Latest Fishing Reports: SWN Y MOR
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Fishing Report by Roy Smith
6 Jan 2019 by Roy Smith
hi happy new year to everyone. the fishing off amlwch during 2018 was very good with exceptional fishing on the wrecks many double figure Pollack as per catch photos and not too far away. The tope fishing this year has been remarkable with the amount of them. Multiple amounts caught on many days. also these were caught very close in making very good sport on windy days . The 65lbs one along with others was caught 300 yards from the shore. Please ring early to book and get good fishing and wreck fishing at a reasonable rate. all the best ROY
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
Dec 2018 by Roy Smith
hi merry xmas to all anglers. when weather ok fishing still good with plenty of spurdogs just out from amlwch and loads of reasonable whiting . the coalfish are now appearing on the reefs along with Pollack. book early to get the best tides for 2019. ring early for details. all the best Roy
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
Oct 2018 by Roy Smith
hi fishing still good off amlwch although not much wreck fishing due to weather but inshore still loads of mackerel and plenty of tope spurdogs and huss after them. Many large fish lost with snap outs and tope biting through gear . Good Pollack coalfish and wrasse on reefs when water clear on neap tides. Lets hope we contine to get good weather to carry on fishing . Note cheaper rates for winter fishing which can be quite good cheers Roy
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
2 Sep 2018 by Roy Smith
hi out over weekend plenty of tope about especially on sunday 8 landed with many break outs with larger fish. NOTE tope fishing off amlwch can be caught very close in due to the deep water so windy days can be quite productive . mackerel about but offshore 2 miles. reefs producing wrasse and Pollack if you have ragworms bit too windy for offshore wrecking at the moment due to wind speed but very large Pollack on wrecks this time of the year. wreck fishing with me for 10 hours is very reasonable ring for details
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
Jul 2018 by Roy Smith
hi out wreck fishing when weather permits Pollack in 6 to 13 lbs range inshore some good tope about with many lost with bite outs on line loads of huss many of large size. September off amlwch is best moth for the larger Pollack I,ll take you to them weather permitting . Offshore wrecking with me 10 hours £450 bargain price cheers Roy
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
Jul 2018 by Roy Smith
hi out wreck fishing and general over weekend some good Pollack caught to 8 lbs and coal fish not as prolific as previous trips but some good sport. mackerel are now off Amlwch in force mostly large fish with one just over the 2 lbs. tope are now in after the mackerel etc. ring for details to ensure a good trip at a fair price cheers ROY
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
Jun 2018 by Roy Smith
hi out this weekend both days offshore wreck fishing for Pollack and coalfish the cod are a bit slow yet but they will come as they do every year on wrecks off amlwch at this time. a good amount off pollack around in 4 to 9 lbs size. as per catch photo,s. along with coalfish. The tope are now in off point lynas not far out in numbers following the mackerel and herrings. ring to get advised to pick the correct tides for wrecking at a very reasonable price for good fishing. Special deals midweek for whole boat for tope throughout the summer. cheers ROY
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
9 Jun 2018 by Roy Smith
hi out yesterday with wreck anglers fishing very good after a bit of a search for fish. Over 100 Pollack caught mostly between 6 and 14lbs on shads and other flying rig lures. Many fish over 10lbs some bigger ones lost also. we have some dates available for great fishing at a good price ring 07974477081 for details cheers ROY
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
Jun 2018 by Roy Smith
hi out last few days plankton bloom still bit of issue offshore although some nice Pollack and coalfish caught yesterday mackerel still not appearing in numbers as yet but some good herrings showing. plenty of big bull huss bottom fishing. ring 07974477081 for a good deal for your fishing cheers ROY
Fishing Report by Roy Smith
May 2018 by Roy Smith
hi out last few days TOPE BULL HUSS plenty of good whiting and herrings with loads of smaller Pollack and coalfish inshore. Wrecks not as good this week with a large amount of large plankton bloom particles in the water although some nice Pollack to 7 lbs caught and coalfish to 3 lbs yesterday. for a great deal on your fishing ring 07974477081 for a great price see latest up to date catch photos Cheers Roy