Latest Fishing Reports: England
Fishing Report by Ian Scott
on Plan B (Brightlingsea, Essex)
16 Sep 2019 by Ian Scott
Report on-board Plan B
Last of the hounds for this year.
Wed 05/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Thu 06/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Fri 07/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Sat 08/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Sun 09/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Mon 10/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Tue 11/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details -
Fishing Report by Allan Skinner
on JFK TWO (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
23 Sep 2019 by Allan Skinner
Report on-board JFK TWO
mon 23rd
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another canny day with Simon and his lads over from Leeds for the day. turned out a very steady day with lovely lings a good few into double figures. best 16lbs.
and some nice cod around 10lbs as well again the best a cracking 15lbs cod for rob.
still plenty mackerel to be had. and a few pollack also taken -
Fishing Report by Pete Rose
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
23 Sep 2019 by Pete Rose
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
Alan Knaggs shows off some of his catch today.
Fri 07/02/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.46m Barry Allcock - x 1 Davey Mayne - x 3 Peter Burton - x 1View details Sun 09/02/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.66m Dave Johnson - x 4 Howard Chuck - x 1 Samuel Pashby - x 1View details Tue 11/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.06m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1View details Wed 12/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.20m Keith Pickering - x 1 Rodrigo Branco - x 2 Neil Kennedy - x 1View details Fri 14/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.28m Will sail with 4 anglers. Tom Allen - x 1View details Wed 19/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Nabeel Ismail - x 4View details Mon 24/02/2025 6 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.27m Will sail with 4 anglers. Robin Lever - x 3View details Tue 25/02/2025 2 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.59m Stan Matthews - x 1 Steve Whitaker - x 6View details Sun 02/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.68m Colin Frankland - x 6View details Mon 03/03/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.59m Will sail with 4 anglers Joe Clough - x 1View details -
Fishing Report by Paul Kilpatrick
on Sea Otter 2 (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
23 Sep 2019 by Paul Kilpatrick
Report on-board Sea Otter 2
Some belting ling are coming out this has just come aboard just short of 20lb more to come .
Sat 15/02/2025 2 Spaces £60.00pp Uptide/Downtide fishingView details Sat 15/03/2025 3 Spaces £60.00pp View details Sat 29/03/2025 3 Spaces 8 Hours £60.00pp Uptide/Downtide fishingView details Sat 05/04/2025 9 Spaces View details Thu 17/04/2025 View details Sat 03/05/2025 8 Spaces Wayne Hancock + BrinView details Sun 11/05/2025 View details Sat 07/06/2025 6 Spaces View details Tue 10/06/2025 9 Spaces View details Sat 28/06/2025 Uptide/downtide fishingView details -
Fishing Report by Sam Cumming
on Silver Spray II (Poole, Dorset)
Sep 2019 by Sam Cumming
Report on-board Silver Spray II
After a brilliant run of weather over the last 4 weeks I’m actually quite glad to have a day off to be writing this and catching up with all the maintenance jobs. As mentioned in the last report we had quite a few shark trips planned for this season. After some success late on in the year last October I really got the bug for this sort of thing and it spurred me on to invest in some new rods reels and tackle and have more of a go this time around. With a decent bit of weather it’s been possible to have a good look around in some new areas. Thankfully they didn’t take much finding and as I write this we haven’t had a blank trip yet. The porbeagle sharks have been up to 250lb which is 7 feet in length. Once alongside the sharks are brought onboard to be unhooked safely and re-oxygenated using the deck hose ensuring they are in the best condition for a quick release. Our circle hooks always hook the fish just in corner of the mouth which means we never have to cut any of them off and leave the metal behind in the sharks. The biggest highlight was getting 2 enormous thresher sharks within a week of each other. The first run you get when they take the bait is breathtaking followed by some brilliant acrobatics as they jump clear out of the water several times. This really is a big game fish and the adrenaline rush from being hooked up to one of these for a couple of hours is awesome. The one we were able to measure was 9 feet long from nose to the fork of the tail, using the size estimate charts this puts it at over 450lb. After catching 3 porbeagles in the morning my angler was well and truly shattered by the end of the day. Only a few individual spaces left for shark fishing this year but 2020 is starting to take shape so get booked up quick. Over the other side of the channel our last two Alderney trips have gone well despite challenging weather conditions. Such seems to be our luck this year as we have just cancelled the final one for the end of September. The bream fishing has been great with both black and couches turning up in good size and numbers. On our trip last week we were pleasantly surprised by a nice hit of brill, all between 4 and 7lb 8oz, a bit of a shocker considering how late in the year it is. In August we were going about our business on the turbot banks when we were treated to thousands of tuna breaking the surface and chasing a bait ball around. An amazing sight which carried on for the entire trip as the massive bluefin tuna kept popping up everywhere we went chasing their prey and crashing around on the surface. I’ll always have be keeping more of an eye on the horizon from now on when fishing around the island as you never know. We are know taking booking for Alderney and Guernsey 2020.
Fri 07/02/2025 5 Spaces £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 5 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Sat 08/02/2025 1 Space £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 1 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 09/02/2025 2 Spaces £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 2 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 3 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 23/02/2025 5 Spaces £120.00pp Banks fishing spurs huss tope rays congers whiting hounds £120 5 spaces 7 anglers onboard Bull Huss / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Tope / Blonde Ray.View details Mon 24/02/2025 3 Spaces 11 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for pollock with turbot fishing over the slack £160 7 anglers max. 3 spaces Pollock / Turbot / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 07/03/2025 3 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 3 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Sun 09/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Mon 10/03/2025 3 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 3 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details Fri 21/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.View details -
Fishing Report by Jason Parrott
on Lady Ann (Ramsgate, Kent)
22 Sep 2019 by Jason Parrott
Report on-board Lady Ann
Tricky conditions today lack of tide boat swinging on anchor still managed 20 Skate and few hounds plus a Bass and the dreaded whiting. Excellent day with amazing group even with me trying to retrieve tackle around anchor rope. The skate were flying up today these 2 came up together nice to see, both returned to fight another day. Good sign of Smoothounds as well around the 6 to 8 lb mark, some good fishing this week.
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Stiil spaces available and plenty of varied fishing now ring Jason on 07966273650 or Dawn on 07854772314 or find us on Facebook. -
Fishing Report by Pete Rose
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
22 Sep 2019 by Pete Rose
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
Excellent day out today, ended up with about 70 fish in total, including one first on the day a Ling weighing 16lb 15oz caught by Bish from Manchester.
Fri 07/02/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.46m Barry Allcock - x 1 Davey Mayne - x 3 Peter Burton - x 1View details Sun 09/02/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.66m Dave Johnson - x 4 Howard Chuck - x 1 Samuel Pashby - x 1View details Tue 11/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.06m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1View details Wed 12/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.20m Keith Pickering - x 1 Rodrigo Branco - x 2 Neil Kennedy - x 1View details Fri 14/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.28m Will sail with 4 anglers. Tom Allen - x 1View details Wed 19/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Nabeel Ismail - x 4View details Mon 24/02/2025 6 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.27m Will sail with 4 anglers. Robin Lever - x 3View details Tue 25/02/2025 2 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.59m Stan Matthews - x 1 Steve Whitaker - x 6View details Sun 02/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.68m Colin Frankland - x 6View details Mon 03/03/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.59m Will sail with 4 anglers Joe Clough - x 1View details -
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
19 Sep 2019 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Chris Harris and friends joined Flamer IV for their annual 5 day Angling Break, we managed to fish 4 out of the 5 days because the last day was cancelled because it was just too windy. We did sessions on Reefs and Banks at anchor and drifting and despite a nagging easterly wind on most of the days the group managed to catch some good fish and plenty of species - Black Bream, Turbot, Brill, Bass, Undulate Rays, Thornback Rays, Blonde Rays, Spotted Rays, Gurnards, Tope, Congers etc. Special mentions for Mark Cooper who caught three Undulate Rays in one session and Bruce Dellow caught a hat trick of Brill. The guys returned the majority of the fish they caught including the 6Ib Bass, just keeping a few Black Bream and one Turbot to eat,"Well Done Guys". Of course the social side of their Angling Break is always important, with good banter on the boat and the guys frequenting pubs and restaurants in the evenings, all adds to the fun of the few days away. The group have booked again for 2020.
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Pictured is Mark Cooper with his 14Ib 8oz Undulate Ray,the biggest of the three he caught.
Weymouth Angling Breaks - Book Now, Don't miss Out, *** NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR next year ***
A few days away fishing out of Weymouth along with the social side is a nice trip to do.The variety of fishing and the amount of different species caught at Weymouth is probably second to none.There are plenty of places to stay which are angler friendly and some excellent places to wine and dine around the harbour and in Weymouth Town centre.If you want to try a Weymouth Angling Break then contact me, I cater for whole boat charters and individuals. -
Fishing Report by Rich Ward
on Shy-Torque III (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
21 Sep 2019 by Rich Ward
Report on-board Shy-Torque III
The September competition comes to an end tomorrow here at Whitby and with us cancelling the day today for a fresh South Easterly, Nigel Hall who is currently leading it with a fine ling of 24 lb 3 oz on the Shy-Torque III is starting to sweat a tad!!
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The lads yesterday enjoyed some fine weather and some nice fishing on the morning until the breeze freshened from the South East and spoiled things with a racing drift.
Young Joe Bakewell and his brother from Leicester fished with us and they had a nice few fish between them. His best, a ling of 14 lb which gave him the daily 1st prize . Joe was using a basic 8/0 single hook trace with a fresh piece of mackerel for bait.
Hopefully the weather will sort itself for tomorrow and give the lads one last go at landing the big one!
Cheers for now and tight lines
Thu 13/02/2025 6 Spaces 8 Hours Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. Uptiding trip. 5.4m tide. Will sail with just 3 anglers. John Short 1. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Sat 15/02/2025 2 Spaces 8 Hours Uptiding trip. 5.4m tide. Tom Allen 6. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Sun 16/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Uptiding trip. 5.3m. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Mon 17/02/2025 6 Spaces 8 Hours Need 2 more for trip go-ahead. Uptiding trip. 5.1m tide. Will sail with just 3 anglers. Lawrence Byrne 1. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Thu 20/02/2025 6 Spaces 8 Hours Need 1 more for trip go-ahead. Offshore wrecking trip. 4.5m tide. tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cliff A 2. Bill B 1. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Fri 21/02/2025 2 Spaces 8 Hours Offshore wrecking trip. 4.2m tide. Cliff A 2. Chris Ibbotson 1. Craig White 4. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Sat 22/02/2025 1 Space 8 Hours Offshore trip includes wrecking. 4.1m tide. Room for 1. Cole Dempsey 4. James 1. Marius 3. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Sun 23/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 3 more for trip go-ahead. Offshore wrecking trip. 4.2m tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. James 1. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Mon 24/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Offshore wrecking trip. 4.2m tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details Tue 25/02/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. Offshore wrecking trip. 4.6m tide. Will sail with just 4 anglers. Cod / Coalfish (Coley/Saithe) / Ling (Common) / Pollock.View details -
Fishing Report by Trevor Crawley
on Girl Mandy (Southend-On-Sea, Essex)
Sep 2019 by Trevor Crawley
Report on-board Girl Mandy
Hi just a few lines to say goodbye we are now leaving cbuk many thanks for all your custom ladies children and of course the men it has been a great pleasure over the last 40/50 years. But i had high hopes of my son Matt taking over but hes not really interested and has moved to Stowmarket, so after some deep thought we will be winding down over the next 12 to 14 months but our own website Girl mandy charters will still be running with the help of tony our admin owner i have had a good run but my health is now starting to be a pain along with the early starts and long days plus only having my wife and daughter Jennifer helping with paint ups and any other maintenance work which has been a godsend since Matt went up to Stowmarket.I will keep going until it stops me so please keep looking on our own site for any info and pictures once again thank you all very very much but alas its time to go all the best and tight lines cheers Trev
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