Latest Fishing Reports: East

  • 22/10/2016 Fishing Report by stuart belbin on Razorbill 3 (West Mersea, Essex)

    22 Oct 2016 by stuart belbin

    Report on-board Razorbill 3

    last week myself and my son scott (on the Galloper)were lucky enough to be joined again by the England boat team for a squad weekend. The weather was far better than last year which was a bonus. We were able to get out of the estuary both days and fish a mark an hour or so out. Both boats had 9 anglers on board. They were fishing two sessions each day with a short break to change positions around the boat half way through. as there was a bit of organising each morning and a debrief each afternoon there wasn’t an awful lot of time left for fishing. Thankfully there was still enough time as there are plenty of fish about to keep the rods bending. On the first day the lads to fish 5 hours over all and the second day just 4 hours over all. This didn’t stop us getting some good numbers of fish in a short space of time. The lads had loads of treble shots of whiting and dogfish as well as good numbers of roker (thorn-back rays) they even had several double shots of these. By the end of the first day the lads had managed 60 roker between the 9 rods on my boat alone. Not to mention all of the whiting, dogfish, dabs and even a stray eel. The second day didn’t disappoint either with good numbers of roker again. this time 40 in 4 hours fishing which the lads were pleased with again. the roker weren’t a huge stamp but big enough to count on the size limit the lads had set. They all seemed pleased with smiles all around as they left and yet again were a pleasure to take out.
    The fishing in general has been good locally and the settled weather helps. The stamp of roker has started to get a bit better over the past week or so and there is the odd codling showing too. Ive got a bit of availability left this year for individuals and boat bookings and im also taking bookings for next year. Please call for more information on 07850234077

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  • 11/2016 Fishing Report by Mark Peters on DAWN TIDE II (Wallasea Island, Essex)

    Nov 2016 by Mark Peters

    Report on-board DAWN TIDE II


    The cod are moving in slowly now fingers crossed when the water temp drops we will start seeing more comming out we have had a few recently so its a good sign !!! plenty skate action around aswell whiting and dog fish too i wont go on too much but most crouch charters have been getting cod recently on our home grounds Making the river crouch yet again a prime location to fish from book up and see for your self !!!!

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  • 02/11/2016 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    2 Nov 2016 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Had a nice day out yesterday with some good mates... John Rawle, Bob Cox, Nigel Farage and
    Ray Finch UKIP MEP..

    John took the helm and steamed us Eastward roughly 14 miles, and put us right over the fish, we had Thornbacks coming to the boat quite rapidly, and both John and Nigel got a double hook up and landed fish at the same time.. ( Nigel's was bigger) and Ray Finch hit back with a lovey Thornback Ray, not to be out done, (as John has been tacking the Pea out of me lately) I caught the biggest fish of the day..! a nice double figure Ray.. but with Nicola cooking up a storm on the grill, bacon, sausages, burgers, and a bit of clay shooting over the slack water.

    Sadly no Cod yesterday, Bob Cox a true hardened angler, toughed it out with Whiting live baits, and was not deterred... sadly, although one of his live baits got hammered and disappeared, he didn't manage to nab a fish on the live baits... but you have to admire his resolve..

    The flood was very good for fish, loads of Whiting some good ones amongst them..!! and a good 20 odd Thornbacks to 10 lbs, doggies ect.

    The ebb was a bit of a struggle as the wind went more to the East, then the rain started and I think we were losing the will to

    But as Nigel had to be back in London for various appointment's so we decided to up anchor and head back to Bradwell for 16.30.....

    But Nigel has vowed to return for Codxit to get those Cod out of the water..he he he ..!!!

    Ok.... tight lines every one

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  • 30/10/2016 Fishing Report by jon old on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)

    30 Oct 2016 by jon old

    Report on-board High Flyer 2

    This report covers Sunday 30th October 2016 , on big tides flat calm sunny weather unbelievable for this time of year was fishing in a T shirt all day. water temp at 11 degrees according to sounder . Well we had a very busy day basically fish kind of non stop no matter where we went as tried out on the 3 miler, the mud bank, rocks and lastly right inshore all plagued with whiting of all sizes. Few flatties and spotty dogs mixed in but no skate or codling for us still need some cold weather to start in my belief for the codling to show properly hopefully not too long now. Big thanks to all the lads few pics here of the keepers, appreciate the lads from Boston driving over bit of a distance much appreciated to Maurice for organising. Locals Arek and Matt and the two Andys good to see you all especially the first timers on High Flyer and regular Dave Jones was a busy day great weather pleasure to be out. Dont forget to think about winter bookings not long now till xmas weekend places going fast website up to date daily. Until then tight lines everyone.
    Cheers Jon (High Flyer)

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  • 31/10/2016 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    31 Oct 2016 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    This photo is of a guy called Glen Curtis..
    He booked my boat the Vanishing Point-2 up several times, had good Cod trip, Roker, and fantastic Smoothound trip on the 13th July 2016, his last trip with me, from memory they boated over 65 big hounds really good day..

    He then booked with Nicola a trip on October 23rd Sunday...!! before leaving the boat in July.

    Nicola called him 3 weeks before the trip, just making sure everything was alright for the forthcoming trip..?
    yes he said looking forward to it...

    Then, having not heard from him by 6.45 pm Saturday 22nd (the evening before his trip) I tried to contact him and the phone just went to voicemail, so I left a message saying to be on the boat for 0700 hrs in the morning, as me and Nicola were going out for the evening.

    But on returning home still no answer from Glen Curtis so got the distinct feeling he was not going to show up.

    I left more text messages asking him to at least text me to say he was not coming so at least me and Nicky didn't have to get up at silly o'clock in the morning to wait for a charter party that was never going to turn up..!!!

    But needless to say we got no call or message, so we had to professional and turn up anyway..!! but as predicted Glen Curtis and his party did not show up, so we just had to go back home.

    The really annoying thing is..., we had no more weekend dates left in our diary, and we could... if we had know, sold that Sunday 23rd October trip 10 times over, in fact the guys who had the next day booked with us, Monday 24th October were desperate for a weekend date as they flew in from the Arab Emirates for their trip, and was choked that they could have had the day before..... Sunday 23rd was flat calm, Monday 24th was blowing 24 mph dead Easterly and was fairly rough.....

    So if a guy call..... GLEN CURTIS rings you up to make a booking on your boat be prepared to be let down, the man has no morals, and is in my opinion, lower that a snakes belly.....

    Just to be clear Glen Curtis on this point........ YOU ARE BARRED FROM OUR BOAT...!!!!

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  • 31/10/2016 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    31 Oct 2016 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Well what a lovely weekend...!! flat calm water, not a wind turbine turning, Sun shinning, and fish biting ..! utopia ..!!!!!!

    We had some good sport with Thornback Rays, dogs, plenty of Whiting, and odds n sods.

    The Codling are just starting to show off of the Essex coast with a few having been caught locally.

    I would think looking at the weather for this coming week, the unusually high temperatures we have been experiencing lately looks like to be coming to an end, which should allow the water temperature to fall below 12 degrees, and coupled with the spring tides will hope fully flush in the long awaited Cod run.

    There is still some good Bass fishing to be had off-shore if you have the right tide and conditions.

    Last week, just when you thought we couldn't make our $1 million vessel Vanishing Point-2 any better, we decided to have a hot air hand drying machine installed in the toilet (Heads) as we have not liked for a while hand towels for drying ones hands, and it was you ladies that brought this to our attention, that you were not keen using cotton hand towels, and people (mostly guys) have been handling bait and stuff and some actually used to wipe their hands on the towel before going to the toilet, so we agreed we had to address this problem, so as I say the new hand drying machine is now fully installed and working... and going down a treat with all our customers... especially the ladies.....

    But.... now we have used this for a week, I said to Nicola my wife and second in command on VP-2, I think this will prove so popular in the colder months of winter, that anglers will be disappearing to the toilet just to warm their cold hands...!!!! so we are looking at putting a second hand drying machine just inside the wheel-house so you can dry and warm up cold wet hands after baiting up....... I know we are just too kind to you anglers, but with a vessel of this quality and vast expense, we think you deserve to get what your paying for.... Tight lines.

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  • 10/2016 Fishing Report by Terry Bolingbroke on Gloria B11 (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    Oct 2016 by Terry Bolingbroke

    Report on-board Gloria B11

    To all those fishermen out there the weather is changing and hopefully the cod will be in soon so book now to save missing out

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  • 24/10/2016 Fishing Report by Phil White on Chinook 3 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    24 Oct 2016 by Phil White

    Report on-board Chinook 3


    Well good news, the first cod are starting to show up, most have been reported along the North Essex coastline, the best so far was a cracking fish of 12 lb caught on the Walton charter boat Misty Lady on Saturday, these early fish will soon be joined by more as these big spring tides take off and by next weekend I would expect to see quite a few more, best baits are squid and lug.

    There are a lot more Thornbacks showing up in all areas with one charter boat reporting over 60 on Saturday, a lot of these fish are small which is a good sign for the future.
    The piers and Estuaries have been fishing well with small codling, good whiting and Thornbacks all showing up.
    There are more better whiting showing with several fish around 1 lb reported, best baits for these lovely little fish are lug and mackerel strip.

    There are still only odd better fish further off, however there should be more showing soon as we get into November and the sea temperature drops. Best reported at 18lb although this cant be verified.
    There are lots of small thornbacks everywhere and plenty of bigger ones too, a few dogfish and whiting.

    Prospects are excellent, there should be more cod showing up in the next few weeks with the real prospect of some bigger fish coming in.

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  • 17/10/2016 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    17 Oct 2016 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    It's official now ... the last weekend date has now gone for this year.. December 24th yep Christmas eve... the guy are flying in from the The United Emirates, they come about 4 times a year and in their quest to get some Cod they have taken the only weekend date we had.... (Saves me doing last minute Christmas shopping)
    Well just need the water temp to drop now, and looking ahead the weather seems to be getting colder from Thursday onward, N-NE for Friday if we get a week of Northerly winds that should take down the water temperature down to where it need to be, then perhaps we will see some Cod.
    I know the odd one has come out, but it's a bit like fools gold, we have had Codling right through the summer once you clear the inshore marks, they are just there not lots, but we had almost one per trip in July while chasing the big Smoohounds, every now and then a Codling would scoff your hermit crab.
    When the Cod do turn up and I don't think it will be long, I would think there wont be lots of those hoppers but a better stamp of fish, hopefully around the 8- 13lbs mark ...!! we can only hope.
    Most of our Cod last year ended up North of the Hummber, and from there up to Peter-head they had so many Cod it was the best Cod fishing they had, had for years, so all we can hope is these fish migrate back down South and give us some good sport...
    We do have some mid-week dates available, so once the Cod start to show up we will let you all know and if you fancy a crack at them we would love to take you, but I think honestly we are looking at least another 2 weeks before, if we are lucky we will start fishing in earnest for these lovely rod bending fish,
    Photo from this time last year Alan Tarrent.....
    Tight Lines guys....

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  • 16/10/2016 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    16 Oct 2016 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Yesterday started out flat as a witches, with the lack of Cod at the moment we have to fish for what we can catch..! Love em or hate em, ( I personally love them) it was on the hunt for
    Thornback Rays,.
    But you can still make it very interesting by seeking out the big Rays…. In that I mean we knew in shore on various marks, the other boats were getting more Thornbacks than we were, but most fish were small, around 2 to 3 lbs, but my lads would rather fish for not so many fish, but better quality and that’s when it gets interesting..!! instead of taking the easy option of dropping on a shed load of small fish, we went to a mark where we know the larger fish go when they start to come in for the winter, (Knowledge is power) .
    We had a fairly slow start with only a few dogs to start, then Steve got a nice Ray of 8.5 lbs then another at 9.lbs, but still slow going.
    We could hear the others inshore getting more fish, but with many under size, but their parties were having a great time catching fish..!!
    So after a bit of head scratching taking into consideration the tide flow, we pulled the anchor and trotted 1.3/4 miles West onto a soft mud patch, and in no time we were pulling Thornback's to the boat into double figures .
    Once the tide reached high water at 12.15, and with the wind picking up from the South we decided to move behind a sand bank, although completely covered by the high tide it still gave a bit of shelter from the beam on swell, even on a big Catamaran like Vanishing Point-2 it was a tad uncomfortable, but well fishable, but once the ebb tie got away we started getting more good size Thornback’s until it was time to go around 2.45pm, then a slow ride back to Bradwell, so the lads could deal with the fish they kept…
    A good day all round, I did speak to Chris Mole on the West Mersea based charter boat Enterprise, who like me was taking the harder option of targeting the larger fish, on the ebb he was a few miles West of my position and had located Bass, so well done to Chris always a great adversary to fish with.
    We did not go out today (Sunday 16th Oct) as the wind was forecast to be worse and going South-easterly so given how rolly it was yesterday I think that fishing should be enjoyed, not endured…!!
    Photo inset is a new comer, and lovely guy Bill with his Trophy winning fish.... Well done mate, see you on the next trip.
    Tight lines and hot guns..!!!

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