Latest Fishing Reports: East

  • 05/08/2015 Fishing Report by Ray Martin on PLAN B (Southend-On-Sea, Essex)

    5 Aug 2015 by Ray Martin

    Report on-board PLAN B

    A month of superb fishing has passed since my last report, so busy and at last some better weather.
    Plenty of bass now about with some enormous hounds and skate making me work hard with the net on a regular basis.
    The green weed has been a nusance but if you perservere the fish are there and well worth the effort.

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  • 08/2015 Fishing Report by Mark Peters on DAWN TIDE II (Wallasea Island, Essex)

    Aug 2015 by Mark Peters

    Report on-board DAWN TIDE II

    August 2015
    haven't the time to waffle on so il cut to the chase
    good numbers and decent size bass coming out a bit further offshore up to 5lb and most fish are in the 2 lb bracket .
    The rays are increasing and moving back in now so some good numbers on the ray side if you target them on the right grounds. The hounds seem to have move down river a bit they will move back up soon still god number to be had on the hermits and squid had plenty hounds to 22lb this week. We been getting a few cod to 6 lb the last week not sure if the early arrivals or late stragglers but they have moved on to our grounds between the fleet herd of over 20 had this weekend and we had 6 so its a good sign for the season to come and a nice surprise. mackerel still a bit thin on the ground but few more about now nice mixed bag about around for the taking. see my web for better reports and pictures
    mark peters

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  • 07/2015 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    Jul 2015 by Scott Belbin

    Report on-board Galloper

    July has been another good month even if they weather was a little questionable at times. We have had the odd bass trip and tope trip offshore but have spent most of our time in pursuit of the smooth-hounds. these have been around in good numbers so far this year and with some decent fish showing too. this month has seen mainly small ones with a few bigger fish mixed in at times in the 8-10lbs range along with several double figure fish. these fish will be our main target on our general trips over the next month or so. We have seen a few bass on our general trips too and did our first bass trip last week and had a few nice fish for our efforts. the biggest was only around 4lbs but Fred took my advise and bought a spinning rod along which made a lot more enjoyable. Some times bass can be a little underwhelming on an uptide rod in coloured water or dragging a load of weight behind them. The bonus to this fishing is we can get away with really light gear an appreciate the fish so much more. If the weather permits we should be able to do several more of these trips over the next couple of months. There have still been one or two rays showing on most trips. These add a bit of variety to the mix of fish we’re catching and the males are great eating fish. these are likely to build in numbers over the next month or so although they can be a bit smaller at this time of year. We have seen plenty of other bits and bobs too with whiting, pouting and dogfish often showing in with our main catches. We found a few stray codling the other day which were nice to see. we had several sizable fish with the biggest going around 4.8lbs. After a good winter season like last year there are often a few fish hanging around in certain places or if you like turning up early for the coming season. This could be more likely as several are turning up on the general ground fishing. This should be a good sign and with conditions as they have been the codling could well turn up early this season with any luck. With a bit of settled weather the water went clear last week which resulted in a fair spread of mackerel showing. Ive no doubt the wind over the past few days will have broken them up and ruined water clarity but hopefully if we get another settled spell they will get back on the feed over the coming weeks.
    For more information, weekly reports and available dates please visit or call 07956411528

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    Sat 08/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp
    offshore trip
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    Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 08/03/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 15/03/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp
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    Sat 22/03/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 05/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 19/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 03/05/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 10/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp
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    Sat 17/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp
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  • 29/07/2015 Fishing Report by Colin De Block on Lead Us (Lowestoft, Suffolk)

    29 Jul 2015 by Colin De Block

    Report on-board Lead Us

    Out of Lowestoft on Lead Us 28th & 29th July 2015
    Covering two days fishing in very windy conditions but still some excellent fish caught . total for the two days was 24 smoothounds between 5lb & 8lb with a few whiting and spotties thrown in for good measure

    To book a trip on Lead Us or for more info call 07803270798

    Thanks Colin

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    Sat 08/02/2025 6 Spaces 8 Hours £60.00pp
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  • 29/07/2015 Fishing Report by brian poppy on Cleveland Princess (Lowestoft, Suffolk)

    29 Jul 2015 by brian poppy

    Report on-board Cleveland Princess

    With unsettled conditions it was an inside trip for the party started on the S/Holm had a few decent sized Hounds but as the tide started to make and wind against a move was on the cards so ran back inside to a mark that i use when its to rough outside and it didnt let us down i was sure the Cod had moved off but we had 2 nice fish plus 2 good sized Rooker and plenty of Whiting and Hounds,well done Jamie/Thad/Martin/Yan/David see you all again soon,BP.

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  • 29/07/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    29 Jul 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Just a quick up-date, the big hounds have arrived in one of our not so distant marks, within about 35 mins from port... (well it is around 35 mins on the Vanishing Point-2). a little longer on other vessels, but the action is really good at the moment....!!!

    After some of our female anglers asking the question if we could run one day a week just as a ladies day..!!
    I did say yes, but sadly virtually none of you have called????? so on that basis I would have to say unless we get some interest soon we will take that option off the menu....

    Well dads...!!!! as its school holiday time, why not bring your children out fishing, if they are over 10 years, and well behaved, they would be welcome..

    Tight lines.......!!

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  • 28/07/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    28 Jul 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    We have just been told, that one of our dearest and long time fisherman "Jack" of the (Mick & Jack dynamic duo) team from Wickford, has very sadly passed away yesterday 27/7/15
    Jack has fished with us for as long as I can remember, with his dearest friend Mick, it just will not seem the same without this lovely , English Gentleman.....
    Good night our dear friend, sleep well, and we will surly here you whistling in the rigging when the wind blows..!!! R.I.P...
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  • 26/07/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    26 Jul 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    We have been out just about every day this past week.
    Fishing has been consistent, with lots of hounds showing in good numbers in the right places.
    We had some good Bass fishing on Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st, and Wednesday 22nd, then the tides were getting a tad on the small side, so we concentrated on the Smoothounds and everyone had great fun tussling with them..!!.
    By the time we got to Friday, the Thornbacks started showing up once again on the off-shore marks, so we have been doing a split day, half on Thornbacks, and the other half on Hounds, makes for an interesting day, then over the slack water we had a drift for the elusive Mackerel..!!! and we did find about a dozen, now the water is going that nice emerald green colour, but still not there in the usual numbers they should be by now, but hey ho, with this inclement weather we have been having I don't think the fish know weather they are coming or going???? I know I don'
    Saturday was blown out to weather, probably could have gone but it is no fun fishing in high winds and driving rain..!!!.
    Sunday 26th was a bit lonely out there, seemed we were the only boat to venture off-shore, but to be honest, it wasn't to bad to start with, fairly light winds, and that was wind and tide virtually together, so by the time we got off-shore and anchored up we sat there just lovely, but due to the weather over the last couple of days, the lovely emerald green water we were enjoying out there over night turned very dark brown and murky ...!! so the first mark we stopped at where just 24 hours before we had some great Roker action didn't even throw up a bit..!! so we didn't wast too much time there, after 40 mins that was enough, knowing we only had the ebb tide to fish, due to the wind freshening up all the time, the flood tide was never going to be an option to fish..!!
    So with that in mind, we moved into deep water, and re-rigged for hound fishing, and the boys did very well with hounds, up to 12, 14, 15, and 16 lbs and many more smaller ones, at one time they didn't know weather to take their fish, or scoff the lovely sausage rolls Nicola had just grilled for them.... decisions, decisions..!! lol.
    So by the time we got to 1300, it was time to turn on the TV and tune in to the Grand Prix, and with the amazing surround sound system we have on VP-2 it sounded like the Ferraris, and F1- racing cars were coming from all around us...!!! so with all the guys seated in the wheelhouse in the warm, we start the journey back to Bradwell with a very happy bunch of anglers, who immediately booked their next trip with me and Nicola before they left the boat, saying they have fished before on other charter boats, but never have they seen such a boat as the Vanishing Point-2, they said ...
    "it was just mind blowing" not my words.... there's .
    So with the weather still unsettled, we are having a few days off to catch up with life, and see family, then Wednesday if the weather is ok we will be going to look for Tope, and big Bass well off-shore, so I will let you all know how we get on later in the week..... until then......... Tight lines...!!!

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  • 26/07/2015 Fishing Report by Phil White on Chinook 3 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    26 Jul 2015 by Phil White

    Report on-board Chinook 3

    After a quiet couple of weeks the fishing has picked up well this week with increasing numbers of most species. We have also seen a few mackerel for the first time and the fishing always improves when they show up.

    There have been some big smoothies showing up in the shallow water, best reported at over 18 lb last week and plenty of double figure fish, most of these fish are taking hermit or peeler crab as well as ragworm. All should be returned alive as they have young inside.

    There are a few more bass showing up with best on my boat at 7 lb on Friday. This fish was a personal best for Romford angler Paul Darcy and fell for a rag and squid cocktail.

    There are a lot more thornbacks around this week with a good showing of 3-6 lb fish in most of the offshore areas, these fish will probably be around all summer now, best baits are fish, squid and ragworm.

    Inshore has been hard with most of the fish moving well offshore, however as we get into late summer the thornbacks and first whiting will start to show up again and the piers and shore marks will start to produce again.

    Prospects are excellent, there are reports of more big smoothies showing along with thornbacks and bass, if the water stays clear offshore there should be mackerel to be had.

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  • 26/07/2015 Fishing Report by jon old on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)

    26 Jul 2015 by jon old

    Report on-board High Flyer 2

    Just to bring us up to date on local fishing in truth hasnt been the easist season so far, apart from the smoothounds which fortunately has kept us busy with some brilliant rod bending action for everyone the weather has really stuffed plans this year.Even though we have been able to get out the wind hasnt allowed us to get where we want to go! For us the skate have been patchy so far compared to last year but seen this before which generally gives us a run of fish end of summer hopefully. Been averaging few bass a trip new laws hopefully should improve the sport especially if the netting issue is addressed as promised by IFCA and 42cm rule has to help. For us the mackerel starting to show up further off in the clear water small at the moment but thats normal, Millions of sandeels again same as last year nice to see more gurnards on the feathers this year. Tope have been fantastic for North Norfolk seemed to have moved off a bit now, hopefully few this way ,will be looking at fishing for them soon as this wind eases for us. Have put the leaflet up on picture , FREE copy to anyone who wants one just email name and address will send through to you have reprinted another batch as Sea Angler ads wiped us out. Having had such a good codling season last year on this coast weekend bookings are already being taken for the winter so dont leave it too late if you have a trip your planning on any of our local Norfolk/Suffolk boats.So after having lost both days this weekend apoligies to the lads we had to cancel cant beat the weather never will, looking forward to few mackerel now hopefully tope on the banks few biggies among them and bit of wrecking thrown in and a suntan!! Until then tight lines everyone. Jon. (High Flyer)

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    Sun 02/02/2025
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