View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
21 Jan 2019 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
After a few days of unsettled weather the chance to venture out came on Sunday with sunshine and calm seas, the fishing was steady all day with plenty of Whiting, Dogs, Pout and as a bonus a few Rays and Congers. Matte landed his PB fish a Conger weighing in at 25lb on his light gear which proved challenging but fun. Today the forecast was favourable to start with forecasted increasing winds and a storm front following so we went for it and were rewarded with flat calm seas. We decided to fish a bank 8 miles out knowing that the strength of the tide would only allow a couple of hours fishing but those 2 hours produced some fine fish Whiting to 4lb 4 ozs, Undulate Rays to 13lb and plenty of dogs and small Eels. As predicted the tide beat us and we headed inshore to another bank and were immediately rewarded with more Whiting and a couple more Rays. Overall we had more fish yesterday but today the quality was far superior.
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