Latest Fishing Reports: England

  • 10/06/2011 Fishing Report by Alex kweller on Predator (Poole, Dorset)

    10 Jun 2011 by Alex kweller

    Report on-board Predator

    With a brief break in the windy weather the lads from Thames Valley Police enjoyed a day on the bream. An early start saw us head off to a small reef at a steady 19 knots. With tea in hands the lads were full of anticipation at catching their first bream of the season.

    A quick couple of drifts for mackerel and we had enough bait for the day. With anchor dropped the boat settled in the tide and tell tale rattle of the rod tips meant we were in the right place. With bream coming in steady it was nice to see the lads putting all females back with only a couple of male fish being taken for the table for each person. Pictured here is David with the biggest bream of the day, a fine 3lb male fish.

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  • 13/06/2011 Fishing Report by Sam Cumming on Silver Spray II (Poole, Dorset)

    13 Jun 2011 by Sam Cumming

    Report on-board Silver Spray II

    Since the middle of May we have been busy with reef fishing in Poole bay, Alderney trips and the start of the bassing.

    The reef fishing has produced good numbers of bream with 3lb fish not uncommon and fish averaging 2lbs. As well as the bream we have enjoyed a good selection of other fish with 10 species a day not uncommon. We have had 4 species of ray with blondes to 24lb, undulates to 14lb, smalled eyed rays to 12lb and a few spotted rays as well. There have been some nice plaice and we also caught our first dover sole on Silver Spray. This fish was caught as part of the Hudson Green Challenge which is a charity species hunt. On that day the tope boat San Gina 2 from Swanage skipper by Tom Greasty caught 16 species while Silver Spray was joint second with 11 species. Best specimen was a fine 18lb undulate caught on Crimson tide. The challenge raised more than £1000 for charity.

    On our latest Alderney trip we were pleased to have Andy Ford from Sky TVs tightlines programme on board together with a camera crew. We were certainly hoping that the presence of the cameras weren’t going to put a curse on the fishing or the weather. Day 1 was a bumpy crossing with a fresh SW wind. Plenty of nice pollack on the wrecks around the hurd deep with live mackerel taking the better fish. Day 2 saw an increase in wind and tough fishing conditions. Fish of the day was a 17.5lb turbot caught by Gerry Reed. Day 3 and with improving conditions the quantity of flatfish increased. A nice 5lb brill for Mark Edwards who also caught 6 turbot as well! Friday and the wind has dropped away. We are off for some codding on the way home. The cod got bigger as the day went on. a 22lber for James Craft was topped with a 25lber for Mark Edwards who then followed this up with a 32lber which is a new boat record. The Alderney film will be made into 4 separate features and should be broadcast on Sky Sports Tight Lines from the beginning of July.

    The bass season has just started with our first trip on the offshore banks providing excellent sport on live mackerel baits. There were plenty of bass to 7lb and a dozen congers to50lb on a nearby wreck over slack.

    As I’m writing this the rain is pouring and the wind is howling. It’s more like February than June. I hope that we can get out to sea again soon as the fishing both inshore and further off is really good at present.

    For all the pictures please see

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    Sun 09/03/2025 4 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp
    Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 4 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.
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    Mon 10/03/2025 1 Space 10 Hours £160.00pp
    Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 1 space 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.
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    Fri 21/03/2025 5 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp
    Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 5 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.
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    Mon 24/03/2025 1 Space 9 Hours £120.00pp
    Banks fishing spurs blondes hounds tope huss congers £120 1 spaces 7 anglers max. Bull Huss / Conger Eel / Smooth-hound (Common) / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.
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    Wed 26/03/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £160.00pp
    Wreck fishing for big pollock maybe a session at anchor to fillet the fish - £160 6 spaces 7 anglers max. Pollock / Spurdog / Blonde Ray.
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    Fri 04/04/2025 2 Spaces £160.00pp
    wreck fishing pollock cod etc maybe a session at anchor - £160 7 anglers max. 2 spaces Cod / Pollock.
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    Mon 07/04/2025 5 Spaces £120.00pp
    big fish day - tope blondes huss congers smoothound etc - £120 7 anglers max.5 spaces Bull Huss / Conger Eel / Tope / Blonde Ray.
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    Wed 09/04/2025 6 Spaces £160.00pp
    wreck fishing pollock cod etc maybe a session at anchor - £160 7 anglers max. 6 spaces Cod / Pollock.
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    Sat 12/04/2025 7 Spaces £100.00pp
    Bream fishing maybe some other species as well - £100 7 anglers max. Black Sea Bream / Tope.
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    Sun 13/04/2025 7 Spaces £100.00pp
    Bream fishing maybe some other species as well - £100 7 anglers max. Black Sea Bream / Tope.
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  • 01/06/2011 Fishing Report by Barry Handley on Malaki (Hayling Island, Hampshire)

    1 Jun 2011 by Barry Handley

    Report on-board Malaki

    June !!
    Nearly all the species are here now, even the conger eel has moved inshore. And of course the weed
    has come which can make fishing a bit of a problem. But you just have to find the places that are weed free
    during the floood and ebb tide cycle.
    We started the month of well on Malaki with plenty of Bream, Plaice, Bass & Tope, then the weather
    stopped fishing it's almost like winter but l guess it's down to green house gases or is it ???
    However were bashing on and getting out when we can. Had a couple of bad trips last week but this week
    were back on form catching bass, conger, tope and lots of ray's so if you get a spare day, your always welcome to join us onboard Malaki !!

    The picture is of Ken a very good angler and l am pleased to say a regular on Malaki with a nice 5lb 1oz plaice caught on the drift using ragworm and beades.

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  • 06/2011 Fishing Report by Dave Hunkin on Bessie Vee (Mevagissey, Cornwall)

    Jun 2011 by Dave Hunkin

    Report on-board Bessie Vee

    The summer cod seems to have turned up in the Western Approaches - have had large catch numbers (up to sixty cod); though the average size remains from 4 - 8lb. In amongst them, there have been some bigger ones weighing between 12 and 16lb - though we have yet to beat the 20lb mark.
    Inshore wrecks are producing large quantities of channel whiting, ranging from 1 - 6lb, and in amongst them are codlings, small coleys and haddock.
    Conger are now beginning to show in numbers after a slow start (probably due to the large amount of whiting)! Best weight conger so far has been 52lb; but hope to break that on the next tide, when we have the Conger Kings down!

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    Wed 09/04/2025 3 Spaces 8 Hours £75.00pp
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    Thu 10/04/2025 4 Spaces 8 Hours £75.00pp
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    Fri 27/06/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours £80.00pp
    9am-5pm inc rod /tackle
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    Wed 02/07/2025 7 Spaces 8 Hours £80.00pp
    9am-5pm inc rod /tackle
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    Wed 09/07/2025 7 Spaces 8 Hours £80.00pp
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    Thu 10/07/2025 7 Spaces 8 Hours £80.00pp
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    Fri 15/08/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours £80.00pp
    9am-5pm wrecking inc. rod/tackle. Conger Eel.
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    Sat 16/08/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours £80.00pp
    9am-5pm inc rod /tackle. Conger Eel.
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    Sun 17/08/2025 8 Spaces 8 Hours £80.00pp
    9am-5pm inc rod /tackle. Conger Eel.
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    Thu 11/09/2025 4 Spaces 8 Hours £75.00pp
    9am-5pm inc rod /tackle
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  • 11/06/2011 Fishing Report by paul sykes on Trojan Warrior (Whitby, North Yorkshire)

    11 Jun 2011 by paul sykes

    Report on-board Trojan Warrior


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  • 06/2011 Fishing Report by Paul Fitch on She Likes It Rough 2 (Shotley, Suffolk)

    Jun 2011 by Paul Fitch

    Report on-board She Likes It Rough 2

    The past week has been a busy one for us getting out every day bar one. Fishing has been good with the majority of the groups opting for a mixed days fishing: fishing for hounds and Roker for best part of the day and then a short spell hitting a wreck or two for some cod. The same as last year for us really on the wrecks, with our small uncharted wrecks coming up with the goods time and time again. Best we managed was 66 in only an hours fishing for 7 anglers.
    We had Des out with us on Tuesday Offshore Bassing and Wrecking for his birthday trip. Between four anglers they landed bass to 8lb drifting with live baits and also had over 40 cod to 8lb on a wreck in just 45 minutes.
    Glen’s groups on Thursday were unlucky with the weather, which did not allow us to push out to the wrecks, but they still had a good catch on the ground with plenty of Hounds and Roker
    As the week went on and the tides fell away we turned our attention to more wrecking and ground fishing, landing Smoothound and Roker to over double figures every day
    The hounds are still of a good size as quite a few are still in pup and returned alive for future sport.

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  • 11/06/2011 Fishing Report by Ray Martin on PLAN B (Southend-On-Sea, Essex)

    11 Jun 2011 by Ray Martin

    Report on-board PLAN B

    Been so busy havent had a chance to update..
    The fishing has been very good, however the weather has been unkind.
    We managed a trip down the river on Friday with a fishing club group. They bagged around 40-50 hounds most around the 5-7lb mark best tipping the scales at 10.6 also 6 bass to 5lb and a few skate and loads of dogs.
    Saturday proved a slower day, with plenty of dogs, no bass about 10-15 hounds and only 1 skate. The weather turned nasty later in the day and maybe the sudden drop in temperature effected the fishing.

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  • 11/06/2011 Fishing Report by Brian Shone on Lady Helen (Liverpool, Merseyside)

    11 Jun 2011 by Brian Shone

    Report on-board Lady Helen

    11.6.11. Trip by Mersey Pirates after the Smoothounds. Had a look outside for fresh Mackerel for bait, got a few so went to the smoothie mark, had a few but no doubles, best fish to Phil a 7lb and 6lb, but plenty of nice big Dabs, Whiting, L.S.D and a few Rays to keep the rest of the lads busy. See you in 2 weeks lads

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  • 11/06/2011 Fishing Report by Peter Everett on Amino (Shotley, Suffolk)

    11 Jun 2011 by Peter Everett

    Report on-board Amino

    Having had to postpone most of last months trips due to the relentless winds, at long last the weather gave us a window...well for a day anyway!!!

    Great day out with Cliff, Andy, Dave and Ernie. We had Common and Starry Smoothounds to 8lb+, Dogs, Whiting, Thornbacks to 8lb+ and the first Tope of the season, albeit a small one!

    Story of the day was poor Ernie(pictured here in battle). Having hooked a huge Thornback that took 30 yards on its first run, Ernie played it for ten minutes and managed to get it within ten yards of the boat... only for it to head off again taking another 50 yards!!!....passing his rod to Cliff for a rest, Cliff promptly lost said Thornback....needless to say Cliff took a hammering for the rest of the day!!!

    Well done chaps, great banter as usual thank you..hope to see you again soon!

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  • 10/06/2011 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    10 Jun 2011 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    JUNE 2011 - TONBRIDGE TANGLERS SAC annual three day angling break aboard Flamer IV.The Tanglers enjoyed their three days fishing catching a variety of different species in fact 19 in total which included cod,pollack,ling,black bream,brill,bull huss,conger etc.They also caught some good fish ie Pollack 16Ib for Stuart,12Ib 8oz Undulate Ray for Paul and John Haylett landed a 14Ib Ling,12Ib Bull Huss and a 5Ib 2oz Brill.A friendly but some what a bit competitive competition was done over the three days.Results - Winner - John Haylett,Runner Up - Stuart Summerson,Third Place - Kim,Most Species - John Haylett,Best Fish Award - Paul with his 12Ib 8oz Undulate Ray. The Tanglers are pictured with their trophies and colourful shirts.

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