Latest Fishing Reports: Norfolk
Fishing Report by jon old
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
9 Aug 2014 by jon old
Report on-board High Flyer 2
Windy old day again whats new? Hands tied once again making us stay inshore we decided to try our winter spot down at good old Corton. Started a bit slow, few small smoothies came aboard, bit too slow for my liking decided to have a move slightly further off in the deeper water. The move paid off with a few small codling bit amazed to see this time of year, then to add insult to injury whiting decided to make a show!
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One lucky person pictured here caught a nice size lobster David Mingay most popular angler on the boat that day, to top it all Ian who caught another lobster few months ago was on too! How bizzare! Few more smoothies to finish the day off , moved up to the flatty ground on the ebb but very poor for them, just more small smoothies. Enjoyed the day despite the wind not allowing us out, everyone caught a few fish, thanks to all the lads and hope Dave enjoyed his posh meal!
all the best.
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by David Mingay
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
9 Aug 2014 by David Mingay
Report on-board High Flyer 2
Who needs fish when you can have lobster and very nice it was to. Another hard days fishing but as always Jon was happy making tea, handing out biscuits & chocy bars Oh yes and trying to find us some fish. Tight lines all.
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by jon old
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
7 Aug 2014 by jon old
Report on-board High Flyer 2
Today was first bit of relief from the wind for once, still looking for those scarce mackerel we decided to catch first slack so was all a hour early. First bank produced sandeels as expected ,few weavers thrown in, second bank the same more sandeels, third bank more sandeels!!! No mackerel at all again just not cricket! Passed over a inshore wreck very forgiving with little snags, bagged a few nice cod pictured here with John, biggest seven pound, returned several undersized and just over the limit, Headed out north to the Newarp and sat in a perfect position had great sport from here over the years apart from today . A few flatties was all to show for it , plus a half eaten whiting taken by what we presume would be a tope but stories of megladon sound better. Ended up the day coming inshore to catch handfull of smoothies on the inshore mark, wasnt the greatest of days but thousands of sandeels, few flatties, smoothies and too many weavers and few nice cod and it didnt rain what better way to spend the day. Many thanks to Carl for organising the trip, look forward to seeing you boys soon.
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Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by jon old
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
26 Jul 2014 by jon old
Report on-board High Flyer 2
Been a bit slack on the reports lately mainley due to the fact we have lost a number of trips with these strong North easterlys , trips we have managed have been mostly inshore due to the wind very testing this suppossed summer so far here on the east coast. Unfortunately the mackerel came in just before these winds last month and then totally dissapeared again now coming back thank god with tremendous amounts of sandeels most i ever seen i reckon. Lovely to store as bait some so huge you think mackerel are on the string. Smoothounds still hanging about decent sizes now, skate moved a bit further off i found and thank god the spotty dogs seemed to have followed! Looking forward to some more eveng trips with a bit of calm water, also as the mackerel return the tope too so will target them on the further banks weather allowing. Anyone interested in a offshore tope or bass trip let us know as exploring some new ground heading north normally puts about £25 extra on our normal trip price to cover fuel.Leaving you with a picture of the weather lately for you to enjoy. Hope to see you soon. Jon. High Flyer
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by jon old
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
6 Jul 2014 by jon old
Report on-board High Flyer 2
No wind forcast today didnt believe it for a second but still headed north as been bit slower than i would like it normally this time of year. Had some small people on today nice to see young anglers getting the bug so decided to keep boat in calm waters fishing inside on the 2 mile mark about 9 miles from port on the banks.First fish of the day pictured here was 9 year old Ryan helped by Tony with this nice 7lb smoothy as you can see both water logged from the constant rain on and off most of the day! Another young angler Joel which you can see on the catch photos had his first smoothound and few dabs well done mate. Was hard work the fishing today constant rain made it not great but all the lads peservered well i thought. Ended up with pesky whiting, few flatties for most people and handfull of hounds, only plus was light wind so calm sea! Big thanks to all the lads , happy birthday to Ian wont mention its the big 50! Hope to see you all at some time in the future and leave you with thanking my new relief skipper Craig for helping out!
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All the best. jon. High FlyerUPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD High Flyer 2
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by jon old
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
4 Jul 2014 by jon old
Report on-board High Flyer 2
Well today the wind hadnt dropped from yesterday getting fed up of our supposed summer but fortunately today my guests were hardened anglers cant call them proffessional as heads would swell but lets say they know what there doing! As we could get away with a couple of hours as wind with tide i headed out 4 miles to a bass bank armed with every bait known to man still a bit lumpy with white water but perfect for bass. Perfect for smoothounds more like but we wont mention the large one lost by someone called Keith as that would be rude! Was beaten by the weather so tail between legs back inshore was wierd fishing, a very large pouting like on a wreck came in 500 yards off the shore, followed by whiting, more pouting and a sizable codling! Havent a clue dont ask. Finished off with more smoothies the best one pictured here with first time on the Flyer Mick with a nice 10 pounder great fish. Nice to see fish being returned men great to have a bit of conservation minded anglers also appreciate helping to clean up the boat not often done. Pleasure to have you on board looking forward to next one.Big thanks to Derek for organising everyone.
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all the best. Jon. High Flyer,UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD High Flyer 2
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by jon old
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
3 Jul 2014 by jon old
Report on-board High Flyer 2
Today thursday 3rd July weather looking ok and forcast of little wind decided to head out a bit to start the day off with a bit of mackerel bashing. After 3/4 hour steam arrived at our usual bank to find it very hard work no mackerel only few sandeels! Moved around various banks still nothing only small gurnard and more sandeels.Wind started to pick up from nowhere typical so headed in off Winterton to keep everyone comfortable as getting lumpy and already one poor soul down! ended up with few smoothounds pictured here from the famous Canoe man Centre at Wroxham Broads our Kerry with a nice fish on squid cocktail a first timer on the Flyer. Wasnt a fantastic day fish wise small whiting again with flatties and handfull of hounds but thought we done ok with the weather conditions. Ended up the day being beaten by the weed and the waves against tide being too much, but enjoyable all the same, big thanks to Leroy for organising his group, Mark and Kerry from the Canoe Man Wroxham, and birthday boy Andy and Amanda was great to meet you all, look forward to fishing with you all again soon.
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All the best . Jon. High Flyer.UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD High Flyer 2
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by jon old
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
19 Jun 2014 by jon old
Report on-board High Flyer 2
Today forcast of light westerlys headed north in search of few mackerel hoping to find some clear water nded up on the east side if the Newarp Bank unfortunately water still murky after our 3 days of northerlys! Tried a few spots i use ended up with a handfull each plus sand eels and pesky weavers.Wasnt to be today with no sun either didnt help. Anchored up hoping for a tope or two gulls working our water seemed perfect until the wind picked up straight from the north again lumping up making things uncomfortable. Decided to head right back in off winterton where we sat reasonable ended up with couple of skate pictured here, lost another, few smoothounds and doggies came aboard. Handfull of dabs added to our collection and also few gurnard all returned but great to see. Not a bad day in all despite the weather, pleased to have few first timers on the Flyer, Buzz and James and also andy and Mick and regulars Shannon and john. Thanks alot lads much appreciated hope to see you all again soon.
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All the best. Jon. (High Flyer)UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD High Flyer 2
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by jon old
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
11 Jun 2014 by jon old
Report on-board High Flyer 2
Night Fishing Trip.
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Tonight left about 6pm to our bass mark that previously done well for us, armed with every bait known to man expected a good night with conditions near perfect. Water was running well as we time our evening trips around slack water so we get the best fishing up and down. Our first mark produced first bass to Martin around couple of pound,with few smoothies and still those whiting! Young Sam caught another pictured here first one for him ,well done mate. The mark was a bit slow for my liking so moved slightly inshore , produced another bass around 3and half pound again with more smoothies and flatties as the tide eased. Stayed there catching an abundance of smoothies till slack water then decided to move right inshore in the dark. Payed off with a nice little skate, female returned well done lads , also few spotty dogs , more whiting , ended up with over 40 smoothies only kept 2 so very pleased with the conservation minded anglers we have now days. Had a brilliant night lads such a pleasure to be out, flat calm, no wind , and fish coming in , what could be better?
Thanks to all the lads, and also chalkys pizza and kebabs!! Looking forward to the next one.
If you fancy a night session please ring or email, leave about 6pm home usually by midnight, we work around slack being about 9pm so you get the best fishing times, will be looking for soles soon feed at night only generally not caught often during the day. Hope to hear from you soon. Jon. High Flyer.UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD High Flyer 2
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details -
Fishing Report by mark crame
on High Flyer 2 (Great Yarmouth, Norfolk)
11 Jun 2014 by mark crame
Report on-board High Flyer 2
I’d spoken to Jon yesterday to see where he’d been getting the mackerel and updated him after our failure inshore, a short while later he called back to see if I fancied giving him a hand. He’s starting his evening trips again, £45 summer bassing trips on the banks off Yarmouth which were quite popular last year and produced some decent fish. He had a party on tonight and wanted to load up with fresh mackerel and Sandeel and an extra couple of rods would be handy. Well it suited me as I was indecisive about what to do otherwise and with my shifts starting that night an early start and a lunchtime finish would suit perfectly because I couldn't make the evening.
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05:15 and my alarm goes off…I’d woken up three times already, being excited! Coffee, a scotch egg and into the car for the short drive to Gorleston. Jon had the gate open and we loaded up, heading straight out to catch the last of the tide. His pet herring gull was fed first.
Both dropping down a twenty-hook commercial trace Jon was straight in with the first mackerel I’ve seen this year. Me? None. He had a couple more straight after and then they disappeared. We tried again with another drift but nothing.
We moved out to deeper, clearer water and dropped down another time. Nothing. Winding up I hit three near the top and Jon followed suit and then they were gone again; Saltwater Species 19 for me this year, 11 to go to hit target!
Further out, try again in 90ft…Jon again but not me, Same rigs, both working them the same, same weights…we had a second rod out each in mid water and nothing on those either. We were seeing marks going through that may have been mackies, may have been herring but nothing was feeding and it was coming up to slack. Conditions were spot on…we tried jigging over a couple of wrecks but still nothing. I stuck out a tope rod with a mackerel flapper on a 6/0…
Another drift and Jon had another mackerel and then the ratchet started to scream on the tope rod…I picked up the rod and could feel something nodding. I tightened up and still line was being peeled out. I didn’t overstretch the drag but was running down towards the backing, Jon came to grab the mackerel rod out of the way and then it went loose; my 50lb braid had parted. It was an area of rough ground and I think the 120z lead snagged in something as the braid is in good condition and I wasn’t giving it any stick as yet. I was gutted. Not so much at losing a good fish as knowing it would have a hook and some line in it for a couple of days.. At least it was only a 6/0 with a small barb and the lead was free-running so it would only be hook and a small bit of line until that was bitten through.
I tied up another trace as we carried on and while Jon found another string of mackerel I failed on them and got another run on the tope rod (my 10-20lb Nano rods with the LD15 lever drags which would be great sport). Again I felt a good banging on the end and the line was peeling off…and again the line scraped something and parted. Not at all pleased. Right, nothing else for it. That rod went away and I grabbed Jeff’s old sharking set-up – a whopping great Penn Senator with about a hundred miles of 50lb mono! I could land a submarine on that!!!
We moved away from the rough ground too; there may have been something good down there but it wasn’t worth risking the snags. We crossed a trough on the drift and headed into shallower water over the banks, down to 11ft in places, and Jon, using a shrimp rig, started to pick up some launce including the largest one I’ve ever seen…he managed to gather sufficient bait without my help :)
Me? Nothing. I just managed those three mackerel, totally outgunned again! And no, no more runs on the flapper. The tide started to run and things went quiet; we’d not loaded the boat but the bait was sorted for the evening trip – which I’ve heard went well with bass and smoothies – and as Jon steamed back to port I did the wash down and wound the traces onto their holders again (all skippers appreciate the help and it does make the ride pass quicker!) leaving everything ready for a session I’d spend the whole of my shift being envious of! Another brilliant day out on the Flyer, can't wait until next time! Glad I don’t have a proper job…UPCOMING INDIVIDUAL SPACES ONBOARD High Flyer 2
Sat 01/02/2025 View details Sun 02/02/2025 View details