Latest Fishing Reports: England
Fishing Report by Scott Belbin
on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)
5 Jun 2023 by Scott Belbin
Report on-board Galloper
The Thames estuary may not be known for producing a wide variety of fish but as with any type of sea angling you can never be sure what to expect. This time of year can be a great time to see different species and our general trips have done just this over the past few weeks. For me the capture of two small conger eels in as many weeks was very exciting. I know they may not be huge and one swallow doesn’t make a summer ect. Just to put it into perspective, my father has been chartering here for over 50 years now and never had one on board despite his best efforts. lets hope we can find them in greater size and numbers at some point.
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We don’t see as many gurnard inshore as we used to so Tony was pleased with a colourful tub gurnard the other day. we should see plenty more tub, grey and even red gurnard on some of our land of no fish trips in the coming months.
Mark managed our first stingray of the year and his first ever one. these are far from common but hopefully we will find a few more before the end of the summer.
Of course we catch some big tope on our offshore trips but we often get smaller fish mixed in on the general trips. Paul had one of 4 the other day a several we have seen inshore over the last few weeks.
Other species caught lately include dabs, silver eel, pouting with the rest of our made up of smooth-hounds, thorn-back rays and bass as well as the ever present dogfish and whiting.
Please get on touch with me for full boat bookings or individual spaces. I can also add you to my messaging list when I am trying to put offshore trips together. Please note that Galloper is a big, fast catamaran with a genuine 60mile code of practice. Not something many local boats can boast these days. All of this helps with our offshore trips and very few local boats can boast a a success rate like ours either.
The hounds will be inshore in numbers until September and we should see plenty more good days and decent fish between now and then.
I have plenty of spaces on general trips for full boat bookings and individuals. I also have spaces for tope, plaice and bass coming up soon so please get in touch.
Remember it is often worth giving me a shout if you are cancelled else where and still wish to get out, as we have lots of sheltered fishing available and a big catamaran which makes it even more comfortable.
Spaces as follows
09/06 full boat available from £490
12/06-offshore tope trip 5 spaces @ £100pp (own tackle required bait supplied at extra cost)
14th-16th I may try to arrange a day for turbot and other species, it will be long hours and £110pp please text me if you are interested
14/06 full boat available from £490
15/06 full boat available from £490
16/06 full boat available from £490
19/06-8 spaces @ £60pp
24/06- offshore tope trip 4 spaces @ £100pp (own tackle required bait supplied at extra cost)
25/06- offshore tope trip 5spaces @ £100pp (own tackle required bait supplied at extra cost)
29/06 full boat available from £490
30/06 full boat available from £490
Not all dates advertised, other spaces available for full boat bookings upon request
For regular updates, availability and more information please visit find us on social media or call Scott on 07956411528UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Galloper
Sat 08/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp offshore tripView details Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 08/03/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 15/03/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 22/03/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 05/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 19/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 03/05/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 10/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 17/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details -
Fishing Report by Andy Savage
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
5 Jun 2023 by Andy Savage
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
A day out on the Spring Tides today with a fantastic group of lads.
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As reported previously, we’ve struggled to find any bigger fish on the areas of rough ground around Whitby in recent trips. To be fair, today was no different…..The bigger Spring Tides find us fishing the rough ground for the majority of the day because the boat drifts too fast to catch off the wrecks.
Today we ran out and dropped straight on an inshore wreck as the tide was fairly slack. We got 2-3 Codling for a few drifts, but then the Ebb Tide pushed through and made the drift too fast to continue. Muppet bait traces, baited with a whole Squid accounted for all the fish, and pleasingly, the lads using my hire tackle, got to grips with things quickly and got off the mark.
Once the tide was away, we ran out to the seven mile ground first, for a handful of small Codling and Haddock; then went out another couple of miles to lose as much tide as possible. The sport was patchy, but we did find one consistent area that fished ok for an hour. Plenty of bites from small Codling and Haddock kept things ticking over.
Just after dinner we committed and ran back inside to catch the second slack water. We fished four wrecks during the last two hours. Three of them were pretty rubbish, but the last one saved the day, giving a few fish a drift. Some nice Codling, with the biggest of 7lb falling to Peter Koska.
A big thank you to everyone for coming today. Everyone got a few to take home, with the exception of Gordon Carter, who was on his first trip on Sea Urchin. Seasoned angler Gordon explained that he has had “new boat” bad luck before…..unfortunately he drew a blank today, but was excellent company nonetheless. Revenge is sweet Gordon..unfinished business.UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Sea Urchin IIl
Tue 04/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.07m Davey Mayne - x 3 Peter Burton - x 1View details Sun 09/02/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.66m Dave Johnson - x 4 Howard Chuck - x 1View details Tue 11/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.06m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1View details Wed 12/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.20m Will sail with 4 anglers. Keith Pickering - x 1View details Sat 15/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 5.23m Jimmy Yeung - x 1 Hubert Perkowski - x 3 Alan Lawson - x 3View details Tue 18/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Mark Thomason - x 1 Mark Northam - x 6View details Wed 19/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Nabeel Ismail - x 4View details Mon 24/02/2025 6 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.27m Will sail with 4 anglers. Robin Lever - x 3View details Tue 25/02/2025 2 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.59m Stan Matthews - x 1 Steve Whitaker - x 6View details Sun 02/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.68m Colin Frankland - x 6View details -
Fishing Report by Geoff Sharp
on Sweet William (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
4 Jun 2023 by Geoff Sharp
Report on-board Sweet William
Massive thanks to the lads for travelling from all over the country today. After yesterday’s extravaganza, on the one hand we we're expecting a great day out, but on the other, it had crossed our minds that there was no way it was going to be so easy two days in a row.
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It was tops off when we departed Royal Quays Marina; this didn't last long…no sooner than we had made the first stop off a chilly wind picked up way beyond what was forecast, which in turn whipped up a nasty little North Easterly swell, the kind with short intervals which relentlessly bounced you from wall to wall.
Thankfully the lads were here today to find some Mackerel, which we did, pretty much non stop for the entire day.
It was also good to see some stocky Coalies coming up in good numbers, Pouting, Whiting, small Codling and a decent number of smaller Haddock.
Whilst we were predominantly targeting Mackerel, two or three of the lads were hunting some codling for pan, which they found, but there wasn’t really anything noteworthy other than a single fish coming in a just shy of 8 lb (for your first ever time sea fishing I’d count that as a win!)
The sea conditions made things uncomfortable, the wind was relentless, but notwithstanding, the fishing was pretty much non stop with another day full of good craic and mountains of fillets for the freezer :-) -
Fishing Report by Geoff Sharp
on Sweet William (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
3 Jun 2023 by Geoff Sharp
Report on-board Sweet William
Massive thanks to the lads for travelling up from Bradford today; we headed out to almost no wind, sunshine and a substantial residual north easterly groundswell which steadily eased throughout the day. The vast majority of the guys had never been fishing before, and they dealt with the swell admirably.
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The instruction for today was to find the mackerel, and the first stop off was the first day of the season where we found huge shoals and pretty much non stop full strings. They were mostly a cracking stamp, mixed in with some good sized coalies, pouting, haddock and smaller codling.
We stuck it out until the lads all had all a sufficient supply of mackerel for the freezer, and decided to try and find them some codling.
We never strayed much more than five or six miles from the Tyne piers, and decided to try heading south on the wrecks for pretty much the first time this year.
It was just one of those days; no matter where we went, which baits or tackle we tried, the Codling just kept coming up; you could have used a handline, safety pin and limpets! It definitely made a change from the past four months hard grind.
Once the guys were pretty much fished out on the wrecks, we opted for a leisurely drift on the inner grounds, which also produced plenty of smaller stamp codling, but not a mackerel in sight.
Cracking day out, almost perfect weather, great company and non stop fishing! -
Fishing Report by Peter Mackintosh
on Mistress (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
4 Jun 2023 by Peter Mackintosh
Report on-board Mistress
There's been a ridge of high pressure off the west coast for the past two weeks, which has resulted in light northerly and north easterly winds, making fishing tricky at times.
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Early morning, there was a bit of northerly swell, which kept the temperature down- very cool for June, as we set off a fished a few wrecks as the tide was ebbing. We had a couple of small cod and the odd mackerel.
The skipper headed North, working the inshore wrecks and ground, and we steadily picked away at the fish. There was a lot of pouting caught, some small whiting and coleys, with the odd better Cod and Ling making an appearance.
We hit a good patch of mackerel and got some for bait and the BBQ.
They say there's no substitute for experience, but young Zak blew that theory out of the water today. At just eight years old, he had a great day, netting the best fish (pictured) a Cod of around 6lb mark and landed the most keepers. Well done Zak, you showed the seasoned campaigners how it's done.
Daylites, with a variety of baits: prawn, squid, red dyed prawns and mackerel strip accounted for most of the fish, the shads didn't really pay dividends today.
Hopefully the prevailing northerly and easterly winds will disappear shortly and summer fishing will get going. It would be good to get the winter jacket off for the day. -
Fishing Report by Allan Skinner
on JFK TWO (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
3 Jun 2023 by Allan Skinner
Report on-board JFK TWO
sat 3rd june
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had tog and the lads up from barnsley area. and as usual the craich was brill turned out to be a excellent days wrecking, with most of the lads averaging 5-8 fish each. most fish in the 4-6lbs range
with a few cod touching 8lbs. a nice pollack around 6lbs
but with tons of huge mackrel on the go it was inevitable the biggest fishes of the day were going to be lings. and sure enougth we had plenty lings and a few over 10lbs and davys the best around 13lbs
places still available thursday 8th june ring allan 0780-8684358
****** tight lines**** -
Fishing Report by Nick Gough
on Skylark (Scarborough, North Yorkshire)
4 Jun 2023 by Nick Gough
Report on-board Skylark
Photos from today's 6 hour trip
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Nice to be finally back at sea again with the sea conditions we've been having recently
Overall everybody caught a sizable cod to take home some even had 4 to 5 each.
As Well as the cod we had a few Pollock, coalfish, wrasse, pouting and lesser spotted dogfish
Best baits today seamed to be feathers tipped with squid.
We did get the occasional fish on the shads so it showing signs of the water clearing.
As the video earlier showed we had a good amount of dolphins as we steamed to our first mark. -
Fishing Report by Lee Brown
on Kelsey Leigh charter (Tyne, Tyne and Wear)
4 Jun 2023 by Lee Brown
Report on-board Kelsey Leigh charter
Today was bit hard going with north east wind and tide so hit wrecks got loads off macrel then stayed on the ground plucked away at codling to 5 lb loads off tommys and colies full Tuesday evening few spots Wednesday evening and spots Thursday full day few Saturday Sunday wrecking cheers lee
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Fishing Report by Sam Thornton
on Plan B (Brightlingsea, Essex)
4 Jun 2023 by Sam Thornton
Report on-board Plan B
Fishing is great at the moment , smooth hounds in abundance and not to far out. Thorn backs still around with a few whiting and plenty of doggies. a few bass but none of any size yet.
Sun 02/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Mon 03/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Tue 04/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Wed 05/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Thu 06/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Fri 07/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Sat 08/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Sun 09/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Mon 10/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details Tue 11/02/2025 7 Hours see additional information on home page for prices. Best bait at the moment worm tipped with squid. Bass / Cod / Smooth-hound (Common) / Thornback Ray / Whiting.View details -
Fishing Report by Andy Savage
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
3 Jun 2023 by Andy Savage
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
I’ve done three trips since I last did a report and there is a good reason for that……The fishing has been far from brilliant for us and the fish we have been getting have been on the small side, with only a couple of fish over 5lb.
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We’ve currently got Northerly winds coming at us, but they haven’t been massive, so we’ve got a few trips in. The actual fishing conditions haven’t been perfect, with the anglers having to combat lines streaming a bit at certain points of the day.
We’ve fished wrecks and rough ground, catching fish from both, but not in the numbers and size I hoped for. There are plenty of bites to be had on the rough ground from small Codling, Haddock and Ling but the better size fish just don’t seem to have arrived yet. A few “Scout” Mackerel also came off the 5 Mile ground.
All methods are catching as the water clears out. Hokkai’s baited with Squid have dominated the rough ground and bait traces with Squid on the wrecks. Shads are catching plenty for the anglers who choose to use them from ground and wrecks.
With the lack of decent fish, it’s a bit of a non-report, but I like to let everyone know what’s going on. As Del Trotter says..…’s not all Champagne and Skittles!! Tomorrow is another day and we always hope for a few decent fish.
Thanks to all the anglers who have joined me for a day out, your support is greatly appreciated.UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD Sea Urchin IIl
Tue 04/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.07m Davey Mayne - x 3 Peter Burton - x 1View details Sun 09/02/2025 3 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.66m Dave Johnson - x 4 Howard Chuck - x 1View details Tue 11/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.06m Will sail with 4 anglers. Stan Matthews - x 1View details Wed 12/02/2025 7 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.20m Will sail with 4 anglers. Keith Pickering - x 1View details Sat 15/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 5.23m Jimmy Yeung - x 1 Hubert Perkowski - x 3 Alan Lawson - x 3View details Tue 18/02/2025 1 Space Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Mark Thomason - x 1 Mark Northam - x 6View details Wed 19/02/2025 4 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 4.86m Nabeel Ismail - x 4View details Mon 24/02/2025 6 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.27m Will sail with 4 anglers. Robin Lever - x 3View details Tue 25/02/2025 2 Spaces Available Wrecking Trip - 4.59m Stan Matthews - x 1 Steve Whitaker - x 6View details Sun 02/03/2025 2 Spaces Available Uptiding Trip - 5.68m Colin Frankland - x 6View details