Latest Fishing Reports: East
Fishing Report by Mark Peters
on DAWN TIDE II (Wallasea Island, Essex)
Dec 2016 by Mark Peters
Report on-board DAWN TIDE II
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all my customers much appreciate the many that return month after month through the hard and good times made some good friends ! I hope 2017 be very fishfull for you all
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DAWN TIDE II has got some big plans ahead and many PBs to be smashed !! See you all
Very soon -
Fishing Report by TERRY BATT
on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)
19 Dec 2016 by TERRY BATT
Report on-board Vanishing Point-2
It would seem I have made been given the wrong info of the Big Bass landed over the Eastbourne..
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It was not the Charter vessel called Deep Blue out of Eastbourne ... it was a commercial vessel with apparently the same name..??
But after a colourful chat with the skipper of the commercial vessel that was responsible for the catch it seems it was me that got the wrong end if the stick... so to that end I do publically apologise you him and if because of what I wrote has caused him any unjustified criticism I am sorry.
But I just wondered why anyone would post this on social media..??? -
Fishing Report by TERRY BATT
on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)
19 Dec 2016 by TERRY BATT
Report on-board Vanishing Point-2
Well with not a lot to report over the last couple weeks even the Thornback Rays seem to have done a disappearing act...!!
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But I know these are not our beloved Cod, but the Dab has made a welcome return to the river Backwater in large numbers.
It is only 6 or 7 minutes away from our marina, and as the tide backs off the Whiting subside from biblical numbers to sensible amounts and give way for the Dabs to come on and give some excellent sport , and to be fair, love em or not, they are a nice size of fish and on light tackle are good sport, and without them in the absence of Cod, they are a most welcome sight.....!
I took a gamble yesterday and went to a place I have never had the courage to take a charter party too, as it was unknown to me as a fishing mark, but taking into consideration the water temperature, the type of sea bed I was targeting, and the fact they have disappeared for all of the known marks, it was a huge step into the unknown.
But..... after an hour of fishing for Thornback Rays once again, we had landed 5 lovely Thornback Rays, putting a real bend back into the rods, something we have not seen for several weeks, and two were tipping the scales at nearly 10 lbs so I think I may have un-locked the secret of where these fish go when they just seem to disappear off of the radar, but I will only go there as and when necessary when fishing is pants everywhere else, I will not rip the ass out of this mark just because I can, and a lot of our fish are returned to spawn, and give great sport another day...!!!
I must say I saw a report on fb the other day from Eastbourne about a boat that had caught and landed a fantastic catch of big, big Bass.... several at 16 lbs, 15 lbs. 14 lbs, and many doubles and while I congratulate the skipper of the charter boat (I think it was called Deep Blue) but cant be sure, I am appalled that this skipper not only allowed the party to kill these superb mature breeding fish, but wants to gloat about it.....!!!! has the world gone completely bloody mad, not only was it quite possibly illegal, but reasonable skippers should be promoting catch and release like they do in America, not only do the have a minimum size fish limit, they also have an upper size limit so anglers do NOT destroy their prime breeding stock, so you cant wonder why they have fish coming out of their ears...!! it's called responsible fish management... something this counties fishing guardians, ie: Skippers of fishing boats, commercial and pleasure, our fisheries ministers, licencing authorities seem to have forgotten ...
Sorry to get on my soap box, but I know after 30 years of being a very successful professional charter boat skipper, and have seen the good times as well as the bad, we need to look after our fish, and if you put reports up of wholesale slaughter of a days fishing all you are going to do is feed even more information to various regulation authorities that want to shut us down wherever possible , and all you do is give these people who never go out and do some real research just have scientist to come up with wild uneducated guesses, a cricket bat to beat us with...
Well lets hope the Cod arrive soon in good numbers, they are not to far away so I am told by the commercial boys there are some in our local waters but high in the water feeding ferociously on Herring, which they can see in daylight hours, with bright daylight above them, and they see a big dark mass moving and get on them so the chances of catching Cod in the daylight hours are much reduced, so tonight we have a party that want to try a night trip, from 1700 hrs until 0200 hrs and see if we can get one or two when the Cod cant see the Herring shoals under the cover of darkness, and start feeding by sent trail again.....!!!
Tight lines and merry Christmas, and a big thank you to all our loyal customers who not only fish with us, but Clay pigeon shoot from the Vanishing Point-2 and have won many TROPHIES AND MEDALS ..!!!!
Here is to a great 2017....!!!!! -
Fishing Report by Scott Belbin
on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)
Dec 2016 by Scott Belbin
Report on-board Galloper
Yet again its been a while since my last report but as I’m sure many of you would have gathered by now there hasn’t been loads for us to shout about this cod season. Disregarding the cod (of which I have only seen 3 aboard my boat since September) there have been lots of fish about to keep the rod tips going. There have been vast numbers of hungry whiting about all autumn, many are the usual small fish but there have been a few better ones mixed in at times. Last week we had one at 44cms long which is quite big by our standards. There were good numbers of dogfish and thorn-back rays both in the blackwater estuary and further afield although most of these have dried up with the drop in water temperature of the last few weeks. At the moment our latest blessing has come in the form of the humble dab. After a drought for the last 10 years or so they have flooded back into the estuary over the last couple of weeks in higher numbers then ever. They make a nice change from whiting and the bigger ones can be good eating. We can only hope they hang around for the next few weeks to keep us occupied . I have plenty of space over the Christmas period if you fancy getting out as well as one or two offshore trips planned before hand. For more information, available dates and weekly updates please visit or phone 07956411528
Sat 08/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp offshore tripView details Sat 22/02/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 08/03/2025 3 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 15/03/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 22/03/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 05/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 19/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 03/05/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp View details Sat 10/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details Sat 17/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp View details -
Fishing Report by Phil White
on Chinook 3 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)
12 Dec 2016 by Phil White
Report on-board Chinook 3
Great sport over the last week with lots of dabs, these lovely little flatfish have turned up in big numbers in our Estuary giving our anglers excellent sport on light tackle.
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Fishing Report by brian poppy
on Cleveland Princess (Lowestoft, Suffolk)
5 Dec 2016 by brian poppy
Report on-board Cleveland Princess
Still plenty of good sized Whiting and they are roed up now, Saturdays Boys had over 100 fish with some 38cms amongst them as the conditions were not the best we fished off the bank in Corton roads they were coming thick and fast right through the tide well done Andy look forward to seeing you all on the 30th lets hope the conditions are good enough to get to some of our better marks and thanks for the Lug that you left me,we went on Monday as it was flat calm i ran out to one of favorate marks on the xxxxx we can only get there when we get a good forecast this mark has prodused some lovely Cod and it didnt let us down today with some decent Whiting coming in from the start we thought it would be all we were going to get a few Spottys were nicking the bait as well,i was in the gally makeing a cupper when Paul shouted out that i had got a slack liner and it was he had allready picked the rod up for me and started catching the fish up when i took over it was giving a good acount of its self in the 3 knot tide as i got it nearer the boat it was staying deep as well so we new it was a decent fish we finally got it in the net and on the scales 9lb on the nose and in very good condition and when gutted there was nothing in its gut if these fish are now on the way in they will be hungry so dont miss the chance of a PB big baits get plenty of scent in the water,BP.
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Fishing Report by Phil White
on Chinook 3 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)
5 Dec 2016 by Phil White
Report on-board Chinook 3
Dabbling with dabs
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Whilst we all wait for the cod to arrive another species has turned up in abundance, that is the humble dab.
These sweet tasty little flatfish are giving our anglers great sport on light tackle and are close in which gives our anglers security of a day out and longer fishing times.
Best rigs are a two or three hook flowing trace with a small size 1 hook, best baits are fish strips, squid and worm, best tides are neap tides fishing over the slack water as they don’t like too much tide run.
There are still plenty of whiting with lots of fish getting on for nearly a 1lb; best baits are squid, worm and mackerel.
A lot of the thornbacks have moved offshore but quite often come back inshore in the new year depending on water temperature, we are still catching a few but numbers are down.
There are odd cod around with more reports of fish turning up on the Suffolk coast but it is still quiet in the Thames Estuary with only odd smaller fish showing.
Offshore has been quiet with a few Thornbacks, whiting and dogfish, we did have a bass this week but that was very much an odd fish as most have moved south by now.
Prospects very much depend on when the cod show up as things can change quickly in the winter so keep checking the reports and forums.
The picture shows Jim with three nice dabs caught on Stuart Belbin's boat Razorbill, we had nearly 90 dabs between both boats on sunday.
Fishing Report by Trevor Crawley
on Girl Mandy (Southend-On-Sea, Essex)
3 Dec 2016 by Trevor Crawley
Report on-board Girl Mandy
What can i say fishing has taken yet another downturn in the
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last week where once we were filling bags with good whiting and a few skate plus dabs dogs and pouts also bass but only small ones. Up to our trip today we are still getting large numbers of whiting but the quality has gone down average of 15 to 20 keepers per rod and no skate or dogs so looks like the easterlies the week before and this weekend have taken the fish back out. Hopefully weather pattern this week is a sw to wsw and things will settle down but as for the cod nobody seems to know our rods are in and hooks baited they just need to ring the bell and things will get going but it may well be next year if at all and my fingers and a lot of other skippers are crossed but we are not holding our breath till our next report good luck and tight lines -
Fishing Report by Ray Martin
on PLAN B (Southend-On-Sea, Essex)
2 Dec 2016 by Ray Martin
Report on-board PLAN B
Fishing remains frustrating with the expected autumn run of cod pretty much non existent.
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However good bags of whiting with the odd skate and dogfish are still about.
Taking bookings for the spring / summer '17 now
Plus vouchers available for xmas pressies.
All bait and tackle included in price -
Fishing Report by John Dickens
on Lisa Jane (Canvey Island, Essex)
1 Dec 2016 by John Dickens
Report on-board Lisa Jane
Been out a few times this last week and been getting over 150 each day some small other nice size some nice dabs few doggies and on Thursday 6 bass also a few small pouts weather been cold but ok still no cod and the skate seam to have gone .
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