View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
5 Apr 2019 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Hi, the Flatty season is under way for Turbot, Brill and Plaice. My next Flatty Trip with places available is on April 9th - 5 places Left.
LOOK - Anglers needed for these Flatty Competition dates - please book your place(s) and support these events , (as I don't really want to cancel any of them due to insufficient numbers),
April 16th - Flamer IV Plaice Competition - 5 places left,
April 17th - Flamer IV Flatty Competition - 5 places left,
May 1st - Flamer IV v Meerkat annual Flat Fish Competition - 8 places left,
May 2nd - Flamer IV v Supanova II annual Flat Fish Competition - 6 places left,
May 3rd - Weymouth Turbot and Brill Competition - 3 places left,
Don't Miss Out - contact me asapView Boats Page