Latest Fishing Reports: Kestrel warrior

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  • 04/05/2022 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    4 May 2022 by anthony collins

    So today was a lovely day to be at sea no wind and no waves just perfect. So I got to the boat for about 8.30am to fill with the dreaded red. Bloody stuffs worth more than gold. I think I may invest in fuel ���� I waited for my first customers who turned up bang on time for a fantastic bit of fishing. First stopping at splash point for a warm up then we went to main event my god what a result.
    Fishing for just 90 minutes due to it being a short trip we managed to boat 12 bass to around 6lbs. Customers were made up. all fish were returned as with all bass we catch because the stocks are so low. And to give other people a chance at catching these magnificent fish.

    Second sailing was to be a nightmare we couldn't seem to find the plaice and when we did they were smaller fish to about 1lbs. on our second sailing we managed to catch plaice, dabs, dogs, gurnard and mackerel to finish the day up. I hope both sailings will provide more fish tomorrow.

  • 15/05/2022 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    15 May 2022 by anthony collins

    Fishing update

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    So yesterday I had my kent crew onboard. we started off at Fort Road cafe for breakfast my God the cheese and ham roll looked more like a steering wheel then a roll it was huge. We started off heading to a bit of rough ground off to the west. It started off quite quickly with bream coming on bits of squid.
    After using a technique that fishy rob showed me. #brightoninshorefishing
    It proved to be a rig that didn't want to show it's true way of working I blame myself ���� after some time the tide started to drop.
    It meant that the bream switched off and some other species decided to turn up.
    Dogs and pout.
    Then all of a sudden my little drop shot rod
    A gunki 6ft 0.5 to 7gr rod with a shimano 1000 size reel and 6lbs braid decided to go.
    What a fight! I got the fish to the top, then it decided to go straight back to the depths of the sea. A little strap conger had chosen to take my bait. Everyone then got excited as tony was leaping around the deck trying to get his longer rod set ready for some action.but it was one of the new team members who got into it quickly. Losing his conger virginity on my boat. I feel very special ����. as the conger fishing heated up jhon who organised the trips this year hooked a bigger fish, hard to say how big it was it put a bend in his rod.after a fight and a bit, the hook snapped. when I looked it was an old rusty hook jokes aside jhon is a very good angler. When the congers went off the feed we decided to move on. finding it hard to locate the bream we decided several spots for the plaice. the tide with the wind proved impossible to set a descent drift up. with the water turning green the lads decided to call it on the trip. Not a full on day but it was a steady day.
    #kestrelwarriornewhaven #seafishing #seafishinguk
    #charterfishing #charterboat #brightonseafront
    #NewHaven #seafordbeach

  • 21/05/2022 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    21 May 2022 by anthony collins

    Fishing update
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    So yesterday we had a few sailing's. First session saw my regular group from London who did well last time and this time they did just as good.
    Starting off we headed out east to a spot I thaught we would find some hounds and I was right.Just as we set the boat at Anker the fishing kicked off with the first fish being a hound around about 3lbs second fish around 7lbs we then decided to up and move. We then arrived at the second location. A small reef to the west. As soon as we arrived we encountered some bream all around 1lbs in size along with a good head of pout to keep us amused
    We also caught some mackerel/bass/plaice and a gurnard once the crew had enough we headed back to the marina where I took a quick pit stop and a refuel to head back out to sea.

    Second sailing saw a new crew tarik and his friends. Who had been recommended to me by #brightoninshorefishing it's so nice to be recommended. Once onboard I gave the crew a quick breath and we headed out to sea one of the crew took to the sea like a duck �� to water �� made it easy for me as the sea was not behaving.we quickly got to work to catch as many species as possible in our short 2 hour session. Getting the rods out we was quickly presented with our first fish bream second fish was a Dog fish followed by a muscle/well/winkle/starfish/bullhuss/pout and a rock. Everything was going to plan.
    We then decided to up and move.
    We headed east to seaford bay to try for some plaice and we was rewarded with 3 small plaice a nice end to the session.

  • 19/04/2022 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    19 Apr 2022 by anthony collins

    Today saw kestrel warrior 6 newhaven going out to some wrecks off Newhaven it was a steady day wether improved as the day progressed we ended up with 9 species of fish
    Including bass Pollock plaice gurnard dabs and mackerel

  • 13/02/2022 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    13 Feb 2022 by anthony collins

    Fishing trips to start soon here is some good news we have caught some very nice plaice on the last trip out average size around 2lbs
    With some bigger fish to 5lbs on the last trip out

  • 26/06/2021 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    26 Jun 2021 by anthony collins

    Great day sharking landing 4 upper double figure smooth hound up to 20lbs and a few under 10lbs 1 tope with 10 speicies in total all where put back as we have a catch and release policy

  • 06/2021 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    Jun 2021 by anthony collins

    This week wether has been all over the show some nice fish this week with some nice mixed bags cod Pollock tope smoothound wrass
    Mackrel pour Weber gurnard coal fish dogs
    Bullhuss well done to the anglers involved

  • 01/05/2021 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    1 May 2021 by anthony collins

    Well done to Russel Sherwood with a mixed bag lovely looking fish

  • 02/05/2021 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    2 May 2021 by anthony collins

    Another descent trip out on the sand bars today 30 rays in total nice size average 7lbs

  • 30/04/2021 Fishing Report by anthony collins

    30 Apr 2021 by anthony collins

    Solveig and her 2 children came aboard for her son's first fishing trip 1 hour trip 5 rays in total not bad for a quick one on the water