your still the greatest in my book even though you are retired")
We got to the mark perfectly, the ebb tide was just about to start and with almost instant results Nigel's rod bent hard over and the fight was on..!! the first of what must have been a 50-60 fish catch of superb Spur-dog adventure.
I personally had a 21.5 lbs Spur, Nigel had many Spur's best one for him was 20 lbs we all had fish bubbling around the 19-20 lbs mark and of course Nicola (great female angler) was cashing my ass and came in with a 21 lbs Spur just beat her by half a pound ...Phew...!!!! I would never have lived that one down if I hadn't beaten her because like me, John has taken Nicola under his wing and showed her many fishing methods and trick that make you have the edge and he loves Well the weather was perfect last Wednesday 9th May and along with myself, Nicola (my wife) good pal John Rawle Les Wake, and my dear friend Nigel Farage we set of from Bradwell marina early doors.. departing at 0530 to head out offshore to grounds that John knew well..!
After an Hour and a half of steaming at 22 knts we arrived on the selected fishing ground which John had carefully steered Vanishing Point-2, and after a few minutes of going back and fourth gave Nicola the thumbs up to shoot the anchor away, ...
(" I must say the after doing this job for 30 odd years and watching the man who taught me all those years ago to become a successful charter boat skipper, watching him once again working his magic...!! it was a rare treat for me to learn another lesson..... Thanks John your still the greatest in my book even though you are retired")
We got to the mark perfectly, the ebb tide was just about to start and with almost instant results Nigel's rod bent hard over and the fight was on..!! the first of what must have been a 50-60 fish catch of superb Spur-dog adventure.
I personally had a 21.5 lbs Spur, Nigel had many Spur's best one for him was 20 lbs we all had fish bubbling around the 19-20 lbs mark and of course Nicola (great female angler) was cashing my ass and came in with a 21 lbs Spur just beat her by half a pound ...Phew...!!!! I would never have lived that one down if I hadn't beaten her because like me, John has takeit when she now kicks my
But after 6 hours of wall to wall magnificent fishing it was time to head off home and 1 hour 40 minutes we were once again slipping Vanishing Point-2 back into her birth in Bradwell Marina for a well earned rest.
We all new that we could travel all that way only to find the Spur-dogs had all gone..! as they are by there very nature are very nomadic as we knew to boats with very experienced skippers for our area were out 2 days before us and didn't find a single Spur-dog, so was it once again John spinning his uncanny knowledge as I recon he thinks like a fish..!! that put us over the fish, where other's had failed..
Well the general fishing is really good at the moment, lots of Thornback Rays, Hounds started to show and will get better as the month goes on, we are picking up a few Bass (must be returned) plenty of dogfish ...
If you want to get in on the action just call me or Nicola on 07768306646 to book your slot..and I have to say the Clay pigeon shooting is now so hugely popular with our customers that a new hi-tec multi carousel clay trap has been ordered..!! if you think your good enough come and have a go...!!
Tight lines, and hot guns.View Boats Page