Latest Fishing Reports: England
Fishing Report by Barry Ratcliff
on Nova Stella. (Isle of Sheppey, Kent)
4 Jun 2016 by Barry Ratcliff
Report on-board Nova Stella.
Big females here now along with Bass roker and mackeral showing when settled,most female hounds returned now as they're in pup. Midweek dates available and baits can be supplied Regards BAZ.
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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Jun 2016 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Two sessions at anchor along the Jurassic Coast East of Weymouth produced some good fishing with five different species of Rays caught along with Tope,Smooth Hounnds,Conger etc. Pennel rigs of Sakuma Manta hookes baited with squid and mackerel cocktail baits proved to be most successful although the Smooth Hounds were partial to the Hermit Crab bait offered. All the fish were returned alive. Pictured is Denise Young with a 15Ib 4oz Blonde Ray.
NOTE:The Next Bank/Reef/ Trips with places available are on June 6th,14th,20th,
Book Your Place/s/Trips Now.
For dates and places available look at my web site:
NOTE: I am Now Taking Bookings for 2016 and 2017. LOOK - I have put up an Itinerary of trips for 2016 on all my web sites, take a LOOK, the itinerary is not set in stone so I may be able to change it to suit your needs subject to the tides.
*** NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR 2017 ***View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
4 Jun 2016 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
The past months fishing has been generally good with Skate being the most reliable species, up to 20 of these lovely fish in a day. Along with the Skate, Smoothound numbers are increasing and as the week's pass they will increase in size. Mackerel fishing is good when the water clears along with school Bass around the banks. Joule of the Belgium fiching club landed a fine fish of 6lb 8oz. Yesterday's trip was tough due to the persistent cold North wind we have been suffering but we ended the day with 6 Skate to 10lb 8oz along with Smoothounds, pout and the ever present doggies. Prospect's look good with improving weather and clear water forecast. Still some weekend dates available so come along and make the most of the quality fishing we are enjoying off Ramsgate now. Pic shows yesterday's Skate with the winter jackets needed in the cold wind.
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Fishing Report by Michael Nicholas
on Gemini II (Dover, Kent)
3 Jun 2016 by Michael Nicholas
Report on-board Gemini II
Went out with Dean again today, the 3rd June 2016. Very overcast and a bit choppy and not looking too promising. As usual Dean pulled it out of the bag and managed to get us on the fish, moving marks 7 or 8 times to search them out. We had turbot, bass, whiting, Pollock, pouting, plaice, dab, gurnard, mackerel, dogfish and a bunch of Sandeels. We even had a visit from UK Border force to make sure we weren't trying to better the country illegally. Nothing is too much trouble for this skipper, his boat is immaculate and he keeps the tea and coffee coming all day. Highly recommended
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Fishing Report by Carl Farrar
on Alliance (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
May 2016 by Carl Farrar
Report on-board Alliance
Wednesday was another GREAT day fishing aboard Alliance, Whitby's latest addition to the Charter fleet . From stepping aboard at the start of the day the Banter was free flowing just as much as the free tea and coffee supplied by Skipper Shaun Elwick. The Ex-lifeboatman and Whitby local has over 35 years experience fishing out of Whitby and that showed from the way he put us onto the fish from the first drop. When the tide started running again we moved onto some ground on the 5 mile mark and true to his word Shaun found the fish again. with baited hookki's doing the damage Even with the difficult fishing conditions of late due to the Algae bloom being in full swing we still managed several species of fish including Cod to 8 lb, Ling to 6lb, Pollack, Pouting and Whiting, No Mackerel showing as yet though.
Shaun supplied 2 of the lads with the boats NEW top quality hire tackle Sonic rods and Shimano TLD reels these two first time anglers (Sorry lads I can't remember your names) had a great time and booked to come back next month as they have now caught the fishing bug.View Boats Page
Wed 12/02/2025 6 Spaces View details Sat 22/02/2025 7 Spaces View details -
Fishing Report by Scott Belbin
on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)
May 2016 by Scott Belbin
Report on-board Galloper
its been a while since my last report on here so i thought i'd update you all. as ive no doubt you've gathered from the other reports on here we have had a great run of thorn-back rays again this spring. these fish can provide great sport and a decent feed so they are always a welcome. over the last few weeks we have seen the arrival of the summer species with a few bass and smooth-hounds mixed in too which makes things a little more interesting. we had our first try for some decent hounds the other week and weren't disappointing. it was a steady mornings fishing with some nice fish in the 8-10lbs range showing. there were a few smaller than this and one or two bigger at 12lbs for stephen and 15.3lbs for martin. we moved closer to home for some thorn-back rays for the afternoon and had a mixture of bass and hounds too. we finished the day up with 30 odd hounds as well as several bass and a few roker so were all happy. when this weather abates (which it will) then we will be targeting the hounds again and at some point targeting tope too. even if it doesn't though there's some good fishing to be had in the more sheltered waters for the rays.
this weekend i hope to target the smooth-hounds at some point along with the rays and maybe find a bass or two. i happen to have spaces saturday and possible sunday too if your interested please call me.
i update my website and facebook pages regularly so for more information, available dates and reports please visit or call 07956411528View Boats Page
Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 08/03/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 15/03/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 22/03/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 05/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 19/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 03/05/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 10/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 17/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 31/05/2025 5 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details -
Fishing Report by Nick Gough
on Skylark (Scarborough, North Yorkshire)
29 May 2016 by Nick Gough
Report on-board Skylark
Photo's from today's 6 hour morning trip
Sea Conditions were not ideal with a good amount of lift in places, so we took shelter from the northerly winds and targeted Thornback rays as the tide eased we braved the swells to have a last hour having a go for Cod.
Overall the lads had a great day which turned out to be quite a species hunt as they managed to catch 25 thornback rays, a Spotted Ray, 2 Brill, a Lessor Spotted Dogfish, several dabs and a good few codling.
heaviest Fish was a 6lb 8oz Thornback Ray
All but 5 of the largest rays were returned to fight another day as well as the brill, and Dogfish as the anglers wanted to try a skate wing.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Dick Peckham
on Strongbow (Poole, Dorset)
1 Jun 2016 by Dick Peckham
Report on-board Strongbow
Inshore still plenty of good size Bream .Rays very plentiful , Bass and Mackerel just beginning to show
Offshore plenty of Pollock with summer Cod now ready to be caught .Some good size Tope also about.View Boats Page
Fishing Report by Ian Dale
on Kelley's Hero Charters (Gosport, Hampshire)
30 May 2016 by Ian Dale
Report on-board Kelley's Hero Charters
Since I last blogged, Kelley's Hero has done a few trips. This included 2 wrecking trips, 1 bream trip and 1 with both due to the weather.
Whilst out wrecking we have managed to find some nice fish. It is a great feeling being able to report to you that the cod are certainly in. We thought maybe it was a fluke with the last blog. The last 2 wrecking trips has thrown out some nice Cod.
The first trip the weather was perfect and calm seas blessed our day. The fishing never really slowed down all day with around about 100 cod hitting the decks, and 20ish Pollock. The anglers certainly were going to sleep well that night.
The second wrecking trip was just as good however the weather wasn't as nice. Before going to bed the night before the weather forecast was brilliant. We woke up, got the boat ready, all the guys were ready for there day afloat. Once we got the wrecks, the tide was just starting to die down, and the chop started from there. It made for some uncomfortable fishing, however we stuck it out and had very similar results to the last trip. Ending up with very similar numbers of fish.
We decided that it was time to stay inshore and head for some bream, and we did just that. The sea was flat, the wind was light, and the sun was out, what more could we want. We had plenty of grounbait, and plenty of bites. The bream that were being landed were anything between 1 and a half lb, and 2lb 6oz. The species weren't as prolific as the last inshore trips however we ended up with a couple of thornback rays, endless amount of bream, with many returned, and a couple of smoothound.
So the weather forecast for Saturday was giving light winds again, with a little bit of rain. We don't mind the rain, so we set up another wrecking trip. We turned up to the boat in the morning with our anglers all there ready to go. We checked the forecast before we left, and it had changed ever so slightly. Not enough to stop us though. We headed out to the wrecks once again. However we only had 3 Pollock and 1 cod before the tide turned it got too choppy for us and we returned inshore to go and find some bream. After finding a few fresh mackerel we headed inshore and put the anchor down. After catching a few nice bream, we decided enough was enough for one week and we headed for the pub.
Tight Lines
IanView Boats Page
Fishing Report by Lee Fox
on Lady Helen (Liverpool, Merseyside)
30 May 2016 by Lee Fox
Report on-board Lady Helen
Just got a chance to upload Monday the 30th pics some nice size smoothies amongst them, we had a cracking weekend weather was perfect let's hope it continues all of weekends in June are fully booked now, there is still 10 places for the 19th of June Father's Day and plenty of weekend dates in July,August,sept and also the winter COD season starts in October bookings already been taken the river Mersey in the winter is great for the COD so any 1 is interested give us a call or txt anytime 07514337196 tight lines Ivan skipper,,
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