Latest Fishing Reports: England

  • 05/04/2015 Fishing Report by Rob Lee on Luna-Sea (Merlin) (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    5 Apr 2015 by Rob Lee

    Report on-board Luna-Sea (Merlin)

    out todat 05/04, plenty of fish , Dabs, Whiting, Dog fish, flat calm, great days fishing.

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  • 04/04/2015 Fishing Report by Colin Graham on Blueye 2 (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)

    4 Apr 2015 by Colin Graham

    Report on-board Blueye 2

    Good day fishing on the Blueye 2, slow start in the morning however skipper went to one his marks hour steam from 13:00 till 17:00 we had 80 plus cod ling all anglers had good bag fish

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  • 03/04/2015 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    3 Apr 2015 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    APRIL 2015
    Match 2 of the Flamer IV Specimen Species League took place with a Reef/Bank trip which produced nine different species which were Blonde Ray,Thornback Ray, Spotted Ray, Starry Smooth Hound, Whiting, Plaice, Dab, Dogfish and Pout.Andy Collings had three Blonde Rays up to 14Ib 8oz and his son Peter had the biggest Blonde Ray of the day with an 18Ib 8oz ray(pictured). The match Winner was Andy Collings with 146 points and Runner up was League new comer Dave Gibson with 106 points.

    In April you can expect to see catches of Turbot and Brill on the Famous Shambles Bank and now is the time for that BIG TURBOT. Plaice will feature on the mussell beds and although they are a bit thin at this time of the year there is still a good chance of 5Ib plus fish.
    The Reefs and Banks will produce Blonde and Undulate Rays along with Spurdogs,Bull Huss,Smooth Hounds, Congers etc and may be some Black Bream . The Wrecks should be good for Pollack, Ling and a Cod or two..

    A full itinnary of trips and list of places and trip availability is on my Diary/Schedule pages.For all sorts of information,news,pictures etc Look at my web site

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  • 03/2015 Fishing Report by Colin Graham on Blueye 2 (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)

    Mar 2015 by Colin Graham

    Report on-board Blueye 2

    Nice codlings off the hard ground, wrecks starting to fish cod up to 10lbs and the odd ling taking squid !!!

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  • 27/03/2015 Fishing Report by Rob Thompson on Phosphorescent 'WH1' (Lymington, Hampshire)

    27 Mar 2015 by Rob Thompson

    Report on-board Phosphorescent 'WH1'

    March 29th - Bank Fishing for Rays

    On Friday 29th March I had a charter from Gary Hirons and his mate John aboard Phosphorescent. It was Johns birthday and the lads had travelled up with their wives for a few days in Lymington. Gary and John have their own boat in Kent and specialise in Bassing on their own patch and had never fished for Rays. At this time of year the grounds have been left alone for a good few months and can fish exceptionally well as we found upon settling down for a full flood tide. Not only did I expect a variety of Rays but there should be some large Congers (another new species for the lads) still hanging around after there winter feasting.

    The lads fished both up and downtide with a variety of cocktails baits (Squid, Mack, Sandeel or Bluey) and caught fish from the off. Frst up was a Thronback Ray to Gary and then the Blondes started to arrive as we swung over the sand and the tide picked up. As the tide got going the Congers woke up and John had 4 in a row with biggest around 45lbs. The rays continued with Gary taking a nice female around 17lbs and John a male of similar size. Gary then caught a small eyed ray (pretty rare these days) and I commented it would be great to catch unduate also....well last drop of the day he did exactly that, another fish around 17lbs. A great day afloat in absolutley stunning conditions. Job done for the day and for Gary something pretty cool 4 of the 5 ray species you catch in the area all in a few hours. We ended up with 15 Rays and 6 Congers.

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  • 22/03/2015 Fishing Report by Rob Thompson on Phosphorescent 'WH1' (Lymington, Hampshire)

    22 Mar 2015 by Rob Thompson

    Report on-board Phosphorescent 'WH1'

    It's that time of year when us boat Anglers are getting ready for the season ahead. A hardy few will have fished through from Xmas until now and fair play to them....!

    With the first bit of real sun and warmth down here in the New Forest we have headed out a couple of times in the last weeks to try inshore around the Isle of Wight and Christchurch Bays.

    March 22nd - Individuals Ultralight Trip

    The plan for the day was to look in and around Christchurch Bay for some early season flatfish primarily Plaice, Turbot and Dabs. I had a mixed crew and for the first time I can remember more of the lads wanted to fish exclusively with lures rather than bait something unheard of several years ago. The conditions in Christchurch Bay were awful with the water clarity @ zero....! In fact it looked like the perfect cup of Tea. I spoke with a mate who was fishing in Bournemouth Bay and it was far cleaner so we pushed on round Hengistbury Head and headed to the known plaice marks off Boscombe and Bournemouth. To cut a long story short this was also dire. Several charter boats were already there and I saw 1 tiny plaice come aboard all those fishing. I headed back towards the Head and stopped a little mark where there is some structure hoping that we could at least pick up a wrasse or pollock for the guys fishing lures. Well that was the plan on the third drift Neil Perry had a hit on a tiny Savage Sandeel and his tiny LRF rod bent double. After several fruitless hours we were intrigued to as what he had hooked...the fish stayed deep and had a couple of little dives, certainly not a Bass, Wrasse or Pollock: probably a Codling. When after a couple of minutes a Turbot around 3lbs slid into the net Neil, myself and I think most of the other guys were ecstatic....only a small fish but a target achieved and with it being caught on a lure a marker to show that there is a change at foot in the way guys want to fish in UK in 2015.

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  • 30/03/2015 Fishing Report by brian poppy on Cleveland Princess (Lowestoft, Suffolk)

    30 Mar 2015 by brian poppy

    Report on-board Cleveland Princess

    A last minute call as the weather had a bit of a break in it on Monday30th i left moorings at 10.00am and ran north with a bit of wind against i got the anchor down about 10.30 first job get the kettle on as i was on my own i thought i would have 4 rods out third rod out and i was getting the first one back in a nice Cod 46cms with the kettle whistling i quickly made a cupper but it was cold before i picked it up the fish were coming in steady and at one point 3 rods were knocking at once,as the tide eased they went off the boil a bit so kettle back on and finally got a hot cup of tea,i had a count up how many i had 17 nice fish all between 44-48cms with one Spotty Dog and a small Whiting not bad on just over half the ebb that i fished,i waited till the flood began to run this took a while no tide till 15.45 first hour produced only one Cod and was getting ready to pack up when they came on the feed again i packed up at 17.50 with a total of 26 take home Cod the best going 58cms i gutted on the way back and i was surprised to see that there was not a lot inside them but what i did notice was some of them had a bit of green Lug in them and i was pulling some in they had green Lug on the spikes of the weights from uptide i will have to give that mark another look when iam in that area,BP.

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  • 03/2015 Fishing Report by Lyle Stantiford on Supanova II (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Mar 2015 by Lyle Stantiford

    Report on-board Supanova II

    As March draws to a close i'm sat here staring out the window with the trees blowing all over the place as another Atlantic Low pressure system is moving through.

    Unfortunately this March hasn't been the best for weather, however when we have managed to get out the sport has been good.

    Most trips have been Wrecking for Pollack which has been reliable, with plenty of nice fish putting a bend in the rods which is great to see. Last week we had our first look of the season for some Ling, first couple of wrecks drew a blank which got me twitching as to whether they had moved up through the ground yet. The final move proved fantastic with a frenetic hours fishing accounting for some cracking fish.

    Such is the strength and depth of the sport Weymouth can offer, if the weather and the tides allow it is possible to break your days up into half wrecking and half inshore if everything is on our side.

    A day and a half last week was spent looking for the first spring flatfish inshore, The water still seems a little cold but within a couple of weeks things should begin to kick off properly. Over the day and half period we accounted for 5 Turbot (all returned) and 13 Plaice. Not great by any means but encouraging signs none the less.

    The next month should see continued wreck action with Pollack, Ling and the first Cod hopefully. Inshore should now really begin to kick on with Plaice, Turbot and rays the most likely targets and towards the end of the month the arrival of the first bream to the east and hopefully the first run of Mackerel which is surely a sign summer is coming!!!

    Pictured is Shane Johnson with his PB Ling of 23lb 8oz

    Thanks to all for their continued support to Weymouth and long may you all keep visiting the finest fleet in the UK.

    Tight Lines,


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  • 30/03/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    30 Mar 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Well, Vanishing Point -2 departed Bradwell this morning at 0800, the guys wondering weather I was crazy getting ready to sail, with comments of .... you sure Skip?? da dee da...!! yeah I'm sure..!! we have the tool for the job just trust me and you will have a good day..!!!!!!

    So... with the ropes slipped, we were on our way, I had timed the trip so our arrival to the fishing mark would coincide with high water, thus having wind and tide together for the next 6 hours, and the party said ..bloody hell skip, where did the rough water go?? just experience boys, just experience..!!

    Well the first fish was a double figure Skate in the first 10 minutes, the several more rays to follow in quick succession, then as the tide started to pick up and the ebb tide was under way, the Codling started to come to the boat, and this went on for 5.5 hours.

    So... with the party nearly out of bait, we decided to call it a day with two 7 stone boxes of Cod on the boat plus the Rays, they had a lot of gutting to do.

    Our bait digger has just dropped off the fresh Lug worm for tomorrows trip, so we do it all again tomorrow just an hour later.....

    If you want to try a fishing trip on the largest charter catamaran in Essex and get out there instead of being cancelled off due to the weather then call......

    07768 30 66 46

    Tight lines..... Terry & Nicola

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  • 29/03/2015 Fishing Report by jon old on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)

    29 Mar 2015 by jon old

    Report on-board High Flyer 2

    Still having problems with the good old british weather decided to go today as much calmer start today with the knowledge that later on was going to be touch and go. Forcast was 50 to 60 mph in the chanel so wasnt going to be the best of days. Needed the shelter of the cliffs again so back to same old ground, slightly stronger tide today so better for our inshore codling. The elements were certainly against us bloody rain was like stair rods at times didnt let up for hours bit testing really. In the end rain cleared for a while few fish came aboard one or two nice keepers ended up with 22 in total , few on the limit thrown back well done boys for the conservation . Some pin whiting appeared as usual as water slackened off, once again the dreaded weed came on but today only lasted about a hour or so thank god. Ws a good day all round picture here of Barrys team regulars on High Flyer and also Panky and Eddy from Cambridge many thanks guys for bit of a testing day. As the wind was now gusting over 40mph we headed in just as the lightening pinked up the sky and the heavens opened perfect timing to end the day all home safe and sound. Cheers lads see you all soon,
    Jon. (High Flyer)

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