Latest Fishing Reports: Essex

  • 22/12/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    22 Dec 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Merry Christmas to everyone who follows Terry Batt Fishing
    From Terry & Nicola, and to thank all of you for your continued support... looking forward to 2016...!!! Tight Lines..!!!

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  • 17/12/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    17 Dec 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Fishing is tough but perseverance does bring results as our guys have been showing over the last couple of weeks..!!

    Vanishing Point is available this Saturday 19th Dec due to a cancellation, but as there is a £100.00 deposit rolling on this trip we are offering this to anyone who would like to take over the booking, so instead of £450.00 for the day hire, it is just £350.00 for the day... early Christmas

    If you are interested call me on .... 07768 30 66 46.

    Tight lines...!!

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  • 16/12/2015 Fishing Report by Ray Martin on PLAN B (Southend-On-Sea, Essex)

    16 Dec 2015 by Ray Martin

    Report on-board PLAN B

    Fishing remains much the same when the weather lets us get out.
    Still plenty of skate around and a few codling - the whiting numbers have dropped so hopefully if the weather is kind should see a lot more cod
    I have some weekends free in the new year - before the boat comes out for its annual service and repaint.

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  • 11/2015 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    Nov 2015 by Scott Belbin

    Report on-board Galloper

    Sorry my November report is a little late but although we may not have been quite as busy afloat the last few weeks due to the weather I have still been rushed off my feet on the shore in between our trips. As you may have gathered the cod fishing has slowed down a bit inshore and the weather hasn’t allowed us to get offshore much lately either. This hasn’t stopped us getting out though and as usual the blackwater estuary has kept us busy and provided plenty of shelter along with a good days fishing. Personally I like the mild weather, it usually helps most of our fish hang around a bit and at the moment its keeping the dogfish and thorn-backs around in good numbers. I think as is often the case there will be several factors in the cod catches dropping off. I think the main one will be the large numbers of bait fish that have arrived. There’s certainly lots of herring there and maybe one of two sprats. On the last trip they looked well spread out and broken up but this is to be expected after the wind we’ve had over the last few weeks. as I mentioned this hasn’t stopped us getting out even in some of the worst winds. One note able weekend was when we were joined by the lads from the England boat team. The weekend had been organised by Rolf it and being fairly local himself was keen to show off the sheltered fishing we had on offer. This weekend turned out to be perfect for us as we wouldn’t have got anywhere else but the estuary. The lads had been split up in to two teams, on day 1 one would team fish on my boat and the other on dads on day 2 half of each team would swap boats. Day one was wet and windy but we got to where we wanted to fish and had lots of fish aboard the boats. With the points system the lads were using numbers was the key and we weren’t disappointed with plenty of treble shots of whiting, dogfish codling and the odd ray. Day two was dry but very windy so we ended up seeking shelter even further up the blackwater. The whiting didn’t let us down and we saw several dogfish, a few dabs and thorn-backs along with a tub gurnard. As the tide got up there was no respite from the strong winds but the lads fished on and were rewarded with more treble shots of fish. after the weekend the feedback from the lads was good and I hope we did our area justice in some undesirable conditions. It was really interesting for myself and dad to see how the lads fished and we may have picked up some different methods along the way.
    Over the coming weeks I have a few spaces available on either offshore or general trips and I am obviously taking bookings for next year too. the numbers of cod may have dipped but they are still a good stamp and if we can find them the rays are filling the gap a bit. last trip we had 17 and 3 cod along with plenty of whiting and dogfish.
    For more information, weekly updates and available dates please visit or phone 07956411528 in the mean time have a good Christmas.

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    Sun 09/03/2025 8 Spaces
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    Sat 15/03/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp
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    Sat 22/03/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 05/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 19/04/2025 2 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Mon 21/04/2025 6 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp
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    Sat 03/05/2025 1 Space 12 Hours £100.00pp
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    Sat 10/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp
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    Sat 17/05/2025 9 Spaces 10 Hours £60.00pp
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    Sat 31/05/2025 5 Spaces 12 Hours £100.00pp
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  • 07/12/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    7 Dec 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    After what seems like forever, storm after storm...!!! it looks as if we may get out tomorrow??.
    Not sure what we are going to find, as we were out on Friday and it was blowing 36 mph SW conditions far from good, there was a few of us out there mostly Cats I must say, myself and John Rawle from our port Bradwell, and in the distance I could see a couple of white cats from the river Crouch I think, Hard Labour (Carl, or Shane,) at the helm, hope they did better than we did..??not sure who the other one was, I was too far away..
    At the time of writing this, BBC breakfast news and weather is on, and it don't look good from Wednesday onward, so I am not expecting to get many trips in this week again...Arrgh..!!
    I do sometimes get customers ask..." why are you cancelling? I thought you boat could handle the weather??"
    Well the short answer is... yes the boat can take the weather, as can we, and we have worked in seas up to 3 meters in the Irish sea, but I don't think you would be happy trying to fish in those conditions, so like all responsible skippers even those with big Catamarans vessels we only have your best interest at heart, and not seen as just trying to extract cash out of you what ever the weather..!!
    OK Guys n gals, that's it for now.if we do manage our trip tomorrow I will let you know how we got on..
    photo of target species... Tight lines..!!
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  • 12/2015 Fishing Report by Mark Peters on DAWN TIDE II (Wallasea Island, Essex)

    Dec 2015 by Mark Peters

    Report on-board DAWN TIDE II

    Well When we get out we are finding some nice fish to 10lb when the gaps in the winds let us
    For up to date fishing reports and and catch pictures see my web site
    as its updated daily the callender dates and last minute spaces will be updated regular for any thing else
    Call mark on 07523488290

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    Tue 04/03/2025 6 Spaces 11 Hours £100.00pp
    Offshore exploration.
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    Fri 07/03/2025 6 Spaces £85.00pp
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    Sat 08/03/2025 4 Spaces £85.00pp
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    Fri 14/03/2025 6 Spaces £85.00pp
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    Sat 15/03/2025 5 Spaces £85.00pp
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    Fri 21/03/2025 5 Spaces £85.00pp
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    Sat 22/03/2025 5 Spaces £85.00pp
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    Mon 24/03/2025 6 Spaces £85.00pp
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    Fri 28/03/2025 5 Spaces £85.00pp
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    Tue 01/04/2025 4 Spaces £85.00pp
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  • 20/11/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    20 Nov 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Went fishing yesterday, after what seems an eternity of cancelled trips..!!.
    But we set off at 0600 so we had the maximum of wind and tide together...!! (the boy is a genius) Emm!! may be not..!!
    We got down to one of our usual fishing marks off of Clacton, with all rods baited and cast in we waited... not long... dog fish, dog fish....ect ect Getting the idea..? then Whiting after whiting, but no Cod..!! we fished on boldly and tried every trick in the book, but to no avail, they were just having none of it.
    After 3 hour of much the same, we pulled the anchor and headed 2 miles west and tried our luck there, well after about 25 minutes one of our anglers finally got a Codling 3lbs then more dogs and Whiting, so we decided to move back to the mouth of the river Blackwater, where two weeks ago we had some decent skate, so I thought, well it's not what we came for, but Thorn backs are better than just Whiting, and doggies???
    We fished the mark for the first two hours of flood tide and boated 8 Thornback Rays, all but one went back..!! so after speaking to some of the other charter boats, one boat had 3 Codling, of which two were caught in the river, and one off of Clacton, and the other charter boat fishing off Clacton had no Codling, but fished up in the area where I was fishing and bagged a few Rays also.
    I am sure this is just a glitch caused by inclement weather and the fish shoals are just broken up, and after a few days of calmer weather they will come together again as they did before this big storm "Barney" hit our shores..
    Well we decided on the boat this morning not to go... so we had a nice cup of tea, and a chat with the boys who re-booked for the Christmas period.
    We are out tomorrow (Sunday) so lets hope the fishing improves then...!!! but until then ........ Tight Lines

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  • 11/2015 Fishing Report by LESTER BAKER on Seawatch1 (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    Nov 2015 by LESTER BAKER

    Report on-board Seawatch1

    October finished as it started and saw some nice catches of cod to seven pounds and Thornbacks to double figures,although most of my customers more interested in the codling.
    The 1st and 2nd of November were flat calm with dense fog (the sort of weather we used to enjoy at this time of year) and then it was back to normal with some unsettled weather and severe winds courtesy of the jet stream and our Caribbean friends Abigail and Kate.It seems a long while since we went fishing,but the couple of trips we managed last week saw the fishing still the same with some nice codling being caught averaging 20 fish per trip along with the normal Ray's,dogfish and hordes of whiting.
    Hopefully the weather will settle down and allow us to put a few trips together soon and start to clear the backlog of cancelled trips,2016 weekends looking busy already so don't leave your bookings to late or you may be disappointed.
    All the best Lester

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  • 12/11/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    12 Nov 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Not much fishing done this week due to the weather.

    But we are due to sail on Saturday, as we have quite a few Thornback Ray's in the river at the moment, and some reasonable Codling, along with quite a lot of Whiting and some very nice Dabs..!! nice to see them making a come back.

    So not much to report this week, but hopefully report back after Saturday's charter.. ... Tight lines..!!!

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  • 07/11/2015 Fishing Report by TERRY BATT on Vanishing Point-2 (Bradwell Marina, Essex)

    7 Nov 2015 by TERRY BATT

    Report on-board Vanishing Point-2

    Well yesterday (Saturday 7th Nov) was challenging to say the least...! when we left Bradwell at 0800 we had about 40 minutes of a dying if not dead 5.0 metre tide, so we took a slow ride down to the mouth of the river Blackwater, and breaking cover from the Dengie Peninsular,and started to feel the full force of the 26 mph Southerly wind that was relentless, but we dropped the anchor to see how we were going to lay, and of course we lay to wind, so not to bad,.....
    The boys started to fish, and to be honest it was quite comfortable and quite warm 18 degrees..!!, and within 10 minutes the first Thornback was netted.then another , then another..... once again it was like a spring Roker trip, I think our glob trotting Ron (Florida would have been proud. well after 3 hours of the ebb done and the Southerly wind had now picked up to a max of 47 mph we were beam on by now, and although a little roly, even on our big cat, wasn't too bad, but we had 6 decent Thornback Rays, some big Whiting, doggies, and some lovely Dabs, but no Cod, so we decided to up stumps and head back inside the river.

    Stuart Belbin on Razorbill out of West Mersea came down to where we were Roker fishing, and I told him on the radio we were getting some nice Skate, and he dropped in behind us, but he was only there for about 30 minutes, then he went back to join Scott his son on Galloper, in the river, but we were still catching so we stayed for a while longer, but for once the forecast was right..!! and the wind did pick up all the time until it maxed out to 47 mph on my wind monitor, so that's when we went back into the river, plenty of decent Whiting, and Doggies in the river, but not really what my party wanted, so we decided to knock it on the head and hour early and put an extra hour on their next trip on the 5th December, when hopefully the weather will be kinder to us and they can have their extra hours fishing caching Cod..!!!!

    Well not out today (Sunday 8th Dec) by choice, we are going to Norfolk to see my Daughter Michelle for a great show in the afternoon, and a massive fireworks display in the evening at Potters leisure where she works, then a lovely meal at the Black Rock restaurant, and probably stay over and return tomorrow.

    I have ... rightly or wrongly.... (i think rightly) cancelled Monday's trip looking at the weather, so we are putting it back to Thursday or Friday when the weather looks much better......!!

    Well that's it for now, hope you all have good fishing wherever you are fishing from today, and looks much better out there today so..... tight lines...!!

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