Latest Fishing Reports: England

  • 25/04/2013 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin on Lady Grace (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    25 Apr 2013 by Scott Belbin

    Report on-board Lady Grace

    We headed out at 9am this morning to fish up to high water, it was a lovely still morning and I had aboard 2 couples that wanted to try their luck at their fishing. It started off a little quite with only Alan getting whiting bites but not much luck getting them in the boat, then Christine caught a nice whiting around 1.5lb, then once Christine had showed Alan how to do it he caught another whiting around the same size. Margaret, Alans wife, then told us that Alan had the lucky rod in the lucky spot on the boat so they swaped places and with that Margaret caught the first skate of the day which Alan was not best pleased he had given her his rod and place on the boat then. Margarets skate weighed in at 6.2lb. It was time to head home so they decided to give it another hour before heading in as they caught their first skate and were hoping for more action. Alan and Margaret then swaped places on the boat again where Alan then had a skate on around 4.5lb which we let go and Colin who felt unwell towards the end of the trip then caught the last skate around 5lb which took his mind off the sea sickness for a while. All 3 skate were males, they kept 2 for their dinner. A lovely day had by all.

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  • 04/2013 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    Apr 2013 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    FLATTY REPORT - At last the weather has improved and the water clarity has got a lot better,which in turn has improved the Plaice fishing as they can now see your baits.In recent days the Plaice fishing has been good with plenty of fish in the 2 to 4Ib range and the occassional big one .Mick Beach age 66 from Sussex landed a 5Ib 8oz Plaice only to be followed by a six pounder caught by Mark Towner age 60 from Winchester.In both cases the successful bait was ragworm and strips of Ammo squid. Mark is Pictured with his Personal Best 6Ib Plaice.

    *** The Next Flatty Trips with places available on Flamer IV are on May,8th,16th, DON'T MISS OUT ***

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  • 18/04/2013 Fishing Report by Kevin Byrne on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    18 Apr 2013 by Kevin Byrne

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Great day with Bob by experienced club fisherman. Ton of cod all went home very happy. Get on this boat ASAP before the hoards turn up. Best kept secret on south east coast.

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  • 24/04/2013 Fishing Report by Malcolm Collins on Just Mary (Christchurch, Dorset)

    24 Apr 2013 by Malcolm Collins

    Report on-board Just Mary

    Hi All, well I'm back and to celebrate that, we are giving you the NO FISH- NO FEE promise, put simply, if you fish the way that we show you using our rigs and bait you WILL catch fish, of that we are confident !
    Whilst we all await the 'magic' ten degrees C that triggers the feeding and the arrival of our glorious Black Bream the month of May gets closer and closer. Reports of Turbot and Plaice to the West have been made with some good photos on the 'net but with the coming season interrupted by unwelcome Easterly winds and rain. Further offshore there seem to be a few Spurdog (nice to see them making a comeback) and Blonde Rays but once again the weather conditions have interrupted any consistent reports. So..........we await the Black Bream !
    My Commercial mates tell me that they are netting 'Summer Species' ie. Bream, Bass, Sole and Plaice so although the water is cold and the fish aren't taking baits properly yet, it all looks good for the Inshore Fishing soon. Bring on May and we'll be out there after them............thanks to one and all, Malc

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  • 22/04/2013 Fishing Report by Gary Flint on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    22 Apr 2013 by Gary Flint

    Report on-board Discovery

    22APRIL 2013
    Pawels trip.
    Yet again , We had a strong wind warning, i made the call to Pawel the night before to blow the trip off only to be told we will flattie fish,so we left the Marina with plenty of bait to try to catch plaice and flounders,we fished solid allday to end up with a Sole just in size which was photographed and returned , A nice Thornback of 5lb 10oz , 12 x Flounder 1x Plaice and a lot of Dabs.Another good flattie day with winds gusting to 35 knots.overall a good day with plenty of laughs, see you in June lads Gary (skipper)

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  • 21/04/2013 Fishing Report by Gary Flint on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    21 Apr 2013 by Gary Flint

    Report on-board Discovery

    21st APRIL 2013
    Vidas trip, We where meant to be going offshore today but with a strong wind warning , I offered the lads the chance to blow the trip off as we would only be able to flattie fish or catch the occasional thornback ray,
    Vidas just wanted to fish so we set of up the channel catching Dabs, So to give the lads a change we moved into the river and managed to pick more dabs, and flounders,1 plaice and a Cod of 4lb 9oz.
    Well done lads, Gary (skipper)

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  • 04/2013 Fishing Report by Gary Flint on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    Apr 2013 by Gary Flint

    Report on-board Discovery

    20thApril 2013
    Grahams boys,
    Yet again we arrived at the marina with not a breath of wind and the sun shining,we headed to a rough ground mark that we fished 2 weeks previous with the intention of pushing further out if the weather was ok when we got out we tried 3 different marks and then headed back in to try for a plaice for the last hour,fish caught Cod ,Pollack Whiting,Pouting,Dabs, overall a really good day
    Gary (skipper)

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  • 07/04/2013 Fishing Report by Gary Flint on Discovery (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    7 Apr 2013 by Gary Flint

    Report on-board Discovery

    7TH APRIL 2013.
    We left the Marina with near perfect conditions the lads where all eager to get started ,We decided to head to a rough ground mark that has produced fish in the early months in previous years.
    So we left the marina with a 2hr ride to the 1st mark and yes it was worth the trip we had Cod, Whiting ,Pouting,Ling Dabs etc. MOST OF THE LADS USED OUR GEAR SO THE RESULTS WHERE VERY GOOD.The lads fished so well we tried a couple of wrecks on the way back but these where not productive (still very early).overall a excellent day with a nice bunch of lads
    Gary (skipper)

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  • 22/04/2013 Fishing Report by Mark Peters on DAWN TIDE II (Wallasea Island, Essex)

    22 Apr 2013 by Mark Peters

    Report on-board DAWN TIDE II

    The skate are here in good numbers over 20 a trip easy last trip we see over 30 keepers ther are some nice cod around on other grounds still a few codling popping up here and there with the skate a few spur dog offshore marks we also had out first hound only a bout 3lb but a good sign there on the way soon to follow are the bass too
    Skipper mark peters

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  • 20/04/2013 Fishing Report by Lee Rossie on Sea-Juicer (Portsmouth, Hampshire)

    20 Apr 2013 by Lee Rossie

    Report on-board Sea-Juicer

    Sat 20th April,
    First trip out this year, 2013 and the anticipation was hugh. Small tides (tick), offshore (tick), light easterly's (tick), 10hr trip (tick), Fish ( ?) always an unknown in this game of fishing and why we play this game.So armed with a head full of new banter required to defend my corner we drew positions and set off.
    An hour's steaming saw us drop anchor many miles past the Nab Tower in a deep water fishing one of the many banks. Familiar comments soon came into play " what weight shall I use Skip", " how deep is it Skip", " what rig shall I use Skip", " what we fishing for Skip" and so we began fishing.
    Tide was building to a full ebb and would be like this for many hours. So with various weights and baits in the water we waited. Bites soon started as the scent moved up tide bringing the fish in. Would it be Smoothounds, Spurdog, Rays we wouldn't know till we saw colour. I hooked into a fish with some weight behind it and started the long haul. It felt like a Ray and was taking line, more line than I was gaining so after a number of minutes I locked the spool with my thumb and pulled back only for the trace to part company, Grrrr !!. My trace was quickly investigated for the " Pigs tail " of a poorly tied knot. Fortunately it had been rubbed through but I was still a " Wayne Curr *
    Good start though and soon we had a number of sizable Blonde Rays on board. Each fish caught measured on it merits of size. Some were a few pounds and discreetly returned. Other were double figures over 20lbs.
    The sun was well up by now and with the earlier chill gone it was relaxed fish with smiling faces and packed lunched being broken out..
    Once we had slack water we moved a mile or so to another bank ready for the start of the flood. We would stay for the start of the flood with home time coinciding when the flood would be too strong.
    The flood didn't bring the number of fish caught during the ebb. In fact from memory it was just the odd Dogger.
    So when the time came to up anchor and set off home. We left with smiles on our faces well pleased with day's fishing. We'd had a number of Blondes up to 23lbs/25lbs ( scales were swinging between both weights ) some were personal bests and for others their 1st Blonde Ray and with thanks to the Skipper we all hoped it was a good omen for the season to come.

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