Latest Fishing Reports: England
Fishing Report by Andy Savage
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
28 Nov 2022 by Andy Savage
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
The Spring Tides are just starting to fall away, so today saw us out for a days Uptiding.
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We used the last of the flood tide to run South for a few miles and then had to wait for half an hour or so for the Ebb Tide to get away properly. The first stop didn’t turn out to be particularly productive, so with only a few small Codling and Pouting to show for our efforts we pulled the anchor and had a move.
This heralded much better results with some nice Codling up to 6lb coming up. Everyone pretty much went with Squid and Black Lugworm (as usual). There was some great banter which always makes for a good day out and the weather was excellent for a change. We had a couple more moves during the day when bites dried up, and all too soon it was time to head back in.
Thanks to everyone on board for being great company, I had a lovely day out.UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Sea Urchin IIl
Tue 04/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.07m Davey Mayne - x 3 Peter Burton - x 1View details Sun 09/02/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.66m Dave Johnson - x 4 Howard Chuck - x 1View details Tue 11/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.06m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1View details Wed 12/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.20m Will sail with 4 anglers. Keith Pickering - x 1View details Sat 15/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 5.23m Jimmy Yeung - x 1 Hubert Perkowski - x 3 Alan Lawson - x 3View details Tue 18/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Mark Thomason - x 1 Mark Northam - x 6View details Wed 19/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Nabeel Ismail - x 4View details Mon 24/02/2025 6 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.27m Will sail with 4 anglers. Robin Lever - x 3View details Tue 25/02/2025 2 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.59m Stan Matthews - x 1 Steve Whitaker - x 6View details Sun 02/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.68m Colin Frankland - x 6View details -
Fishing Report by Scott Belbin
on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)
21 Nov 2022 by Scott Belbin
Report on-board Galloper
I thought I would share a few pics from our latest offshore bass trips this week. I have spaces this week and fishing has still been very good despite us being so late in the season now. at times the water has been very clear which allows us to carry on lure fishing too when conditions suit. The bait fishing kept us busy on the last set of tides too and we did manage one or two other species in between the bass. Dan posed with one of the sand eels that were coughed up by the bass or caught on our weights that day. one bass even coughed up a very freshly eaten dragonet. Robert had us all in suspense when he took an age reeling in something heavy. It was obvious why there wasn’t much life once it was in sight as his lure had hooked a rock. He asked me to estimate the weight and I said it looked like a stone to me!
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Closer to shore there are still hoards of whiting and dogfish to be had. In between them we have still been catching thorn-back rays, codling and even smooth-hounds.
These fish are likely to feature in next months offshore trips when our attention will turn from the bass to spur dogs for the next few months. Please get in touch if you want to have a go at these.
We have one last set of tides left before we stop our offshore bass trips this year. They are still showing in numbers and I have individual spaces and boat availability if you wish to join us.
Remember it is often worth giving me a shout if you are cancelled else where and still wish to get out, as we have lots of sheltered fishing available and a big catamaran which makes it even more comfortable.
Spaces as follows
27/11/22- offshore bass trip 4 spaces @ £100pp worm required at extra cost
10/12/22 Whole boat or individual availability for general trips
11/12/22- Whole boat or individual availability for general trips
17/12/22-offshore trip targeting spurdogs, smooth-hounds ect 4 spaces @ £100pp
23/12/22- Whole boat or individual availability for general trips
27/12/22 Whole boat or individual availability for general trips
28/12/22 Whole boat or individual availability for general trips
29/12/22-possible offshore trip @ £100pp
30/12/22-possible offshore trip @ £100pp
31/12/22-possible offshore trip @ £100pp
01/01/23-possible offshore trip @ £100pp
02/01/23-possible offshore trip @ £100pp
Not all dates advertised, other spaces available for full boat bookings upon request
For regular updates, availability and more information please visit find us on social media or call Scott on 07956411528UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Galloper
Sat 08/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp offshore tripView details Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 08/03/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 15/03/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 22/03/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 05/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 19/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 03/05/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 10/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 17/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details -
Fishing Report by Colin De Block
on Lead Us (Lowestoft, Suffolk)
20 Nov 2022 by Colin De Block
Report on-board Lead Us
Non stop action !
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After losing Saturday to the weather , we head out of Lowestoft on the morning of Sunday 20th into a very choppy harbour entrance. By the time we had rounded Ness point things calmed down and we headed to our mark. As soon as we settled on the anchor and the baits were down it was constant sport all day with endless Whiting and Doggies, 3 Thornbacks and 5 Codling an excellent day had by all and a very happy crew.
Sat 08/02/2025 6 Spaces 8 Hours £60.00pp View details -
Fishing Report by anthony collins
on Kestrel warrior (Eastbourne, East Sussex)
Nov 2022 by anthony collins
Report on-board Kestrel warrior
Fishing report Newhaven east Sussex UK
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So today we had a crew onboard for a birthday so happy birthday to mo hope you had a fantastic day .
So when I got to the boat on Saturday I could see the amount of fresh water coming out of the river. Not a good thing for an Inshore fishing trip. Counting our odds I set to sea. Hopefully we would find some fish.
With a western wind and small tides it made it hard to Anker and sit the way I wanted to sit . Putting over some Conger rods we hoped a biggy would be lurking around. After hearing a couple of skipper's talking over the radio I instantly knew it was going to be a tough time. After an hour we saw a string of mackerel coming over the side I was shocked by that. We decided to put a live bait down . And to my surprise a jhon dory came to a whole live mackrel.
In shock I told him to get another live bait on to which a small bass came to us. With us running out of time. We saw a Dogfish come over and then nothing.
If you would like to book a trip
Call or text 07896471691
Or goto
Price from £300 -
Fishing Report by Simon Logan
on Deep Blue (Eastbourne, East Sussex)
13 Nov 2022 by Simon Logan
Report on-board Deep Blue
Today trip, Sunday 13th November.
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Similar starting conditions to yesterday, but with a bit more cloud cover and a cooler feel in the air.
A mixed crew 7 strong. Drifting was the first activity during slack water.
A couple of nice wrasse, 2 small pollack, a keeper bass and Deep Blue’s third John Dory of the year came up from the glittering (murky) waters of the channel.
We headed to the skate grounds for mid morning. Anchoring with baits has been more productive for me during the ebb tide all season long. We didn’t have that luxury due to the somewhat awkward tide times, so we attempted to prove my theory incorrect.
The session started slow, with a few dogfish taking out massive squid/mackerel/worm baits.
After two of the crew being bitten off by something 25 metres below us, Brian managed to hook into a nice smoothie. Dan followed up with a very healthy Bull Huss. A couple of bonus bass were also boated. Zero, ziltch, not a single ray was found today. Maybe the ebb vs flood theory has some gravitas.
Lifting the anchor, we headed for this summer’s tried and tested bream grounds. After being told that the bream had all but gone, we found the little spiky sods with ease. Small hooks and the usual squid slivers doing the damage. There were lots, plenty lots. All a decent stamp. One of the crew commented on how productive the bream fishing has been out of Eastbourne this year, comparing it to the Kingmere, which is revered as a bream Mecca.
Lots of fish, some quiet periods, some busy periods, great fun.
Sponsored by Sidewinder LuresUPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Deep Blue
Mon 03/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Tue 04/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Wed 05/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Thu 06/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Fri 07/02/2025 5 Spaces £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Sat 08/02/2025 7 Spaces £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Sun 09/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Mon 10/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Tue 11/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Wed 12/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details -
Fishing Report by Simon Logan
on Deep Blue (Eastbourne, East Sussex)
14 Nov 2022 by Simon Logan
Report on-board Deep Blue
Today, Monday 14th November:
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The first DOUBLE figure Bass this season
What a beast. This 11lb 2oz silver bar was brought up from 30 metres of water on light tackle after taking a mackerel filet on a pennel rig.
This nearly doubled Darren’s previous PB Bass.
The fish was revived and released back to get even bigger for us to catch next time.
The bigger bass are coming inshore and shoaling now, it’s a great time of year to target a PB.
Darren had the lucky spot on the boat today. After a morning session with all the anglers catching a bucket load of decent Bream, we went to anchor for skate. Darren also had another couple of bass, and a decent Huss.
Skate, gurnard, doggies, small Huss, pout, small pollack and whiting were also caught.
Sidewinder Lures
Navionics UK PENN Fishing Carhartt Europe Cox & Rawle Pantaenius UK
#deepbluecharters #pennfishing #pennreelsUPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Deep Blue
Mon 03/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Tue 04/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Wed 05/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Thu 06/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Fri 07/02/2025 5 Spaces £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Sat 08/02/2025 7 Spaces £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Sun 09/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Mon 10/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Tue 11/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details Wed 12/02/2025 £75.00pp Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.View details -
Fishing Report by Rich Ward
on Shy-Torque III (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
15 Nov 2022 by Rich Ward
Report on-board Shy-Torque III
A big drop in the catch rate for Codling for the lads yesterday.
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The fall in tides down into the high 4m range having the biggest impact on the job.
We started off just outside the harbour entrance where a few fish had been caught the day before on another boat.
It appeared that the fish were still there as we were getting bite after bite, a few of them strong bites too, but sadly they weren’t contacting properly.
A move to the North where we finished the day previous with a few fish was next.
As soon as we dropped in we were catching, but after half an hour it quietened off too.
A meagre picking of Codling for the lads with only 15-20 fish boated all day.
Best fish falling to young local lad Fergus Powell, a nice Codling at 6lb.
The usual baited rigs with squid, lugworm and crab cart catching the fish.
I’m away on my Honeymoon now until the 5th December. When we return we’ll be back at the Uptiding where the tides are running nice and strong again.
If you fancy a run before Xmas give me a shout on the usuals :-
07733 233352
We will sail with just 4 anglers for the Uptiding and 6 anglers for any offshore trips.
Tight lines wherever you’re fishing,
Thu 13/02/2025 6 Spaces 8 Hours Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. Uptiding trip. 5.4m tide. Will sail with just 3 anglers. John Short 1. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Sat 15/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Uptiding trip. 5.4m tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Sun 16/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Uptiding trip. 5.3m. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Mon 17/02/2025 6 Spaces 8 Hours Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. Uptiding trip. 5.1m tide. Will sail with just 3 anglers. Lawrence Byrne 1. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Thu 20/02/2025 6 Spaces 8 Hours Need 1 more for trip go-ahead. Offshore wrecking trip. 4.5m tide. tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cliff A 2. Bill B 1. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Fri 21/02/2025 2 Spaces 8 Hours Offshore wrecking trip. 4.2m tide. Cliff A 2. Chris Ibbotson 1. Craig White 4. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Sat 22/02/2025 1 Space 8 Hours Offshore trip includes wrecking. 4.1m tide. Room for 1. Cole Dempsey 4. James 1. Marius 3. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Sun 23/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. Offshore wrecking trip. 4.2m tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. James 1. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Mon 24/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Offshore wrecking trip. 4.2m tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Tue 25/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Offshore wrecking trip. 4.6m tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details -
Fishing Report by Scott Belbin
on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)
14 Nov 2022 by Scott Belbin
Report on-board Galloper
We have had a fair mix of weather over the last week or two. The temperature has been up and down though still pretty mild. And the wind has varied from strong northerlies to light southerly breezes. We have managed to find fish and keep everybody catching in all conditions though.
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The whiting and dogfish continue to make up most of our catches on general trips. things are often slow to start but once we have a scent trail down its pretty hectic fishing. I kept an eye on the clock the other day while the lads were fishing hard and a couple of lads were catching 3 fish each inside of 10 minutes! To be honest they can become a little annoying when we are targeting other species but they keep the rod tips going in between the better fish like codling and rays.
Those afore mentioned codling and rays are still showing in places too. Some days we have to work harder to find them than others but its worth it to get a better bend in the rod. There has still been one or two late hounds mixed in too. These are a welcome surprise in between the whiting and dogfish when suddenly something starts pulling line off and doing a lap of the boat! I can only attribute their presence inshore so late in the year to the mild weather we have had. I do expect to continue catching smooth-hounds offshore mixed in with our spurdog trips from next month. However for now we are still chasing those bass offshore. They have continued to provide great sport for us on light tackle and some great numbers too.
Most fish are being caught on worm baits or lures when conditions suit but to mix things up a little we have been using whiting for bait now and then. Its funny how often we think big bait therefore big fish and how often this is not the case. To be honest I have seen dogfish take live whiting numerous times now so I don’t hold my breath any more. This time of year though I am happy to try a spare rod with whiting live bait as the bass can often be seen feeding on them. We had several on whiting baits the other day and I have pictured Kieran with one of them that was only a few inches longer then the whiting it was trying to eat! This was far from the biggest fish of the day but another one added to the many bass caught.
We have one last set of tides left before we stop our offshore bass trips this year. They are still showing in numbers and I have individual spaces and boat availability if you wish to join us.
Remember it is often worth giving me a shout if you are cancelled else where and still wish to get out, as we have lots of sheltered fishing available and a big catamaran which makes it even more comfortable.
Spaces as follows
20/11/22- 7 spaces @ £60pp
27/11/22- full boat available for general trip or offshore bass. Individuals welcome
11/12/22- full boat available for general trip or Individuals welcome
17/12/22-offshore trip @ £100pp weather permitting
27/12-02/0123 Whole boat availability for individuals on general and offshore trips please call if interested
Not all dates advertised, other spaces available for full boat bookings upon request
For regular updates, availability and more information please visit find us on social media or call Scott on 07956411528UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Galloper
Sat 08/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp offshore tripView details Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 08/03/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 15/03/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 22/03/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 05/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 19/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 03/05/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 10/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 17/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details -
Fishing Report by Andy Savage
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
14 Nov 2022 by Andy Savage
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
I’ve waited a while….but today was one of the few times this year that I’ve actually fished all day on wrecks and rough ground. The group of anglers were all friends and experienced anglers who know how to look after themselves, which is what’s needed for me to be able to relax a bit and fish properly.
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We started the day on a few wrecks a couple of miles from the pier ends. With it being wind against tide, we had a decent drift speed and managed to pick up a fair few Codling each run through, along with a few inevitable tackle loses!! Martin Novo took a lovely Codling of 7lb 12oz off the first wreck, which was the biggest Codling of the day.
Everyone fished very similar, with rigs and baits we all know work well. Muppet bait traces (tied on 100lb mono) with pennel hook arrangements 8/0 - 6/0 hooks) using whole Squid. Or alternatively a set of baited Hokkai’s on rough ground. After a couple of hours of steady fishing, sport really slowed down through slack water. We tried a couple of different wrecks, but the tide was obviously key to getting the fish feeding.
Once the Ebb tide was away we moved to some nearby rough ground, which has been pretty kind to me this year. Thankfully, once the Ebb was at full speed we were back in business, with plenty of bites and fish. Having set up one particular drift, I had to take a phone call from a customer wanting to make a booking. When I came out of the wheelhouse, the only rod not playing a fish was mine!! Ian Kellock had a 12lb Ling, Jim Lister had a 10lb Ling and the others had nice Codling… least I was on hand to play “gillie” … usual!!
In a similar pattern to yesterday, once the best of the Ebb Tide had run through, bites tailed off quickly for us. The lads weren’t keen on flogging a “dead horse”, so we decided to take an early bath and headed back in to Whitby by mid afternoon. A big thanks to the boys from me. They’re all brilliant company, good anglers and allowed me to scratch my fishing “itch”. As it turned out, I had ten nice Codling to take back to Sea Urchin HQ. What a fantastic day! Thanks everyone.UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Sea Urchin IIl
Tue 04/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.07m Davey Mayne - x 3 Peter Burton - x 1View details Sun 09/02/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.66m Dave Johnson - x 4 Howard Chuck - x 1View details Tue 11/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.06m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1View details Wed 12/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.20m Will sail with 4 anglers. Keith Pickering - x 1View details Sat 15/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 5.23m Jimmy Yeung - x 1 Hubert Perkowski - x 3 Alan Lawson - x 3View details Tue 18/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Mark Thomason - x 1 Mark Northam - x 6View details Wed 19/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Nabeel Ismail - x 4View details Mon 24/02/2025 6 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.27m Will sail with 4 anglers. Robin Lever - x 3View details Tue 25/02/2025 2 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.59m Stan Matthews - x 1 Steve Whitaker - x 6View details Sun 02/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.68m Colin Frankland - x 6View details -
Fishing Report by Peter Mackintosh
on Mistress (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
12 Nov 2022 by Peter Mackintosh
Report on-board Mistress
After the gales on Friday, the sea was virtually flat and air was fairly warm in the sunshine. We set off a couple of miles to try a wreck. First drop we had a few coalies, then whiting and a couple of mackerel. Probably due to the warm weather we've had, there's still a few about. We picked a couple of cod up, but the boat was drifting about 1.5 knots making it difficult to fish, so we headed inshore to fish the ground. There was a fair few Cod around, mostly just size with some better ones mixed in, 3 to 4lb. Fishing was good all day and we had a lot of takes, including a few decent wrasse. Best fish of the day went to Tony, a Cod about the 6 lb mark. Best baits were cooked prawns and squid on pink hokkais.
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