Latest Fishing Reports: Sea Urchin IIl

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  • 07/2010 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    Jul 2010 by Pete Rose

    This week I had a group of lads on from Helmsley mostly novices who were fishing a big tide of around 5.4m, still there was no wind and the water was clear as a bell, Robin Molesworth was fishing baited Muppet’s on my hire tackle when he hit into a huge fish on some ground close to Whitby.

    We had been catching a steady run of mainly cod around 3/6lb and I decided to keep the same drift while fish were coming up. Drift after drift fish every time even by his own admitions Robin was a newbie only ever fished from a boat some 20 years previous.

    When he hit the big one he had gained much from the codlings that were coming aboard so did not panic at all he just kept steady pressure on the fish as we all stood by in envy the rod bent almost in half.

    I knew from my experience this was a real good fish after around 12Min’s I could see its length beneath the boat this is a big one I said still fifty feet down it looked huge, Finlay it broke the surface at the same moment my gaff hit it under the chin bingo, (believe me I have missed a few in my time but this was unmissable)

    What a fish I knew as I lifted it over the hand rail it was the biggest ling I had seen for many years, at that moment another angler local lad (Mike Butler from the endeavour pub) shouted I have a big fish on get the gaff ready please skipper in all the excitement I had not realised he was still fishing another rod bending ling broke the surface only to meet the gaff again another cracker

    so up to my electronic scales and we all hazard our own guess at the weights and the first ling weighed a whopping 29lb 10oz a new record for Robin and for the Sea Urchin. The second fish of Mikes was just on 20lb, after all the excitement we had drifted a good half mile off the mark what with the big tide and all so I headed back up the same drift while the lads were taking pictures.

    I set the boat up again then one bloke at the back who spent all morning tangling the reel getting stuck and finding it hard to get to grips with the drift trebble hooks and the rough ground, hit another big fish at first I assumed he had the bottom again has he had during every other drift but no he was retrieving line and the rod was showing signs of a nice fish with deep bends as the fish nodded it’s head in an attempt to dive this time a cracking cod which weighed in at 14lb exactly.

    What a brilliant day even without the three really big ones there was plenty of cod for everyone to take home, once again just shows small tides don’t mean big fish and you don’t need to be an expert to land a fish of a life time if you have decent tackle and a little guidance.

  • 06/2010 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    Jun 2010 by Pete Rose

    I have decided to add an extra incentive to anglers fishing off my boat sea urchin during this years summer fishing festival, (as if you needed one with a first place prize of £5000)

    but for any angler who enters the competition fishing off sea urchin and wins a daily first prize worth £50 I will match it and pay an extra £50 earning daily winners on my boat a total of

    £100 in cash for a daily win and paid on the day.
    and if anyone is lucky enough to win the first prize in the summer festival off the sea urchin as well as the £5000 first prize and the £50 daily plus the £50 you will receive from me as a daily winner, I will also give you another £200 in cash for your accommodation or travel costs to the presentation night in whitby, if you are local ? same deal you will still receive an extra £200 cash from me on the presentation night,

    so if anyone has not booked as yet finds they have a free unexpected day off work mid week I have plenty of room most days and only four booked on Saturday 3rd July ,

    as usual good luck to all who enter this year

  • 05/2010 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    May 2010 by Pete Rose

    Here is a report from last week as I said in one earlier post the algal bloom had got worse on some days and only when a clear area was found did we do well, on Thursday last week we had a small group of different anglers Clint and Chris were regulars from Chesterfield another two nice blokes who were hire rods sorry i forgot your names lads and one memorable angler called Ian who was new to me and my boat who turned out to be a treat to watch as he caught fish after fish mainly bait fishing on the back corner he seemed to have a gift for knowing exactly when to strike, I watched him and thought he was very good after the first drift, by the end of the day I was convinced,

    Friday was plagued with bloom and everyone struggled to find fish but everyone did take a fry home, Saturday I had a split group John Dixon came with some competent angler mates and I had another seven who had never been to sea before it's always difficult to try and please everyone with mixed abilities especially when the tides were good for working the wrecks and as the ground fishing had not really kicked in we had no other option John and his mates were real helpful with the novices and never lost there rag with the constant tangles and helping with wreck break outs thanks lads,

    Sunday I had another group of mostly hire rods and newbies to sea fishing again from Chesterfield a great set of blokes who had a good day with plenty of fish to take back home
    the real star of the day was a young lad called Lyndon who listened to every word I said and out fished everyone on the jelly worm, I get so much fun helping yong people catch fish the buzz is written all over there faces and no computer game in the world gives kids the joy of going on a boat to sea catching your first fish taking it home for mum to cook ahhh simple pleasures like this makes me smile inside, you can see Lyndon along with the other anglers on the video compilation at the end of this post

    Monday I had Paul from Leeds who organised a corporate day for himself and his co workers apart from Paul all novices the weather was fab when I awoke around 5am by 7am it had turned north easterly with strong wind warnings I explained this and said we would have a look out in the bay and caught mackerel straight from the off then the weather totally changed and by 10am it was flat calm and sunny so off to some inshore wrecks and ground with nothing doing I came back hard in further up the coast and hit plenty of good marks in around 50 foot of water all fresh codling's around 4/5lb great stuff all on baited feathers so with plenty of cod and mackerel collies they were headed back to York and Leeds with a barbie on the cards

  • 04/2010 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    Apr 2010 by Pete Rose

    On Friday and Saturday I decided to steam off to distant grounds as the inshore fishing was poor of late also the weather was perfect flat sea and blue sky both days, Friday I had Karl from Pickering with a small group who chartered the entire boat and I explained the inshore fishing situation they agreed the only realistic chance of getting in the prizes was to try some distant ground and wrecks to the east and at the limit of my licence range, after an epic journey and a few stops at some unknown wrecks which produced the odd fish we arrived and the fishing was much better than recent inshore trips but nothing of any size we had around 15 or 20 fish cod to around 7lb pollock to 4lb and some large whitings around 2lb mark we only had a few hours fishing and had to head for home,
    Saturdays anglers Clinton and Chris from chesterfield were told the same story and they also agreed a steam was the sensible option this time I diced ed to work a few wrecks north around 18mls away and this time as soon as we arrived all the rods were in which gave everyone a smile after the long but sunny steam the day produced around the same 20 fish or so with cod the most common after a change of tide the fish stopped feeding so I headed for some wrecks around 12mls off which produced nothing neither did the 9 mile ground so all in all not a bad two days in the present scheme of things roll on summer

  • 03/2010 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    Mar 2010 by Pete Rose

    After so many requests from anglers for half day fishing trips which they could bring along there sons, daughters, and the like, I intend to organise such a day during the summer, this trip is perfect for anyone who is wanting to intraduce friends and families into boat fishing, all tackle will be provided or you may bring your own your choice, the day I have chosen is during the school holidays Sunday the 1st of August 2010 we will depart the harbour at 9am and return around 2pm and hopefully we will return with some fish as well as some new anglers, the trip is long enough to get a taster for the youngsters and to see if the ocean is for them, I used to run many of these trips on the old sea urchin which proved very popular but alas not cost effective , but there are far too many youngsters out there who are denied the experience either because of cost or lack of fishing tackle and concernces about full day charters being too long for them,

    the cost will be £25 per person regardless of age or ability and will include rods reels, feathers, shads, hokkias, and all leads, and I will even include some hook bait for everyone, Sorry no discounts if you choose to use your own tackle though, the tides are ok and there should be some mackerel about if the youngsters get tired arms bottom fishing,

    I know other boats offer 3hr tourist trips during the summer but I intend to provide something tourist trips do not offer, I want to give youngsters the best possible experience trying different rigs and set ups also we will be trying a couple of the local wrecks as well as working the rough grounds
    vist the website to book your place

  • 12/2009 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    Dec 2009 by Pete Rose

    Thanks to all the anglers who supported this years uptide festival as well as me and the boat, this year we won two daily events with Russel an angler from Mattlock taking the boats first daily prize with a ling of 6lb 12 oz which won him £50 he also won the heaviest any other species overall £100, and Karl Reid from Pickering came third overall with a nice cod of 9lb 3.5oz which also won him a daily prize of £50 as well as third place overall £200 total prize money £400 well done to you all.

    the fishing was Hard this year with unpredictable unsettled weather most of the week although we had a decent number of cod each day nothing bigger than Karl’s 9lb 3.5oz cod could be found all week and looking at the final results you can see only oz’s separated the first three places anyway some days were more productive than others but that’s fishing everyone had a good time and I enjoyed everyone’s company so thanks again for getting the sea urchin II up on the leader board once again, here are a few pics I took during the week please feel free to send me your photos I will be happy to post them up for you Mick.

    Day 1 – Monday 30th November Results From Cancelled due to weather

    Day 2Geoff Drake – 6lb 2oz Shytorque

    Day 3Russel A Keymer - 6lb 12 oz Sea Urchin II

    Day 4Rob Wadsworth 9lb 6.5 oz Shytorque

    Day 5 Karl Reid – 9lb 3.5 oz Sea Urchin II

    Day 6 Hugh Jones – 9lb 4oz sea otter II

    Day 7 K Davies - 6lb 14oz sea spray

    Final placings

    1st Rob Wadsworth cod 9lb 6.5oz SHYTORQUE £1000

    2nd Hugh Jones cod 9lb 4oz SEA OTTER II £300

    3rd Karl Reid cod 9lb 3.5oz SEA URCHIN II £200

    Heaviest other species

    Russel A Keymer ling 6lb 12oz SEA URCHIN II £100

  • 10/2009 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    Oct 2009 by Pete Rose

    SEA URCHIN whitby angling charters

    Boat fishing Trips uk
    Monday, October 26, 2009
    A Tripple personal best
    Posted by mick on September 28, 2009

    This weekend has seen some excellent fishing but on Sunday a group of anglers from Newcastle between them managed to break three records

    after wreck fishing all morning and bagging plenty of nice ling and a few cod I decided to head for the ground and in no time the fish were having it, a cracking ling of 15.2oz came up for young Jack and a personal best for him well done mate,the other anglers heads were down and not wanting to be out done by such a young lad (as they had a sweep going for first and second heaviest fish of the day) the very next drift Wayne fishing at the back of the boat and with a fishing rod about 1 meter long

    ( no joking the rod had been broken on several previous ocasions,)

    hit into a whopper the stumpy little rod with no end eye was nearly bent double the fish gave a good account of it’s self with Wayne puffing like steam boat and eventually up came another two personal bests one for Wayne and another for the new sea urchin 2 a ling of nearly 24lbs

    well done lads and I look forward to seeing you all again soon

  • 12/10/2009 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    12 Oct 2009 by Pete Rose

    The whitby charter skippers association winter uptide festival starts on November the 28th and runs until Sunday the 6th of December
    Prizes this year are as follows

    1ST BEST COD £1000
    2ND £500
    3RD £300


    The sea urchin has had good results in previous uptide events so give me a call now to confirm your place in the last event of 2009

  • 09/2009 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    Sep 2009 by Pete Rose

    homecharter costsContact UsdirectionsGalleryGROUP DAYSHOMENewsSkipperTackle hireWhale Watchingsubscribe to the RSS Feed
    SEA URCHIN whitby fishing charters

    A member of the Whitby Charter Skippers Association
    Monday, September 28, 2009
    A Tripple personal best
    Posted by mick on September 28, 2009

    Edit This
    This weekend has seen some excellent fishing but on Sunday a group of anglers from Newcastle between them managed to break three records

    after wreck fishing all morning and bagging plenty of nice ling and a few cod I decided to head for the ground and in no time the fish were having it, a cracking ling of 15.2oz came up for young Jack and a personal best for him well done mate,the other anglers heads were down and not wanting to be out done by such a young lad (as they had a sweep going for first and second heaviest fish of the day) the very next drift Wayne fishing at the back of the boat and with a fishing rod about 1 meter long

    ( no joking the rod had been broken on several previous ocasions,)

    hit into a whopper the stumpy little rod with no end eye was nearly bent double the fish gave a good account of it’s self with Wayne puffing like steam boat and eventually up came another two personal bests one for Wayne and another for the new sea urchin 2 a ling of nearly 24lbs

    well done lads and I look forward to seeing you all again soon

  • 08/2009 Fishing Report by Pete Rose

    Aug 2009 by Pete Rose

    This weekend has been a cracker for big cod, on Friday regular local lads Karl and Ken came out with a small group hoping for a few fish and a few personal best’s were well beaten, during the morning mostly small cod and ling were coming aboard and mid day things slowed down because of the size of the tides I guess, then the afternoon brought a second slack and with the sea urchin positioned over a favorite wreck of mine Ken was the first to hit into a fine cod around 12lbs each drift produced more cod around double figures, I then quickly moved the boat over another good wreck which likewise was producing good size cod the last fish of the day fell to Karl which was a personal best for him a cracking cod of 15lb which made his and my day as he only really took up sea fishing last year and has really put the effort in which finally paid off well done mate,
    Saturday was a similar day with another local group who were newcomers to my boat and had not been sea fishing for many many years fishing was similar to the previous day with the best times when the tide eased and in the afternoon things really picked up with double figure cod coming aboard now after relating the previous days tale of the 15lb cod one of the anglers Jim I think, hit into a really good fish and he was using one of my hire rods and reels I have started to guess quite acuratley to the size of fish an angler is winding in by the bend in the rod and I said to him take your time this is a nice fish ( in my head I put it around 13lb or so) and as it came up through the crystal clear water I thought good guess until I realised it was still 40 foot down as soon as it hit the surface I knew it was the biggest cod we had seen this year and on the new boat as well a record for the sea urchin and Jim just over 18lb on the boat scales