Latest Fishing Reports: Enterprise
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Fishing Report by chris Mole
24 Jul 2012 by chris Mole
the hound fishing has been good this month with plenty of doubles coming in along with a fair number of bass
mainly medium size fish but a few nice doubles showing this should improve as we go into august/ september, the thonbacks are a bit patchy but if you find them still good numbers to be had , spottys are
bit of a pain at the mo in places , now lots of mackrel showing so not a bad bit of fishing out there to be had
tight lines chris . -
Fishing Report by chris Mole
25 May 2012 by chris Mole
spring has been fairly good so far with big numbers of thornbacks fair number of bass
allthough not the bigest of fish, but as the mackrell arrive i am sure we will start seeing more double figger ones, with a sprinkeling of spur dogs and the smoothounds now making
a appearence with one or two tope showing up not bad, makes up for the poor spring run of cod ?